Do rich people have feelings?

Is it immoral to kill rich people?

I think not.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a communist or anything. In fact, I was born middle class so I was excused of the horrors of classism but last semester I took a history class (BS mandatory requirements) and the professor talked a lot about the upper class and while I was too shy to ask him directly, I think his point was that rich people don't deserve to live. And he argued very well for it, I definitely believe him.

Now, the thing is that since I finally decided how I felt about my professor's views and saw that he was right, I have felt a huge urge to murder rich people. Look them right in the eye as I make them suffer great pain. This doesn't feel morally wrong. For example, when I think about murder I feel bad, when I think about stealing I feel bad... but when I introduce rich people into the equation I instead feel nice. Stealing from them, murder, rape, torture. It doesn't feel wrong to do those things to a rich person.

But then one day I tried to introduce my professor's points in a conversation with my friends (without endorsing him, just telling what he believed) and then my friends were like

>Oh, that guy is fuckin crazy holy shit

So then I stopped. It seems like they don't think it is moral to kill rich people. Why? That doesn't make sense.

Do you think it is moral to kill rich people? If not then tell me why. Why is it not moral to kill rich people?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I think it's right to kill rich people

okay, why?

Rich people are actually really nice.

They know that hate and negativity are all byproducts of being poor and jealous. When you have it all, you have no reason to be envious of others. Maybe you'll be jealous of richer people. But you will be happier as you are empathetic.

Poor people are all negative hateful fucktards who blame everything on everyone but themselves

Try to be principled without resorting to extremes. It's the hardest thing for humans to do but we need many more to at least try

>"Dont get me wrong, I'm not a communist"
>Starts talking about classism in literally the next sentence

Wow I've never seen anybody go to university and become indoctrinated by leftist ideas before. You definitely aren't just like every single fucking SJW that can't possibly form their own opinion.

Jesus christ you are fucking pathetic. We don't have to explain why it's not ok to kill the wealthy, you need to explain why it is you stupid fucking faggot.

Well, why not?

Our society already kills people via the death penalty. People who we can all agree are detrimental to have, like serial rapists and mass shooters.

I am sure most people in our society would also agree that rich people are detrimental to our society. Just think about politics for a second. There are various social classes that politicians have to represent, but because rich people have more power and influence, they get represented more and more.

Most laws that pass do not help poor or middle class people, they help billionaire corporations in some way or another.

That is very detrimental to our society. If we got rid of people who had that much power and instead had a society of people who were not so rich that they could buy politicians then we would all be better.

I think that we should cap annual earnings at 1 million and then kill everyone who excedes that.

Millionaires are not nearly rich enough to consistently buy political parties. Maybe they could buy a politician but one vote is never going to sway big decisions.

The people most invested in the class system are those second from the bottom. That's why poor whites were so invested in slavery, without slavery they were at the bottom of the totem pole. With slavery they were still above one class of people.

Rich people couldn't give a shit about keeping the poor, poor because they're not threatened by their ascendancy. They're still going to live comfortably and wield power and go about their day just as they always have. That's why British aristocrats didn't really resist the ascendancy of the merchant class, they continued to be rich and comfortable and powerful and are still so to this very day even though most of their traditional rights have been eroded.

So no, rich people don't 'deserve to die', seldom few people do. Really it's people like you, people in the middle class, who are typically most invested in suppressing the lower classes.

Anybody who thinks it is ok to "rape, torture and murder" people because of their wealth warrants extreme action.

>I am sure most people in our society would also agree that rich people are detrimental to our society.

Thats where you're wrong faggot. Only fucking poor fags think every wealthy person is the reason for their failures.

>Rich people are actually really nice.

The owners of huge corporations that fuck you over are not nice AT ALL.

Now, if you are talking about a succesful small business owner then sure. In I even defend millionaires.

But multi millionaires and billionaires? Those people FUCK with our political system and by doing so, they fuck over you and me.

>Well, why not?

Not an argument. That's like saying why not make rape legal? Why not make everyone eat their shit for a whole month?

And lolno. Without rich people society has no wealth. South Korea is an testament to that, since it was an experimental country that started from the lowest possible gdp to the highest within 30 years of capitalism

What you propose gets you Venezuela

It is immoral if you possess true morality. On the other hand rhetorical dialectics can justify nearly anything.

Please read on. I explain HOW they are detrimental just after.

If you are going to argue against me, argue against the meat of my argument, not the fucking introduction.

I already explained why it is.

The upper class have an edge when it comes to political representation and thus they slow down progress for the rest of us.

Every minute a politician spends drafting a law paid for by his billionaire donor is a minute not spent thinking about the people.

>Without rich people society has no wealth. South Korea is an testament to that, since it was an experimental country that started from the lowest possible gdp to the highest within 30 years of capitalism

In my system we would have rich people. Millionaires are fucking rich. Heck, even 6 figure earners are really rich.

Those people are fine because while those people can afford really nice things, they can't afford to buy politicians and that is the core part of my argument.

People who have so much money they can just give a 10 million dollar donation in cash to some congress member are a CANCER to our society.

Every billionaire I know is extremely nice and helpful.

guess what
there's nothing wrong with killing rich people
the part that will blow your mind is that there's nothing wrong with killing anyone else either

It is the 21st century. Morality is subjective. Morality is, objectively, what we write in our laws.

Sure you can say "well, something being a law doesn't mean it is good" but that does not stop it from being legal and therefore not punishable.

So we have, as a society, decide if we should have a wealth cap.

I already proposed a 1 million a year wealth cap.

How is that a weird sum? You'll see that in any elementary number theory class

Progress to what?

How can the existence of rich people be an objective evil when you don't even have a more objective goal than "progress" to weigh it up against?
This, honestly. Well, some are dicks, namely those with the questionable fortune of having inherited most or all of their wealth.

Whatever happened to heli rides bro?

Yeah, of course billionaires don't do bad things to individuals.

A billionaire has never spit on me or hit or anything.

But you have to think what happens when those people do business. When they use their huge amounts of cash to pay for politicians.


Do you not see why that was so bad? Those Wall Street people PAID for her. Imagine if she had won? Just fucking imagine how she would have, ironically, raped our country.

But if instead we got rid of all wall street billionaires then we would never risk having a candidate like Hillary become president.


You could just tax the shit out of them.

You're a horrible person.

Again, a couple millionaires won't make a difference. Know why S. Korea's gdp is high? It's because of billion dollar multinational corps like samsumg and lg.

I've yet to see a single country with wealth only leading up to millionaires that provided a decent standard of living as well as the US. Please name me some to refute

>Progress to what?

Progress of law.

Every day societies get more problems. Maybe a certain river is getting poluted, or maybe there is a new financial scam going on.

Politicians should worry 24/7 about those problems, not about their billionaire donors.

>You could just tax the shit out of them.

Tax evasion.

There is a lot of tax evasion going on even now. But there is no DEATH evasion.

You posted this on /sci/ a few months ago and you got BTFO.

CIA are you baiting people into illegal acts again? We've been over this. Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Crabs in a bucket, coveting others is degenerate

ok here's how it works
have you ever tried to kill a rich person?
chances are if you have someone stopped you before you could do it
the question of what is right and wrong is settled by whoever can do the best job of either killing or scaring into submission everyone who disagrees with them
that is the only basis for morality that is empirically observable and repeatable
every other moral standard exists only in theory
in the real world might makes right
always has, always will

>It's because of billion dollar multinational corps like samsumg and lg.

Well, what happens when samsung and lg start losing steam and then they get desperate?

We have seen it time and time again. When huge corporations get desperate theeey..... BUY POLITICIANS AND RIG THE SYSTEM

Wait for those big corporations to fail, and they will eventually do. No company lasts forever.

You're fucking retarded if you think small business owners and poor people are not prone to the same vices and attitudes as the rich.

good idea, let's kill anybody who looks successful in any way, that way we can all feel good about ourselves as the world goes to shit.

>didn't answer my question

I think you're at lvl 3 or below

Can we get back to talking about basket weaving of the 18th century for fucks sake? Getting off topic here guys.

>You're fucking retarded if you think small business owners and poor people are not prone to the same vices and attitudes as the rich.

I understand humans. Yes, everyone would like to cheat to make it big and become a billionaire. But poor people can't do it because they don't even have enough money.

What is a poor person going to do to rig the system in his favor? Nothing at all. His vices are in check by his financial status.

The same goes for even small business owners. Even those who are millionaires are not rich enough to buy politicians, because politicians are millionaires themselves.

When we start getting into that multi million business is when we get into trouble, because the vices of really rich people are NEVER in check. They have the money to buy any politician they want. Heck, nowadays corporations buy entire political parties.

Stop the persecution

Your a fucking idiot. If the problem is wealth, just remove the wealth. Promoting murder is idiocy. Go away.

>complaining that people are treating him badly.
>Has enough to money to pay 100 people like 70k a year to be full time "friends" of his and treat him nicely, protect him and always be around him


Is he retarded? Doesn't he see that because of all his money, he doesn't have real problems?

Well, we have tried with taxes. Did it work? Nope. Tax evasion is rampant among the upper class. But as I said before, there is no death evasion.

Just going to remind everyone that I asked originally "why is it not moral to kill rich people?"

No one has directly answered this yet.

I guess you all agree implicitly. I mean, if you didn't agree then you would find AT LEAST one reason, right?

Without our humanity there is no reason to fight for an equitable world. The only way to peace is through Christ. You cannot kill your way to utopia. The poor are often just as amoral and venal as any rich man. This idea of the noble savage you people have is condescending to a grevious degree

If they can evade taxes they can evade having the money in their name too. Where will you draw the line? How big can a company or foundation be? How about wealth distributed across a family or group? What about land ownership?

The only thing you add is additional incentive for them to hide wealth and promote killing as a solution to problems which is Clinton tier thinking.

You propose to improve culture by murder and see nothing wrong with that?

The problem is worth discussing, but your solution is just more blood which is something humanity should get past.

negro de mierda

It is not moral because the Lord has commanded "Thou shalt not Kill" like i said earlier it is immoral if you possess morality. Your nihilistic begging the question fallacy is not an argument

>The only way to peace is through Christ. You cannot kill your way to utopia.

These two sentences are contradictory.

If you think a perfect world would be a world in which everyone is a christian, then genociding non-christians would literally lead to your perfect world.

I mean, most conservative christians already support nuking the shit out of muslims so that is kinda hypocritical.


typical for a brown shitskin to be jealous of his superiors

because your gripe is with the lawmakers, not the people who buy favor when it comes to laws

>conservative """Christians"""
More like heretic schismatics enthralled by power and the cares of this world more than the next. Also Christianity says it is not man's right but God's to take life. We can only try to win souls to salvation and prepare for the end of the age.

>Just going to remind everyone that I asked originally "why is it not moral to kill rich people?"

Because there is nothing inherently wrong with being rich.

>For example, when I think about murder I feel bad, when I think about stealing I feel bad... but when I introduce chads into the equation I instead feel nice. Stealing from them, murder, rape, torture. It doesn't feel wrong to do those things to a sexually successful man.

Same logic, equally autistic. You're killing someone because they have something you don't, pretty retarded desu.

>genociding non-christians would literally lead to your perfect world
no it the ten commandments

I believe murder is never morally acceptable. The fact that an individual possesses more wealth than the majority does not excuse murder. They are still a person, with thoughts and feelings much like yours, and loved ones whose lives would be poorer without them. That is why murder of the rich is immoral.

>If they can evade taxes they can evade having the money in their name too.

Just wait till we have better technology and we will sort this out.

> How big can a company or foundation be?

This is a good question. I can definitely say that multi nationals are a bad fucking idea. So we can start there. No multi national corporations.

Another more permissive way would be by income. Maybe the rule can be:
No more than 10 people in your business can be millionaires.

And of course, no billionaires.

That would naturally limit the crazy growth we see from some predatory companies.

>How about wealth distributed across a family or group?

Give a million to each family member and then the rest is for the state, duh.

>What about land ownership?

Another good question. I guess that if you are using your land for business and you are earning a lot from it then we have to limit that and maybe take a chunk.

If you use it for having a house in there and it is for your family then I see no problem with that. As long as it is not too extensive, of course.

Well, not everyone believes in your God. Jesus Christ.

If that is your justitification then you cannot convince any non-christian and let me remind you, most of the world is non-christian.

You are like 2 billion people, in a world of 7 billion. You are certainly not convincing me, as I am not a christian. Your argument means nothing to me.

Your brain is broken and focused on murder. The other user used Christ as an example of higher thinking. They did nit advocate convert all to Christianity or murdering them, nor would Christian ideas allow that.

I am certain you are just another instigator goading Sup Forums into illegal acts.

We are above your shitty low energy manipulations.

Get out of Sup Forums. You aren't mature enough to be here.

Sure, politicians also deserve punishment but we have to be real about incentives.

If you get a guy and tell him you will give him 100$ every time he takes a shit on a river then that guy is going to go crazy on that river.

It is called INCENTIVES

And rich people are the cancerous incentive fucking up politics. Because politicians who do not bow down to big donors are considerably poorer than those who do. The incentive is clear.

It's bad because killing is bad, except in self defense. /thread

>Because there is nothing inherently wrong with being rich.

But rich people use their money and power to rig the system in their favor and fuck up large amounts of people.

They deserve punishment for that. Maybe... the death penalty we already give certain criminals?

>Our society already kills people via the death penalty. People who we can all agree are detrimental to have, like serial rapists and mass shooters.
A compelling argument. But im against capital punishment.
>being this deluded
nah, people hate you, you only think they like you because they are pretending to be your friend so you give them something.

In fact there is, money is evil and having it makes the evil rub off on you. Ideally we would have no money at all, as it unfortunately seems to be a requirement of the world you aught to have only enough for what you need and donate the rest to some charity. It is perfectly acceptable to not trust charities, in which case start a non profit organization and use your money for charitable purposes.

How much does your professor make and who pays for that?

>They are still a person, with thoughts and feelings much like yours, and loved ones whose lives would be poorer without them. That is why murder of the rich is immoral.

Read the title of my OP.

You can't say "rich people have feelings" when the point of this thread is "Do rich people even have feelings?"

You have to argue for that. How exactly do rich people have feelings?

How can rich people who rig the system and fuck millions of people over have feelings?

Let me put it another way:

Does a serial killer who tortured his 3 year old victims have feelings?

You guys suck at this shit.

>Rich people are bad and stuff!
>Won't name or delve into the actual people who control finances for whom the rich people depend upon.

It's like the owner of a restaurant jumps on your table, pulls down his pants and takes a giant shit on your face so you decide to punch the waiter instead.

That shit ain't gonna cut it here. We've studied you like a pair of fat tits.

>most of the world is non-Christian
This is no indicator of truth in value statements. I would say to the contrary since : the path to destruction is wide and many will take it but the path to salvation is narrow and few will find it.

Truth is not about convincing someone with rhetoric; and I was not proselytizing really but rather stating that in questions regarding morality one must define by which morality it is to be judged. You are arguing absurdly from no moral basis, you are in fact rather poor at forming any argument

>We are above your shitty low energy manipulations.

Literally change my OP from

>Is it moral to kill rich people?
>Is it moral to kill niggers?

And you would be upboating my thread with multiple accounts.

Then the death penalty for serial rapists is bad?

I see! Free the rapists!

>A compelling argument. But im against capital punishment.

So you are okay with living next to a serial rapist? Of course, assuming he finished his time in jail.

Just fine and dandy with you? No problem? A-O-K?

I don't know but this is a public university paid for by taxes.

You are a believer and a fanatic.

You have to go back.

Click here:

>do rich people have feelings
Certainly unless they are sociopathic in which case they may have blunted feelings or misplaced feeling but feelings all the same; the point is you are just begging the question. Have some self respect and prepare a proper argument for once.

Most jews are rich so I am literally advocating to genocide all jews.

Do you support me now?

Eat the rich is a Marxist meme. The problem is that when you get rid of your most productive people, the society suffers. In a system that grants government favors to the well-connected, you'll get undeserved wealth. But being wealthy in an of itself doesn't mean the person got their wealth through unjust means.

>Reductio ad absurdum
Another tactic of the ill informed

He probably knows how to have a good time :^)

I also think putting people in jail as punishment is retarded. The concept of extended imprisonment for crimes came from the thought that forcing criminals to lead an ascetic lifestyle of isolation and contemplation might do them good and reform them. Maybe theres some truth to that, but we dont provide that kind of prison anymore anyway, and just locking people away as punishment not only doesn't work, its inhuman. Corporeal punishment works better to discourage crimes.


I am not a communist. I like capitalism. I love it.

I want private ownership. I want individual wealth. I want capitalist transactions going on.

I just don't want people who are TOO rich.

>Certainly unless they are sociopathic
most rich people are probably sociopaths

remove power from the lawmakers
now there is no way to buy power through law

Further idiocy. I don't advocate killing anyone. I an not an extremist like you.
You do realise Sup Forums is not one person, right?
You also realise the loudest voices rarely represent the whole of a community, right?

>a history class (BS mandatory requirements)
You know it's bullshit and you still believe it?

>your most productive people
Are people who make fortunes shutting down companies actually productive?


Serial rapists are the kind of people we ALREADY have the death penalty for.

So as a society we have decided that it is fine to murder serial rapists.

You say that killing is never justified, except in self defense.

Shocking a tied up rapists is not self defence. A tied up prisoner could never hurt you.

they do in fact have feelings. they have a soul just like we do, but their hearts are hardened. they let their greed and material desires assume control, while they don't listen to their soul/love.

But then we can't run society.

Sup Forums calls everyone whos not some kind of fanatical anarcho-capitalist a communist.

Okay okay.

Change my OP to
Is it moral to kill libs?

then you are an anarchocapitalist that will meet your fate when you inevitably violate the NAP because someone was TOO rich

There is no evidence that punishment reduces crime. The "age of reason" and its contingent dogma that rational thought must be the basis for all political institutions is where the west derived its concepts of "penal rehabilitation" in reality prisons are and have always been a way of eliminating surplus unemployed poor people from the economy thereby reducing the burden placed on society by their existence. Rehabilitation is a way of rationalizing this mundane function. In reality it was never really the point.

>You know it's bullshit and you still believe it?

By that I mean that I did not want to take such a class. Humanities requirements are a burden on someone who studies STEM. And guess what, it lowered my GPA so I am not happy about that either.

But he had a point.

You are a fucking jew. Again, you will only attack the products of your finances, because you don't give a fuck about inequality. Fuck off back to hareetz.

That is just a wild assumption. Most rich people are probably not as only a very small sample of any population would be a real sociopath. Statistically most rich people are as sane as you or I.

>the state runs society
oh god panama is a hoke of an education system.
read "the not so wild, wild west"
not only can people run society without statism, ITS MORE EFFICIENT

I would never advocate killing based on group membership.

Just stop.

he is here

I never said that but you responded to another's disbelief in the death penalty with a most absurd extreme example--that is like shit Tier rhetorical strategy.

Well, I am sorry. I have lived my entire life inside of a GOVERNMENT.

Governments are the framework I think in. It is all I know. If you have a better alternative then go on.

>offers better alternative
>nope, I only know my way so I don't believe you

You must be over 18 to post here

> "Please stop fucking us over by providing a cheap way to get food."

Watch how well you do without every supermarket. Because you can't run a business on more than a local level without getting into your range of where people suddenly become so evil, that you would kill them. And since you can't provide all the goods locally, your policies would kill millions of people.

a group of people is just a tiny state

>Poor people are all negative hateful fucktards who blame everything on everyone but themselves

This is entirely true. Plus the other parts of your post.

t. Poor person who became really rich.


OP has no interest in learning.

>And since you can't provide all the goods locally, your policies would kill millions of people.

Or provide a massive new oportunity for old-style traveling merchants to haul goods around the country. Think of all the jobs it would open up! caravan master, escorts, traveling accountants.

A person could get a wagon and start a business as a traveling merchant!