Sup Forums has jumped the shark

Sup Forums has jumped the shark.

I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.

Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.

I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.

But here's the thing.

It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.

Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.

Shia fucking LeBouf.

And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.

And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.

But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.

>Something Awful
> reddit.

fuck off shia

this is what it means to grow up user

best of luck to you in all of your endeavors. You're free now

maybe youre just depressed user


sorry mom, we won't do it ever again, we promise.

congratulations on finally growing up and starting to be a sensible adult with responsibilities!

Fuck off shill


>pol steal a fag's flag

go back to /mlp/ faggot

lurk moar faggot

You never browsed Sup Forums.

This message is bluepilled as hell and doesnt make any sense

bye bye cocksucker


Praise KEK

Bye nigger. Give me your stuff


if true you'll be back in a week

while others engage in pigheaded madness it is natural to find fun; ere it drives one to the same.

Please tell me what your name and address is and don't hide behind anonymity then, faggot.

praise kek


go home leftie cuck. we're having fun, and you're being a buzzkill.

nice blog faggot


No one got hurt.

>this TL
>not the best TL

You are tired of winning?


cry more sjw babby

>But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.

good ridence fuck stick. acting all high and mighty don't hit your head on the ceiling riding out on your high horse you egotistical douche.


>I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it

sage for shilling

your salt is tasty.

its funny and no one wants you here
go work on your "message" fag

Kill yourself cuck

You are witnessing the power of weaponized autism

Its truly amazing that some people were able to find this flag by looking at the stars, flight patterns and hunting for clues

Sherlock Holmes shit

lmao trolld u fucking retard

Nice blog


What are your thoughts on the Barcelona win, plus anything else that doesn't matter.

You don't get it, after all this time, you faggits still don't understand.

Your opinion is moot. Nothing you say or think matters to us. If you live, fine, die, same. You don't matter, nothing about you matters.

You're like an ant trying to yell at a anteater, we don't speak the same language.

So keep yelling, keep being frustrated, angry, upset, none of it matters. We'll do the same things, same pranks, play the same games. Not to affect you, but because we like doing it.

You are weak and a faggot

>It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain

Its just a flag you bleeding heart faggot


>I want to be better than that
Then fuck off from here and stop virtue-signaling in a place where no one will applaud you for it. Stupid cunt.

>reddit spacing
>blog post
Yeah, fuck off already, you add nnothing to this site anyways.

>pic related

op you are a fucking idiot. kill yourself.

>Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit

Both Sup Forums and Shia have messages that are complete shit.


>thinking that out of everything we do ironically that we voted for trump ironically

So what you're saying is that winning is losing and that in order to win we must surrender and go away. Wow man, you must have read Sun Tzu. Did Sun Tzu tell you to put a plebbit break between every sentence?

I hate that Sup Forums nigger with the passion of a thousand suns.

good, leave faggot


go cut your dick....

OR you're a mysognynist, OP !!!

Cry me a river. Then find a flagpole and hang yourself.

I get it user. I get it. You wanna know the kicker user? I get it. I get this thread you've made. We are trolls. I get it. But heres the thing, I don't think trolling increases intolerance in pain.

ok bye
see you later when you're spitshining my dick in a prison camp for leftist shills

>I lurk redit
>I try and straddle as many fences as possible while never coming to any great self awareness, that's why I always lean left, it is the safest option.


I get it. You're mad as fuck. I get it. You wish you were the one that trolled HWNDU. I get it

>And here's the kicker.

i know quite a few old Sup Forumstards who went full lefty. i can say with certainty that old Sup Forums is nothing compared to nu/pol/. you cunts have done some crazy shit

well done, OP

Opens door
Hurls rock
Shuts door

> be me


>He thinks we do this to be edgy.

Go become an hero.





>muh flag
stop sucking each others cocks over the flag, it wasn't amazing in any way

>I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore
you were never part of it to begin with

Clean your shit

fuck off faggot, back to >>>/reddit/

Are you gonna explain how we're like Shia? Last time I checked, we weren't getting arrested for fighting homeless men and punching people on livestreams...

Not gonna lie, former Sup Forumsact here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sup Forums crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this board to keep trolling on shia.

I leave Sup Forums for like two days and this Shit happens, now I'm lost

Someone give me a brief gestalt, what is this flag and what did we do to it

nice try Shoah but your not going to stop autists from BTFOing you


It's funny
And we are bored
Fuck off

Is this new "I used to be a trump voter until x happened"?

What's up with the sticky?

you're jaded.

Sup Forums isn't doing anything. it's individuals contributing to the site that does things.

This whole HWNDU flag debacle is actually truly brilliant. To think that some dude out there used astronomical alignments and weather patterns to precisely locate a remote flagpole is nothing short of amazing.

To think that it's "jumping the shark" is your issue, not the site's issue. Sup Forums gave him a platform for performance, and we watched with glee.

Hail to the New Glory Days. You once had boxxy, now you have kek. The future is now, old man.

Looks like someone is butthurt


Hey Shia


> I take a anime image board way too seriously

Speak for yourself user, not all of us are autistic.

You also sounds new.

It was totally amazing, stop being a faggot

Actually it was

Seeing threads where Sup Forums is pin pointing flags and calling in airstrikes for the Russian government is kinda amazing

Porn spam bot invasion

>here you go

the quick rundown.



OP is a glorious winged faggot

T. Shia lebouf

Sup Forums has jumped the shark.

I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.

Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.

I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.

But here's the thing.

It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.

Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.

Shia fucking LeBouf.

And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.

And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.

But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.

>implying the weaponized autism on display here isn't hilarious as fuck

ur a faggot

get the fuck out op you fucking faggot

i'm sure

all these (you)s

Sup Forums has jumped the shark.

I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.

Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.

I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.

But here's the thing.

It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.

Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.

Shia fucking LeBouf.

And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.

And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.

But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.

Stay mad, Shia.

>But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore.

Good job Sup Forums i have to say. 10/10 Fuck Shia. I just hope he decides to set up more flags so we can steal them. Replace with a pepe flag next time for more lulz.

post this on redit, too please.