Why do women hate men?
Why do women hate men?
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they don't, feminazi do, as well as autistic betafag hate women
they're all subhuman who hate other subhuman
Why do so many feminazi's exist?
I think pol's next big project should be turning leftist feminists against islamification by awaring them on the sex crimes in europe.
I made a thread for it but basically I think we should spam this or a similar video all over feminist social media.
Because their fat fugly and over the hill asses will never find a husband or have a family and they need men's resources to survive so they head to government programs.
She hates you, bro, not me.
Stop being ugly and beta desu. Then maybe she'll like you.
The Jews brainwashed them.
>so many
They're quite a few actually, they just hold prominent positions and generally have a loud and influential voice in the public.
through trial and error they have discovered that it does not matter if they are incompetent at what they do, as long as they scream really loud about it.
I don't think there's a conscious hatred of men out there. Just like most men don't hate women
The two sexes are just afraid of each other. Women are afraid that men are abusers and men are afraid that women will take all their money and both of these things are the result of people growing up without father figures and a solid education that teaches them proper sexual values
Counts what kind of women you're talking about
So did anything happen that day or it was just white noise
I heard on the radio that a lot of kids had to be put in daycare because some teachers didn't show up to work
>turning leftist feminists against islamification
Impossible to do. They want the same thing -overthrowing the western order- so they will always be bedfellows.
The correct answer is envy.
They are brainwashed to have contempt for the feminine disposition and only hate men because he is a reminder of what she can never be.
feminists hate themselves a little more than they hate men
Because current men aren't alpha enough to be respected by women
Out of all those dumb redpill comics, the one where it has the feminists talking down to betas and suddenly silent and nervous when a huge chad enters the scene is very accurate.
Because George Soros.
women are mentally underdeveloped ( aka retarded, in comparison to men )
They are literally the #PARASITEGENDER
women are embittered
they want the idea of individuality without all the work and sacrifice it takes to actually make it
Women ARE mentally massively underdeveloped humans.
women ... absolutely degenerated.
Because (((tv))) told them to.
Reply to this post and you wont step on dogshit tomorrow
They don't hate men. They want undisputed control over everything. They want men to be silent providers AKA slaves while they can pick whoever or whatever they want for their own pleasures. What women do hate is each other.
>Why do women hate men?
They were told to
It really is that simple
I agree with the words but that man is a murderer.
Anyone who celebrates a murderer as a 'celebrity' is scum
Fine, fag.
They don't hate men, not really.
It's not hatred, its cognitive dissonance. They want the top 10% of men, but there aren't many of them. And when they can't locate or secure these men, this means they are "losers". And so, they hate their life. Which is projected onto men.
Feminism is truly blue-pilling women hard. Like.. a woman with a job earning 50k a year can never be with a man earning the same... capitalism/ industrialism allowed for men to be in a position where the average man was good enough for the average woman. Feminism smashed that "patriarchy". Now women are sad.
this tbqh. in order to counteract that you have to train them to fulfill your needs, namely sex, cooking and whatever else you fancy.
proxy or are there really multiple tt posters on here?
women 2017
Thank you for reminding me why I come here.
Multiple TT posters. Amazed me too.