all of you faggots who played this game are let fool into jewish lore in your sub concscious , this game have jewish prayer's in it, spending 23/7 of your life in this game just to find out its jewish, HAHA

nice jewish propaganda

its litteraly in the game, kike

I confirm

I don't like Jewish games ;_;

>Muh stormcloaks
>elves are da joos
meanwhile windhelm has open sewers and a ghetto

>still playing the open world jew

well to late bjorgen, you already exposed yourself to it

>still paying to todd howardsteinberg

Dwemer are the Jews. Isolated technologically advanced people who got shoah'd somehow.

>Kike calling another kike a kike

what part of the game is that?

haven't found this scroll.

op ur a twat jews didnt invite scrolls it's a mix of everything also skyrim is based on nords

you fgt it's hebrew transcript, look closely


Are you a fan of skiing by any chance? I didn't think you guys were familiar with snow at all.

>Join Stormcloaks
>Skyrim for the nords
>Mod more racism into the game
>Mod incredible armies and cities for the stormcloaks
>Great success

it's probably a mod

Best timeline, can't wait for season 2

The nords are the Jews. Denmark= Mark of Dan.

one of their scientists fucked up and fused them with their robofedora overlord

The Jews are familiar with everything everywhere, they are at home in all nations because they are a rootless people.

TFW white people blame their low birthrate and small dicks on jewish mind control just like black people blame all their problems on racist mind control

that's right, there's no snow here at all, only in one city (jewrusalem) and that is one time per year

My mates put in over 300 hours and hates kikes though

Mods should start removing satire posts. This jewish conspiracy shit is getting out of hand

What do the coastniggers down on the flatlands have to do with Nords?

You do realize it's sacrilegious, having those prays in the game would make it anti-jewish by default


well, its not satire if its clearly in the game

high elves are proud, tall, elegant, always blond, beautiful, most intelligent of all the races. how are they kikes? this meme is perpetuated by very un-thoughtful people

It's actually redpilled

or pushing an agenda...

"""They""" feign incompetence to get away with undermining you.


>robofedora overlorld

Kill yourself shlomo

From whom do you think the Norse acquired their shipbuilding tech? Visions from Odin?

high elves arent kikes you faggot retard

Did he? They were trying to become gods already.

The Dunmer are, retard

reported for proxy faggin

is there a version of this that doesn't require a magnifying glass?

No, he is right. The dunmer are not, they are like poo in loos

Kek, are you seriously implying the Danes?

Blame Hiromoot for fucking with pictures on mobile and me saving the fucked picture

it doesnt matter if there is kike transcripts in it

nice try, kid.

One day you will learn to talk as beautifully as us.


nice try hungarian, but i clearly posted screenshot of jewish transcript from the game, so "redpill" my ass, litteraly israelis playing skyrim because there's bible in it

it's weird that you say that, because it's obviously an extremely un-jewish/nordic/pagan game. It's almost like you don't want people to play such a thing.

>Join stormcloaks
>fight the empire
>Realise the Thalmor are behind this
>Realise Ulfric is a cunt
>end the dragon invasion, make surviving dragon's into your bitches.
>Become the embodiment of Talos
>demand that the legion recognises you as their new emperor, as you are the dragonborn
>join with general Tullius, liberate Skyim and then retake Cyrodiil.
>Use Empire 2.0.exe to genocide all elves.

I still try to talk English to the personnel at Kastrup, but the fuckers see through it every time and answer in Danish.

Have you ever asked yourself why you never see Jewish prayers in movies? You never read the Tanakh, to preform a display like that is one of the strongest forms of sacrilege

you have a point

Independence day.

Never has it been more obvious.

>I'm not Jewish
>No one is perfect ;^)

god I hated that boring shithole

oh no


If Skyrim is Jewish propaganda, i really like playing Jewish propaganda

Then you have low standards for your Jewish propaganda

blacks would also name the jew if they were smart enough to know who's causing their problems