Why are you so anti-LGBT, Sup Forums?
Why are you so anti-LGBT, Sup Forums?
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Transexualism is a mental disorder.
The rest is fine, except gay HIV fetish, those fags can die.
I'm gonna fuck Tracer straight!
I'm not. If someone is hot I want my cock in them.
you ever been to the bug chasers websites, some of those stories about going into homeless tent cities and sucking off and fucking homeless people to get aids, or going into gay bars and sucking the jizz out of used condoms just to get hiv is insane.
those people are mentally disabled.
but it isnt even possible to get HIV from oral sex, and also wtf???? is this really something that happens on first world countries?
I ve not come here in years, its amazing how the russians used pepe and how Sup Forums fell right into it.
Russian shills are running amock, promoting nationalism, dividing america by attacking Shia LeBuff (how do you think they found the flag? russian satellites), and so much more
Why are you so anti-hetero bong boy?
Watch this and you might understand
>Transexualism is a mental disorder.
This. There is something very, very wrong with the brain chemistry of a person if they think they are the other gender. Enabling them just makes them worse.
They pissed me off when they allied with SJW horseshit and started attacking free speech. I was originally somewhat supporting of their right to do whatever, but their actions betrayed my good will.
I don't care if somebody is gay, trans, bi, a, fucking attack helicopter.
They're just fucking annoying. They think they're top shit.
>you ever been to the bug chasers websites
apparently you have
Because LGBTAIDS and feminism are supporters of eachother and go hand in hand. And trannys just infuriate me anyway
Because they're obnoxious faggots who need to be gassed
They think society owes it to them to cater to anything they want because they literally think they're special snowflakes. Fuck them all
You see, if the people do it in their own home it is fine. If you try to force me to be a homosexual or you walk around in the fucking public looking like a fucking rainbow tackle box, you are a problem.
Because faggots won't ever shut up about being faggy.
Fuck I think this is a slider, 1 post by OP.
Why are you so anti eugenics
yeah, im really making my ancestors proud. the internet has some pretty strange places. morbid curiosity has taken me to some dark places.