There is rising evidence of dissent in the ranks of the Soros organization. Some of the more independent minded members of this group are starting to realize that they’re being conned.

Specifically this professor at the University of Toronto: Ron Deibert. He is one of the world’s top cybersecurity researchers, and runs a Soros-funded “hacktivism” program known as the “Citizen Lab” at the University of Toronto.

This organization is essentially George Soros’s counterintelligence program.

My sources tell me that in recent years Deibert has become disillusioned with his funders. He’s an idealist and a libertarian, but he has realized that a great deal of the “citizen activism” he has been supporting are Muslim Brotherhood fronts. He is starting to realize he has been a pawn and has scaled back his involvement in recent years.
Recently, he published a huge takedown of the FBI’s report on Russian hacking.

“I have heard some say the report was “rushed out” by the administration in order to deliver a blow to the Russians before Trump took office.

While tying Trump’s hands may be an admirable motive, I find it hard to swallow the idea that the U.S. defence and intelligence community, were so rushed that they were incapable of producing anything but such a badly constructed report.”

Deibert has just broken ranks with his master.

This report has been buried, but we need to make it huge. A crack has formed in the Soros organization.

We need weaponized autism. If there is any connection between Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood, the CitizenLab is where you will find proof.

Other urls found in this thread:

They are so addicted to that soros money.


Soros needs to be exposed for supporting radical Islamic terrorists


The day where I see this nigger dead can't come soon enough. Sadly he will probably be replaced with someone just as bad.


shit it down

For fucks sake
don't let this slide you niggers

Shit this looks real!

Muslim brotherhood got spied on (boo hoo).

More Muslim brotherhood.

bump with rare soros

Supported by the Open Society Institute:

invite him to lurk w/ us

reach out for an alliance:

Tel: (416) 946-8916 Fax: (416) 946-8915
email: [email protected]

PGP: 8B84 F5D8 1691 8D87 93CB 3398 443A CE6C 19A8 6481

Twitter: @rondeibert

Truth breaks every man like money never can.

This is why they will lose.

Be aware soros wants any catholic country dead. This is a personal view but in sure. It hard to find online. He even funds progs to keep refugees out of Israel.

>University of Toronto

Are leafs being useful for the first time in history?


Guys - the fact that a SOROS funded academic has said the Russian hacking allegations are BS is pretty huge. The New York Times should be covering this. Breitbart would love it.

Like - did you read Deibert's article? How much do you want to bet Soros goes "REEEEE" when this hits the media.

>The New York Times should be covering this
Not gonna happen.
Anything that doesn't fit their narrative goes straight out the window.
Especially if it has any connection to Soros.

Have you noticed that anything negative that is related to Soros is always sweeped under the rug?

>rare soros

>It's a Canada redemption arch
Canada needs to elect a Trump

Honestly, is there anything that doesn't have Soros' dirty hands in it

I do work at the university and have a master key. Where is this guy located.?

Guy's like eighty-something years old, give him a fucking break.

Soros IS the media. All the normies think Trump is the devil especially over here. If I want to fuck a woman I have to pretend to agree with all that shit. Then I come home and go on here and feel better.

Where is everybody?
What has happened to Sup Forums?


Just tell her you support Trump right after you nut.

>If there is any connection between Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood, the CitizenLab is where you will find proof.

Reminder that Huma Abedin, Clinton's personal handler, was a Muslim Brotherhood spy who had access to SAPs and classified information.

The kid eating Count of Wall Street will fall this year.

Good question user
Stole my thoughts exactly

Maybe everyone is shopping for drones to deal with HWNDU pole

cant reply to bots. Since everyone is a bot, nobody is shiposting/ replying

[ delete this ]

Soro$ gave me money,
your racist self needs to go to jail

His time is nearly up.

>muh personal army

Do you guys think Soros is the big baddy? Or is he just a pawn to someone or something more insidious?

ITT: right wing paranoia.


I hope for another happenings!

I feels like being on look-out. Watching the an ocean of noise, waiting for movement.

sadly my get has tard speak...

Like he can't afford some decent shorts instead of a faggy speedo.


Delet this

>"George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility."


lol, dafuque.

Nobody stayed.
The murder plus the CIA.

Many guys have been banned the last five days.
We get banned but the shills can stay.

Leave brother.

Fucking wasted.


Dub trips, checked.

The article is from January 4th. Are we late? Shouldn't we just watch polder general about Netherlands election?

praise kek

It's friggin /comfy/, isn't it? I like having rainymood on in the background times like this, really sets up the whole atmosphere.

Soros' day will come soon enough. His son, Alex, is the one we should be putting the heat on.

>give him a fucking break

If he's lucky the ol' traitor necktie will do that. If he's unlucky he'll just have to hang around until the job is done. Literally.


I can't wait for the day when the old fuck croaks.
The media will cry crocodile tears, I bet.

he was also apart of the nazi party

It's gotta be kinda scary to go rogue on Soros like that.

Yeah, and when he was questioned about it,
he said that he feels no remorse about any of it.
Philanthropist, my ass


>A crack has formed in the Soros organization.
There are soooo many layers between low-level grunts and Soros you can hardly call it a crack in the organization.

But it's good to advertise disgruntled opinions of former lackeys because it can cause friction among other lackeys in similar organizations and that is an important part of his influence.

They user who puts a bullet through Alex Soros' skull wins the internet.

delete this


let's wipe out these self proclaimed royal bloods

Checked and bump.


>They are so addicted to that soros money.

Here in my nation they have corrupted democracy and established a minority media and political minority utterly alien to the vast majority.

what is amazing: regardless the facts (i mean.. ugh.. the classic facts, you know, that are real.. argh whetever) the nazis ALWAYS find Soros guy behin EVERYTHING that conflicts with nazism :DDDD

They've done it in all of our countries.


>Checking my own digits to keep this bumped
Fuck your retarded spam filter Hiroshimoot.

>supported actual Nazis
>supports islamonazis
>secretly supports alt nazis


It's a damn shame. Hopefully Trump is the spark that causes the fire to rise.

see? that's what i'm talking about lol :DDDD


Kek :D


>kek is on the lookout for his followers when the fire rises

Alex is a fucking faggot and a hack who uses Daddy's clout to force Obama to stop by his apartment for an IG pic that gets less likes than a mestizo whore sticking her ass out




and someone worse may take over



This guy needs to come to DC and spill everything to interested parties

His son


Oy vey

Good. I hope the Donald takes this opportunity to grab this fucker by the balls. He's been very lenient with soros, that's moronic on his behalf. A good chunk of opposition would disappear if he dealt with the soros problem.

>Dr. Kek

Dr. Kek talks to the Nat Enquirer. Is the actual Dr. Kek really Dr. Trump LOL

>Canada the butt of every Sup Forums joke
>produces a savior of Western Civilization

The ultimate leaf shitpost

Rome didn't fall in a day user. We're talking about a web of corruption that spans back decades, at least in the areas that are directly relevant to what is happening now. We're likely in for something far more akin to chemo to remove the cancer than swift limb amputations.

Dr. Kek, REMOVE the cancer! Amen.

The elites that run this world will never be brought to justice simply because they are so rich and powerful they live in the most obscure places with a vast amount of land. They also hire there own personal armies (small army, roughly around 5000+ soldiers.

These people are like vampires, they don't even live in the mansions they've erected on there vast acres of land but they build underground bunkers miles away from the property and live under that unstead. The bunkers are connected to the mansion though so its easy to transport from one to the other.

These fuckers are so smart but I think were catchin on, praise kek and SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADILAY