>This enrages and upsets the Republishit
This enrages and upsets the Republishit
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Yeah, that isn't biased and unreliable in any way, and it's not like (((Bloomberg))) is a Hillary supporter.
>source bloomberg, politico
Shoo shoo.
>jobs created
>doesn't say if it's full time
Yeah no fuck you, Obama didn't create shit for jobs.
> source Bloomberg politico department of labor
So your source is something that doesn't exist, and can't be verified? That just makes me laugh.
HA rural and suburban retards BTFO
>years holding presidency
Or if they're government jobs
No redo it based on the actual legislature numbnuts.
>muh sabotage
Lmao more pol paranoia, what reason would they have to even sabotage there own economy? To make the republicans look bad? No, this isn't some High school competition you dork.
Yeah, who needs two parties anyways? Lets just live in a communist utopia! Whats the worst that could happen amirite?
>what reason would they have to even sabotage there own economy? To make the republicans look bad?
yes you dumb fuck
why do you think democrats support open borders and the dismantlement of the electoral college
kill yourself its all politics
now show me the same figures but with republican held house/senate
Because the electoral college is inherently anti-democracy
And open boarders is just apart of being kind to less fortunate nations, what are you so afraid of lol, if its terrorists. you more likely to die from falling down stairs than a terrorist attack, you want us to deport all staircases to bud? LMAO
>“I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”
Donald J. Trump
i care more about the preservation of the white race than the economy
that's fake
How many kids have you had?
0 you say?
That's what I thought lol
>t-that's fake....
Nope :) source is on the bottom
This was proven fake shitlord. That's a clip from an actual show and he never says that.
>Going on the Internet to tell lies
>Implying everyone in the GOP supports trickle-down economics
i have 2 kids
Fake news cite. Lmao super right leaning
You boys haven't even disproven
proven my first picture, focus on that, kay? :p
here's a site you libtards love saying the same thing
Wow this is sad.
Also, if that was true (which it isn't XD), why did you only go as far as replacement level? 3 kids or nothing Mr "white savior"
who says i'm finished? i'm only 25
All them part time Obama care created jobs..
Badass bro we wuz rich n 24 hours a week sheeit
so you're trolling
got it
sage & reported
>Look up "Donald Trump fake quote"
>All websites talk about your macro
Are all of them Prison Planet?
What about the fact that DailyDot explained how they proved it was fake?
>Goes on the Internet
>Can't tell lies disproven only by obscure sources
Not an argument, lol so this is the intellectual power of pol?
oh my god
Obama didn't fix anything he just got into office at the middle of the crash. If McCain was elected the same would have happened.
Take down my photo reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>compromise between small states and big states at the founding of this nation
>big states start bitching and moaning the compromise is undemocratic
Small states joined this Republic with the explicit intention of not allowing majority rule by the big populous states. Getting rid of the electoral college is no different than demanding the first amendment be repealed.
No one scared of terrorists faggot.
People don't want 3rd world retards that will come and live off of welfare.
I love how you guys can't disprove my first, more important, picture. But once you see something easy, you focus all of you limited brain power on that!
So you're just a racist that doesn't belong! Your statement didn't prove anything!
Your meme was disproven by multiple posters as soon as it was posted, I'm just trying to point out your strawgrasping.
I'm a racist now? Fuck off with your buzzwords.
I wasn't trying to prove anything retard.
Aw fuck, there goes your opinion
Umm... Disproven by crack pot conspiracies and "muh republlican house"?
Yeah... No...?
>disprove my first, more important, picture.
how many people are on foodstamps
>3rd world retards
Yeah, that wasn't racist at all! No sir not here nuh uh!
I give up the task to keep this disscussion going and admit defeat.
Nice thumbnail.
Using food stamps and having a job are not mutually exclusive.
who is claiming that?
how many people on food stamps
here's the actual story, buddy
I wasn't aware "3rd world retards" was a race.
Back to sharia blue.
>implying anyone gives a shit about the democratic/republican Jew
>implying anyone cares about you're shit tier stats
Huff bleach narrow minded mongoloid
bush voted hillary
Cool fake graph bro.
No one seems to include up to 2016 where nigger rose the national debt another 6 trillion.
two different measures.
The economy is the least of our worries. I would rather live in a poor country with a respectable culture than in a wealthy playground for degenerates.
>i don't know what deficit means
yeah, mine has the relevant non-misleading measure