Why do you hate catholics?
Why do you hate catholics?
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Because they think a man who kisses the feet of mussies is the word of God.
Catholicism is a cult through and through. Papal infallibility, contradictory catachism, etc. You'd have to be a fucking retard or brainwashed to buy into it.
because the RCC is pagan
and catholics are not christian
t. lutero
Can you give examples of the contradictions?
>muh paganism, muh whore of babylon. muh worship mary more than christ, muh satanism
I don't.
>muh selling forgiveness for $$$
>muh burning the crusaders after accusing them of false crimes
Because they're Irish
i was raised catholic, yes all their ceremony's are occultist, better being a christian on your own
All those are true though, just adding "muh" to easily observable facts doesn't negate them
What makes you think this board hates Catholics?
Who am I kidding, this is a slide thread. Sage.
That's nice,But i really want to see it's flaws so i can at least pray that it can have a final reformation
>Sup Forums is a catholic board
Check my five
Catholic = corrupt, degenerate, weak
I heard that a lot of people hated Catholics on the bored
Huh. so you think we worship Mary as a god and you don't know the difference between worship and veneration? Interesting....
>that chart
why are us protestants so bad at aesthetics?
Good luck finding an actual Catholic in Ireland who isn't an old person
good luck finding a white person in Britain who isn't an old person
Because they began the Schism. Before Roman Catholicism there was just the Church. Why aren't you Orthodox?
I don't know friend.
It is a big part of the worship.
true my lutheran brother, thankfully our church is very strong and doesn't venture into sjw politics at all.
>you don't know the difference between worship and veneration
The average work-a-day Catholic sure as fuck doesn't, and don't even try to peretend like they do. Same goes for the Orthodoxy, even though LARPers pretend that it is "based|" as compared to Catholicism.
Abrahamism is a politcal system of control, all spiritual aspects of it degenerated completely.
What are the main differences between the Catholic and Orthodox churches?
I used to like Catholics when most people in the US who were Catholic were also Irish. See: youtube.com
Now most Catholics here are Hispanic and I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to undermine Catholicism just to get these mud people in abortion clinics. Thankfully their pope seems to be doing quite a bit in that regard already.
non-denomination, maybe hindu christian. scripture based only, church fathers are all full of shit childfuckers
>Why aren't you Orthodox?
It's just as degenerate, only in different way, stop LARPing.
I've been raised catholic
cause I'm a good orthodox boy and Orthodox and Catholics are 100% different and 100% definetly not similar in any way shape or form and are 100% complete different religions with different beliefs and values!
Because they worship the antichrist (current pope) and make a bunch of shit up which isn't in the Bible
Because they were infiltrated by The Jesuits in "1514" and the faithful are too fucking stupid to see the manipulation of their faith.
What's wrong with that sec?
Sure she's the most important saint but she isn't God
So I should stop calling my dad father, throw out every single bust I own, stop giving a shit about confessing or owning up to my sins, and many other such things.
It is pretty complex,personally I would recommend attending Liturgy at an orthodox parish and experiencing it as the doxa is summed up in worship
The advent of Protestantism brought with it state-sanctioned usury and the foundation of what would become modern consumerist Capitalism. It's basically radical Judaism. Protestantism is trash and early Catholics were top tier, especially in their attitude towards wealth and labor. They asserted that wealth cannot come from already existing wealth, that it must be produced by creation of a product or service. Wealth is created from the bottom, not the top.
The Protestant reformation was one of the largest looting campaigns in all of history. The only mistake the Vatican made was not gassing the sale of indulgences.
>stop LARPing
Who is LARPing? I am preparing for Chrismation into the true Church and it is beautiful.
Ding ding ding!
you shouldnt have a mediator between you and god when jesus fills that role
Why would god send me to hell for not believing when he gives such tenuous evidence of his existence?
You have free will to believe it
Heretics of the Orthodox Church.
Because Catholics either don't actually read the Gospel, or don't have any brains to understand a word of it. Those who do, stop being Catholics. The same thing is true about the Orthodox. Ignorance and stupidity, nothing more.
bc cuck
But why the fuck would I?
Especially when the bible says you shouldn't believe blindly, but gives fuck all solid evidence to help me out.
I'm curious if Catholicism is hated here because A) it was always corrupt and bullshit in an absolutist sense B) it became indefensibly corrupt ---rotten---at a later period (Vatican II?) C) it was always occult slash a decoy of Satan D) occultists hijacked it (the Jesuits etc)
The pedo shit usually ranks high, among WASPs and atheists, for dismissing the Catholic Church, but to play Devil's advocate, that's what the devil would do to drive people away from it, with assistance from (((them)))
Daily reminder that Vatican II will be replaced and traditional Latin Catholics will save the church and the world
>send me to hell for not believing
you go to hell for being sinful, not for 'not believing'
think of it like you're in prison, on death row.
you're guilty, the guy in the next cell is guilty.
but the king comes up to you both and offers you clemency.
you reject it, your neighbor accepts it.
you get the guillotine and the other walks out a free man
Muh usury. You're an idiot. If someone wants to invest in a business, they need a loan. What exactly do you think encourages people to give their money away to these investors? Why would I give an investor $100 if I'm only going to get the same back (along with inflation). You need interest because of the time value of money. You need this to give out loans for investment and you need investment for the growth of the economy.
It's not a co-incidence that religions that still believe in the usury meme (Islamic countries), also practice usury themselves. Saudi Arabia and UAE etc, have pretty names for bonds and credit like "sukuk issuings" to make it seem Islamic but even these tiny brained Wahhabis have realized you need usury.
It's no surprise that Protestants are renowned for their economic production and work ethic compared to the lazy assed Catholics.
samefag here forgot pic
Gutter trash that came here like niggers. They have no capacity to understand that people before them developed the infrastructure and institutions here, and so they have no qualms about giving everything over to indio peasants.
I am Catholic, even though I know the Pope is an agent.
>a mediator between you and god
actually, Mary fills that role
but good guess
>I only value material things!
>Morals aren't that important to me, not when compared to material gain!
>I'd gladly take a dick to the poop-chute for $1,000,000!
I thought you protties were supposed to be moral and righteous.
Maybe reading then doing double information.
Again Friend, Free will.
That it includes not being a a lazy bum and looking into information and ask questions.
>I'd gladly take a dick to the poop-chute for $1,000,000!
I'd do it for free.
What's wrong with that?
What are you rambling on about you fucking moronic Catholic?
"That's what the devil would do to drive people away from it" PAHAHAHA!!!!! This is why nobody likes Catholics.
Honestly I used to feel bad for normal Catholics when the whole pedo priest thing came out and with films like Spotlight putting it into a bad light and defaming it but comments like yours honestly makes me think you deserve it. You guys would make any sort of justification for this filthy, sickening behavior. Oh no no it was muh devil, the devil drove them away. What the fuck monkey? Do you even think atheists believe the devil exists?
Stupid fucking monkey
Reminder That the Blessed Virgin Mary was the reason for Satan's rebellion.
>he wouldn't humble himself to a woman.
>didn't love god
>loved himself more
Not hate, some are rather really devout Christians, but mostly the history of catholicism is build upon the bones of the saints.
Catholicism is the number one cause of the deaths of Christians during the inquisitions, and banned Bibles. And it's full of paganism.
>Be cathocuck
>Try to justify the existence of your chuch by taking out of context and then hyperbolizing 1 small fragment of the bible as well as forgery and political bullshittery
>Get the upper hand do to circumstance and Byzantium being rule by retards for every 2 out of 3 centuries
>Use the upper hand to further strengthen your position by making your leader holly no matter what, if he follow's the "divine doctrine". Which is not a real argument to anyone with a knowledge of history and how much the papacy has changed.
>You abuse it, and considering it's built on such a flimsy base random monks in bum fuck nowhere Germany manage to split your chuch in half
>Keep continuing with your retardation and even to this day have changes to your "infailable doctrine" and end up with a Globalist Puppet Commie Pope that is still corrupt
The Catholic church is another fine example among many as to why living on your laurels and pushing your luck will end badly.
Universalist cucks.
Would rather drag the entire African world up to Europe than give the niggers some fucking condoms.
It's africa they don't know how to even put a condom on
>Pope is a pro-pedo cuck
>Ethno-religion always beats universalist religion
>Is against decreasing nigger population via birth control and abortion
Catholicism once filled a useful role in Traditional European societies; now it is worse than useless.
I like how you focused on one thing you dumb proddie. Shut up and go back to fucking your sister, electricity must be expensive in the appalachians.
man, thats some unbiblical shit right there
Can you give prof to this?
>Anti faggotry is bad
>He thinks pedo church is anti faggotry in the first place
what a class act
You know I find it funny how the "based" protestants failed to spread the Gospel even though they conquered all of Africa. Compared that the Spanish Empire and now all of its former territories are Catholic
The blessed virgin and Jesus Christ are in the old and new testaments, You need the correct commentary to see and understand its hidden meaning, do not self interpret, people who think they're Christian make this mistake.
What I typed was from a saint, from the book, mystical city of god, that's approved by god through his church.
>No source given
>The bottom pick has less pixels than Ethiopia has food.
Please name the book
>The blessed virgin and Jesus Christ are in the old and new testaments,
she's no where in the old tesament. and she's barely mentioned in the NT, Mary Magdalen is mentioned countless more times than Mary his mother is. the Virgin Mary isn't even mentioned in the resurrection chapters.
>Do not self interpret
>Belive me thy user on a Bohemian Armor Riveting Forum for I know thy secrets because a sage... erm saint from long ago in a manuscript and some other fangly bits along the way
approved by god himself through his church.
>He links Pleb.bit
The mystical city of god
I don't necessarily hate catholics. I hate Catholicism and I hate the pope. Most actual catholics tend to be good people.
But catholicism is a cuck religion that the jews pushed on to europeans to cuck them.
They convinces white people to believe in pacifism and banning usury and then the jews used the opposite values to dominate them and have been dominating ever since.
Oh, oh, i know who they are! They are the protestants! Am i right, user?
Modern-day Catholicism is simply self-destructive. White Catholics are willing to take in Muslims or non-white Christians into their nations, on the basis that they can be "saved" or that they're just "fellow Christians." Catholics also have split loyalties -- they are (sometimes) loyal to their own countries, but are also loyal to the Vatican. As you can imagine, this creates problems for Nationalist causes...
>2 of those don't even cite sources
>The other one I have to dig through first to confirm anyway
Fucking hell.
>They convinces white people to believe in pacifism
>Catholic Church
Read a fucking history book.
>should i repent or continue on my current stiff necked path and go to hell
your choice pal
did u read it pedobear?
Yeah exactly the jews pushing the religion did so though force, like I just said. The people had to behave passively and accept their rules or be murdered.
You act like you think the jews aren't running the catholic church today...
>Suck muslim toes goy, let in all the refugees
>Let gays get married goys
>Trump is bad for you goys
>Never forget the holocaust
>Jews are god's chosen
The catholic church is the leash that keeps the good goys in check being led around by jewish hands.
> You need the correct commentary to see and understand its hidden meaning
Matthew 24
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in
the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not.
>Why do you hate catholics?
All Roman Catholics are my brothers and all Orthodox Christians are my cousins.
>somehow reddit is an authority over the actual scripture that doesn't hold a single appearance of the virgin mary in the old testament
Not if your traditional catholic, we see the bs, and what's really going on here, our old enemy's the Jews are winning.
>He can't even link a single comment so he had to show the whole thread.
>He can't even name the book so again Pleb.bit
>It's a cathocuck book by a cathocuck woman
No thank you.
>Yeah exactly the jews pushing the religion did so though force, like I just said. The people had to behave passively and accept their rules or be murdered.
Are you shitposting Auzzie?
>You act like you think the jews aren't running the catholic church today...
What relevance has today to my comment about you reading a history book?
deut 18 10-11 , it really only means communing with dead spirits not prayers to dead saints nice taking things out of context. no one prays to saints