Saddest flag ever?

Is it even possible for a nation to have a worse flag than Bosnia?
>Triangle because three entire separate ethnicities live in the nation
>Triangle because that's how Bosnia looks like on a fucking map
>Entire flag is centered around the fact that they've signed some fucking globalist treaty that made them part of the EU

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Atleast the leaf is pretty

France's flag kinda sucks

what the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch..


bosniak heraldry owns but you have to admit the flag is bad

bosnia isnt in the EU tho

The saddest flag is factually the flag of Nepal. They just *had* to use a special snowflake design and make it as stupid-looking as possible.

I totally admit that the flag is horrible.
But to be honest most flags of nation states are ugly AF.


>Countries that didn't even try

The old Libyan flag was this.

What did it look like after they added the CGI?

Australian States need to try harder

>>Entire flag is centered around the fact that they've signed some fucking globalist treaty that made them part of the EU

What? A burger with a German proxy?


Looks good to me. It's just the country that it's associated with it is bad.


Make Bosnia Bosnia again

Think South Carolines state flag is the saddest.
I mean, why choose the palm and half moon as symbols. The majority of the inhabitans are Christian, so why choose theese muslim/middle easten symbols. Truely ar cuck-state.

Give back Republic of Sprska then you can have new flag!

>Make Serbia great again

>part of the eu

the fact that bosnia exists as an independent country is retarded

>Give back Republic of Sprska
That degeneracy never existed. Those are our lands that you stole by ethnic cleansing.

>bosniak talking about ethnic cleansing

I don't remember what the moon is for, but I know they put the palm tree on there because they used them for cover against British cannons during the revolutionary war.

Go conquer it then, round 2 when?

We're not Ottomans you nigger lowlife.

From who did you recive Islam, aliens?

Nigger if you're a normal Bosnian then you're either serb or croat, otherwise you're a sand nigger

being muslim doesn't turn them into sandniggers. not ethnically anyway

You stupid fool, we can just cut the corridor at Brcko and you're fucking done for good. It would take a month to clean you up.

>Serbian education
No wonder you're all fucking dumb, and I'm talking neanderthal tier intelligence.

Bosnians were not Croats nor Serbs and never were. Bosnian Church didn't belong to any of those.

With what? You dont even have an army.

This guy
Hahaha Bosnian church hahah

That changes in a split second. Most of arms production and ammunition is on our side. And every Bosnian is armed to the teeth. We won't wait for you savages to catch us empty handed again, and also there is no more JNA that WE paid for and you could steal like last time.

But generations of women taking Muslim cock and race mixing does
Like what happened to serbs as well

>give back
>you never actually had it in the first place
What the fuck did you mean ?

Yeah, what's so funny? History is not the strong part of you savages unless it's a myth or sung out with gusle and rakija.

>moon automatically means Muslim

Bosnians that accepted Islam, or anyone that did was never a slave nor did mix, unless he wanted to. Serbians on the other hand...what do you think why they are so black today? :)

Having fun in Njemačka Miloš?

>And every Bosnian is armed to the teeth
yeah but are you organised?

It's the best

is this photo cropped or are there actually stars on the flag that are cut in half? people are the worst in germany

> "I'm not like the other flags, user."

pretty shit


>We're not Ottomans
No, you're worse. You're their cucks.

Check the last war, even though we had nothing that changed pretty quick. All the weapons and arms that we paid for and all the bases were plundered by serbs before the war started.

bosnian muslims are vermin

should be exterminated

canacaust coming soon!

watch your back canada!

that's how it is
>The stars, representing Europe, are meant to be infinite in number and thus they continue from top to bottom

Sure Miloš, the worst.


What's up Srđan?

These fuckers are so funny. Lily flower is is a Catholic symbol that they stole from the French and they made a muslim identity with that symbol. Bosniaks are not a real nation. They are eather Serbs or Croats. And the fact that there was a Bosnia in the Middle ages doesn't make them a separate nation. Those were feudal times before the creation of nation states.

>Flag of Bosniaks
kek kys

The crescent represents the silver gorget on South Carolina's Revolutionary War militia.

Euro cucks made flag for us. Same with kosovo. Notice anything? They are removing any trace of nationality in flags. Any vessal of eu state will change flag to this. Dont belive me? Wait until catalonia separates and see the flag they get.

>americans in charge of designing flags

triangle is also symbol of free masons and satanists

When did eurocucks make flag for Norway?

Well you commie cunts sure went a long way to make people belive in that

lol I hate the commies.

Let me introduce you to the masterpiece that are the county flags of Liberia


My favorite one. Notice how the canton is not even the same fucking size


and they are even flown in offices

There are even stamps made with them

>Bong County

Btfo fpbp

Are you that one croat diaspora-fag that allways makes anti serbia threads? Haven't seen you in a while.

>Kotromanic family
>Bosniak Heraldry

here's some real bosniak heraldry

I dont even like jews but I think they have a badass flag

But why, they were your best friends. Jugoslavija was basically the great serbia you all still dream of

>south african flag is bad

Fuck you serb

What did they mean by this?

It's not important how flag looks like, it's impotrant what it represents

> bosnian flag

Why the fuck are the balkans such a mess?

>Give back land
says the ottoman turk baby


Bosroaches and Serbkikes

Because every time we try to fix it some western power has to intervene and go >muh human rights >muh genocide
You are the reason it's fucked up.


Lol...denying his heritage!
You are Turks, thats a fact.
You would love to be Croats now right?
But it's too late. We don't want you anymore.

Oh of course you did mix.
Of course you did.
It was the right of the local Ottoman warlord to deflower any women prior to her marriage. This way most of the kids born, were actually 100% Ottoman. You were literally Ottoman sex slaves.
How does that make you feel?

Can't Serbs and Croats just divide up Bosnia between them and expel the kebab so we finally have a Balkans as God intended?

It's literally Obama's son fucking one of our women m8.

your new home

40% of NZ wanted to turn us into a Leaf country. It's so fucking hideous.


Better than cuckstamp