Racewar factions

This is a message to the traitorous Western Yuros and cowardly colonials who fled the motherlands when presented with the choice of fight or flee.


We will gladly watch you burn from our comfy countries.
Its the law of the jungle, the meek shant inherit the earth, the meek shall perish instead. And Westerners have grown far too weak.

Death awaits all you whites.

btw Slavs are not white, I dont want anything to have in common with you weak fuckers.

Aren't Czechs cucked though?

Fellow Slav here.

Westerners have shunned us, they have denied us acceptance.

They have stated we are the "niggers of Europe".
Now, they seek us for salvation.

Top fucking kek.

I heard they're a bit cucked, but they don't have any rapefugees or Kebabs.

Also, what's your opinion on Rusfags, Polandfags and Georgianfags?

Tako je.

>is the nation of peaceful peoples who came up with the panslavism idea cucked?
We successfully slavify ever invader that dares to come in our lands.

Hungarians have tried.
>got Czechified instead
>Slovaks came into existence

Germans and Austrians tried.
>had to call upon their messiah Hitler because Wien was becoming Vídeň

We are the cuckers of cuckers.
Best relationship with Israel since ever. They would gladly perish for us Czechs in battle.
We have become the ultimate overcuckers.

tell them you based Czech, tell them good!

But tbqh is west fell we will be surrounded with Muslims from both sides, good luck to us if 53% Mexican US decide to arm Muslims with nukes

protip: You have more in common with westerners, genetically, than the slavs to the east, because you are fundamentally celto-germans who were conquered by a small group of slavic warriors at one point.

We are one.

good job czech bro

any self respecting slav will not lift a finger to help any western nation

Comrade Russia has enough nukes to back off everyone else combined.

Also Ching-Chongs will help us.

I fear no Shitskin, Negroid, or Westerner.

Georgia is a beautiful place with great people.
And I don't like Poles and Russians.

Vietnamese have tried
>Czechification took only one (1) generation and was super successful

Only "people" who found a way to resist are gypsies.
They in resistance have turned into primal beasts because they couldnt stand the purity of Slav way.

Check out Czech communities and festivals in Texas, Kansas and Nebraska. Literally 250 years later and
Czechification doesnt let go. The most resilient nation on the entire planet.
Thats the true Panslavism we tried to teach you. But Russians gave into its Imperial ambitions too early.

Muslims will fail as all the others did.
Slavs are one with the mother nature. You would have to destroy the Earth itself to destroy the Slav.

>Westerner trying to lecture me about Slavness.
You would never understand, your body is incapable of swallowing the Slavpill.

Russians will because they have always wanted to have a good opinion in the West

Trust me, a growing hatred for Yanks is growing in the Motherland.

>Slavs are one with the mother nature. You would have to destroy the Earth itself to destroy the Slav.

This is what I unironically believe lol
well said


Chongs cant help themselves but to marvel at beauty Slavs are able to produce.
They are naturally inclined to serve us. Its in their genes.

Russians couldnt be further from being branded as "good" in west.

Where as in USA, John would never give his life to defend his own mother.
Ivan would gladly die any day for a great grandma from his gopnik friends side just so she could make one kompot more.

A half of Ukraine or more speaks Russian

Russians are addicted to the West and will try to do anything to please Westerners, because even Russians dislike Russia

There is no Ukraine, only Kievan Rus, Poland, Russia and Ruthenia.

Does it mean that we have card blanche to take Lwow back? pls pls pls

Also a lot of people speak Surzhyk and not Ukrainian. It's a mix of Russian and Ukrainian.
Here's a more accurate map.

Been to Lwow and its a rightful polish city.

Communism was a constructed by the most Slav clique to plant a seed of hatred for communism in our lands.
It was made so that Slavs would get to know its dangers soon, in early stages when we were sheltered by possible outbreak of war so our ethnostates would be preserved.
While West is crumbling under the works of communist propaganda the Slavs are already immune to it and strive for the utopian statecraft.

>be me, Pioner.
>is 1973.
>wake up, shower in cold water (zakolyatsa horosho!)
>go to school in glorious uniform.
>in grade 5 learn things that Yanks learn in grade 12.
>collect my dnevnik with my 4-5 marks for every subject.
>During break, play voynushka with friends from Grade 0.
>come home and do 2 hours of homework, and after school go home to have some soup and kompot that tetya Dasha made.
>go outside to bike around with Vasya and Petya, and we stop at the prilavok for a 0.15 kopeyok eskimo.
>On Tuesdays and Thursdays go help collect discarded metals for re purposing in glorious motherland.
>on Sunday father's taking me to the kino.


>Wake up.
>Take warm shower because I'm a weak american cunt and can't take anything below 27 degrees.
>Go to Grade 5 and learn that it turns out 2+2 ISN'T 5!!!
>Get called down to the office for triggering a woman by holding the door for her.
>Go home fearing for safety of some refugee raping me, sprint as fast as I can.
>No homework for Amerifats.
>Eat some shitty refrigerated food I microwaved.
>Smoke weed.
>Play vidya.
>Go to sleep.

Amerifats can't compare

This gave me an idea

Gypsies might be natures way of keeping the Slav on the edge, ever vigilant.
>When I spend too much time in my sheltered Prague community I grow weak and become unaware of the danger surrounding me.
>Then I come back to my gypsy infested hometown
>something in my mind snaps
>senses become sharper
>muscles more responsive
>my formerly sluggish movements are gone and I am prepared to face the dangers

The world revolves around Slavs, it is balanced so we are always prepared and vigilant.

>tfw 1/4th Czech
>I can tell my grandfathers cool story about how he escaped the commies over the border to get irl (you)s
>I have bought 13 different ushankas from Prague and plan on buying more

Then your grandfather failed.
The point of escaping was to return again.

ushanka isnt really Czech thing tho

>Comrade Russia has enough nukes to back off everyone else
backing off is not gonna happen
they will be laughing and saying
"enjoy your western gibs, traitors"

You may still be salvageable 2 generations is not enough to get rid of the Slav blood.
Your children may be lost though if you dont return them to walk the Slav soil and create them using fertile Slav wombs.

He managed to get Asylum in Canada years after and then ended up here where he married my nan.

Fugg mate I visited Prague early this year and almost got frostbite in my fingers because I though gloves were for pussy's.

>cowardly colonials
You fucking what? My great granddad came over here with the express purpose of killing godless cannibals for her Majesty.


>Fugg mate I visited Prague early this year and almost got frostbite in my fingers because I though gloves were for pussy's.
See, you can't excape your Slav nature.

>because I though gloves were for pussy's
they are
thats what your pockets are for, you can warm your hands up in 'em.

This winter was pretty damn chilly though, not a best time to visit Prague imho.

>The "Great" Britain is too weak and scared to invest itself in European politics and wars.
>"Guys go kill those innocent animals on the other side of the world, because I cant fight the big guys in Europe.... I- I mean, Fo' her m-Majesty!"


Jew shill tread to divide and conquer whites.
Fuck off kike.

And Britannia dominated all of Europe by the 1860's, few wars worthy of her at the time in Europe.

>Britannia dominated all of Europe by the 1860's
We might be reading different history books.

You really need to accept it as a fact, that colonialism was an escapist way to fight. Not an alpha male would flee his enemies to create outposts halfway across the world.

>wanted to have a good opinion in the West

>slavs aren't white

And if this is why the British Empire has a chapter in history and you a footnote.

When westcucks call you nigger tier but then realize they are the niggest and want you to help.

In British history maybe.

In Czech history Britain is known only by its alias "traitor".

>Slavs unironically think they have something to say
Nice meme, you filthy niggers
We Invest in your economy

>Never allied in the first place.

Frankly all you continentals are traitors, except Spain who was a rival.

>slavshits outside of Russia
>historically relevant.
You're on equal footing as us.


Koreans are ok.
Their airlines bought about 50% of shares of Czech Airlines
That established direct flights to Seoul and cheap tickets.

Their hotspots are Karlovo Náměstí, Staré Město and Malá Strana.
>Frankly all you continentals are traitors, except Spain who was a rival.
whom did we ever betray in our existence?

>And I don't like Poles and Russians.
We don't like you either, fucking faggot.


For starters lets talk about the Bohemian Revolt.

Okay, how about you Slavs take back the Poles in Germany, Britain, and America.

Then we'll stop sending a trickle of 'cowardly colonials' into your own nations.

Also, totally off topic but why do so many Croats seem to think they're not Slavs? I've met some of them who openly think of themselves as Western Euros rather than as Easterners.

uh alright thanks for the info senpai

Oh gee. Who did we betray?
Ehh, no if I recall correctly King is a sovereign in his own country, it was a choice to answer to Emperor, not an obligation
Jew on the stick-cucks, King has a free hand in religion, as the Golden Bully of Sicily commanded.

we did not betray anyone in Bohemian Revolt.

We wont attack them too.
Also your map is bullshit.

You fucktard I'm bitching that the Habsburgs betrayed the protestants (and therefore the brothers in faith in the Church of England) and getting to close to those fucking Catholics leading to the rebellion.

Habsburgs had nothing to do really with Bohemia at the time of revolt,
Estates have chosen the Fridrich V.
Not our fault Habshits chimped out when they lost the Bohemian throne.
When he lost the battle of the White Mountain, Bohemian lands followed the suite. Then we were loyal for almost 5 centuries.

>Habsburgs had nothing to do really with Bohemia at the time of revolt
>Literally the dynasty in charge at the time.

Literally I just wrote that estates have chosen Fridrich the fifth.
He was the Bohemian King, not the Habsburgs at the time of the Bohemian Revolt.
Are you dense?