Sup Forums BTFO by the smartest man EVER
and FUCK white people
Every time.
funny how he chose to live in a country filled with white people
In science, not politics. Hawking is brilliant as well in his field of study, that doesn't mean he's not terribly bad at philosophy, which he is.
You realize there's more to Sup Forums than just nationalism, right? You can be patriotic without being nationalist.
>Sup Forums BTFO by the smartest man EVER
John von Neumann?
>impyling a man genius about physics and science fully understands about politics and governing
He was literally a kike, what do think he'll spew? Nationalism? Are you disabled?
>he thinks tribalism isn't part of human nature
Einstein was a fraud.
>implying there aren't nationalist jews
those are called zionists. what is your point?
so is violence. and it needs to be corrected
>Jew hates nationalism
>post deleted
>yfw kek is so powerful he can delete threads
That's some bullshit you only believe when you don't live in the world that we now have in 2017 thanks to the culturally destructive efforts of globalists.
Jews didn't have a nation state back then, of course he would say that.
oh, wow a kike that has no allegiance to a nation.
Einstein was a strong zionist with a personal preference for other jews.
From the preface of Culture of critique:
>This conclusion remains true even though Einstein, the leading figure among Jewish physicists, was a strongly motivated Zionist (Fölsing 1997, 494-505), opposed assimilation as a contemptible form of 'mimicry' (p. 490), preferred to mix with other Jews whom he referred to as his 'tribal companions' (p. 489), embraced the uncritical support for the Bolshevik regime in Russia typical of so many Jews during the 1920s and 1930s, including persistent apology for the Moscow show trials in the 1930s (pp. 644-5), and switched from a high-minded pacifism during World War I, when Jewish interests were not at stake, to advocating the building of atomic bombs to defeat Hitler. From his teenage years he disliked the Germans and in later life criticized Jewish colleagues for converting to Christianity and acting like Prussians. He especially disliked Prussians, who were the elite ethnic group in Germany. Reviewing his life at age 73, Einstein declared his ethnic affiliation in no uncertain terms: 'My relationship with Jewry had become my strongest human tie once I achieved complete clarity about our precarious position among the nations' (in Fölsing 1997, 488). According to Fölsing, Einstein had begun developing this clarity from an early age, but did not acknowledge it until much later, a form of self-deception: 'As a young man with bourgeois-liberal views and a belief in enlightenment, he had refused to acknowledge [his Jewish identity]' (in Fölsing 1997, 488).
So if the quote is accurate then he was a massive hypocrite.
Einstein is a physicist, why you listen him on any other subject than physics?
>by the smartest man EVER
>not a quote from Hitler
Nation wreckers