How do you feel about vaccines Sup Forums ? Do they cause cancer and autism and are meant to thin out the population while offering no protection or is that just schizo talk ?
How do you feel about vaccines Sup Forums...
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Early polio vaccines could have unintentionally wiped out western civilization due to unknown variables. How do you hedge against unknown risk?
I read about that and I began to question if it really was unintentional, but that's a really rocky path to take. The protection you can take would be information but what can a regular civilian do when it's simply norm to get shots
I'm sorry to say I really don't have an answer. Spread the dates of each shot and keep the overall number of shots to a minimum? It's a good question.
Weaponized Vaccines. Beware genetically engineered T4 bacteriophage nanobots attack specific neuron types involving higher cognitive functions.
they probably offer protection.
but vaccines, especially the malaria vaccines bill gates pushes in india cause sickness seizues and death.
I ve not come here in years, its amazing how the russians used pepe and how Sup Forums fell right into it.
Russian shills are running amock, promoting nationalism, dividing america by attacking Shia LeBuff (how do you think they found the flag? russian satellites), and so much more
Russians are also behind the 9/11 truthers, and anti vaccers, a plan to weaken america
You got any sources to back up that you didn't just pull that shit out of your arse?
I'll take 0,01% risk chance of cancer/autism over dying of polio in my 20s
And this is bad how?
reminder the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing comes from one British scientist who gave autistic kids unnecessary invasive surgeries with faked data and when he got caught he got all his qualifications revoked and his work unpublished so he simply went to America and tried the same scam and of course it worked this time since Americans are scientifically illiterate morons
Obviously if there's pizza pedos running things they're gonna fuck with the vaccines.
Vaccines are dangerous. If you already have any medical issues at all, they can make them much, much worse.
The risks of vaccines are NOT fully discussed in public. Get them at your own risk.
Read the protocols of the elders of Zion. They literally identify vaccines as the primary method for controlling the goy. Our cognifive functions are under a multi-pronged assault from the kikes. Every major personality or mental disorder that popped up in the last 100 years is due to vaccines. Even today's biggest normies would look like speed-lord freaks to anybody from the pre-inoculation era.
>in b4 tinfoil conspiratard
Just read the fucking protocols.
eradicated small pox
Russia sure had an easy time subverting America, all they had to do was tell the truth
>Every major personality or mental disorder that popped up in the last 100 years is due to vaccines.
These things don't "pop up", they were always there. They simply weren't identified or classified.
That's the impression I got but the whole classified information thing is not helping with the trust man, full disclosure about side effects and all things associated would be helpful in making a good decision.
as i'm sure you know,
they don't want people to make a decision. nor do they want to be liable for the damage they've caused and continue to cause
The problem is that this decision have impact not only on you (have or don't have side effests) but also on general population (weakening group immunity). You can even see it America, since ani-vaccine movement started there's a rise in cases of diseases that were considedred almost non-existent.
Don't fucking take my word for it, just look at history. Read how people back then actually talked and interacted with each other. The vast majority of people were well socialized and happily married with children from a very young age. They weren't stuck in perpetual adolescence and spergy behavior was extremely eccentric, not the norm.
That's why it's such a shitshow, I don't want to be that guy that wakes up with the bubonic plague and spreads it around. If it was only me I'd take my heart in my teeth and just go with what I want but that's not an option, guess I have to get used to not being a selfish prick.
>back then
When? 1950? 14th century?
>The vast majority of people were well socialized and happily married with children from a very young age. They weren't stuck in perpetual adolescence and spergy behavior was extremely eccentric, not the norm.
You do understant that vaccinese aren't the only thing that has changed? Internet and mass media have way more impact on this than vaccines.
>The problem is that this decision have impact not only on you (have or don't have side effests) but also on general population (weakening group immunity).
if you want to be vaccinated and others don't, that's no skin off your back. you're still protected.
I have gotten all my vaccines throughout my entire life on schedule and have an iq of 134
>inb4 bragging
I think i'm doing just fine and I'll take a 10 point iq drop over polio and tetanus any day
Glad I grew up when we only got three of them, and not right at birth.
Took a trip to the 3rd world the other year, so I picked up another two based on informed consent.
You never know what benign / dormant mutations come up tho.
We also used to process immigrants through Ellis Island to help screen diseases, and they were mainly other Europeans. Also didn't have global flights from all over the place all the time, and kids grew up playing outside, eating better, etc.
There are a lot of factors to consider.
irrelevant. even if vaccines were safe, which they aren't, it's none of your business what kind of medicine someone else wants or does not want to take.
>vaccines aren't safe
The "flu" vaccines are kind of useless unless you've been disconnected from society for a couple years.
They only protect against last year's strains. Not the current ones.
The vaccine offered by Alberta Health is made to protect from three common flu viruses of last year.
It does not protect against the RetroN flu virus going around Alberta right now, it does not protect against the variation of bird flu spreading through Europe right now.
By the time I would get a flu shot, there's a high chance I've already had the flu it protects against.
So I don't bother with them. Let the senior home, camp workers, and prison guards take them, they're the ones that need them.
Besides, who cares about getting the flu? If you're in such bad shape that you're worried about it then you should probably be concerned about the potential impact of the vaccine itself.
You know somebody's making money hand over fist when all of a sudden in the span of a few years it's nothing but flu vaccine commercials and big signs everywhere offering a free flu vaccine. That's obviously not for your own good.
more important than anything else is that people understand there's no such thing as a "chance" of side effects. there WILL be side effects. some people are affected to a greater degree than others, but to pretend they're safe is insane.
We'll, take Putin's Neo-Czarist-Russian-Orthodox influence over your fucking Neo-Con-Zionist bullshit any day, chump. This ain't your daddy's stalinist russophobia you're peddling here, asshole, now fuck off back to your swamp where you can be drained.
Is there anything to do if you've already been over vaccinated?
>increased risk means unsafe
everything we eat, drink or overall are exposed to increases the risk of something happening to our body:
-Going out in the sun increases the risk of being diagnosed with skin cancer
-Eating meat increases the risk of being diagnosed with cancer in the digestive tract
-Smoking increases the risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer
Hell, we can get Oxygen and Water poisoning.
And what you're saying here just tells me you don't understand what "risk" means.
and why did it auto delete my Asuka gif?
read some newer literature on heavy metal poisoning. no amount is considered "safe". the amount harm it causes is dose dependent, but even small doses are harmful.
>I have no idea how compounds work
mercury compounds can still be harmful. see the papers i posted earlier.
Your sixth source here says the ethyl-Hg compound is not retained in the mice brains unless injected along with lipopolysaccharides, which can be found in some bacteria, and there are no bacteria in our brains.
Also , there is a reason why mercury is present in a molecule, rather than alone.
see my first paragraph
And what you said was no amount of heavy metals is considered safe, but no two compounds react the same way with anything. Not everything containing mercury is safe or harmful just like not everything containing carbon is safe or harmful.
The only exceptions are shit like helium which just can't react with anything.
>They weren't stuck in perpetual adolescence and spergy behavior
>every country is america
that's not what it said
"Thimerosal may penetrate the brain, but is undetectable when a clinical dose of thimerosal is injected; therefore, the induction of metallothionein (MT) messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein was observed in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mice after thimerosal injection, as MT is an inducible protein. MT-1 mRNA was expressed at 6 and 9 h in both the cerebrum and cerebellum, but MT-1 mRNA expression in the cerebellum was three times higher than that in the cerebrum after the injection of 12 microg/kg thimerosal."
"We previously observed that the mercury concentration in mouse brains did not increase with the clinical dose of thimerosal injection, but the concentration increased in the brain after the injection of thimerosal with lipopolysaccharide, even if a low dose of thimerosal was administered."
So your reasoning left out a key condition to the retention of ethyl-Hg in the brain. And that's assuming the "may" means it happens in 100% of the cases.
they're saying that it's too small to detect directly, but it is detectable with using other methods. what about the other six articles?
i'll add for everyone that pro-vax shills (and shills in general) for some reason need to have the last word. they'll wait until you leave and respond before the thread gets archived. must be a policy. so forgive me if i don't stick around to argue with them. just do some reading.
Ok, so the concentration of thimerosal is 50 microg/kg, or 25 microg/kg of mercury in a dose of vaccine (from FDA's website, google it).
Third source says damage to the brain can happen with a total of 240 microg/kg of mercury injected.
Sixth source says mercury is detectable starting with a dose of 6 microg/kg (since it makes around half of the mass of thimerosal).
Both sources I mentioned saw mice being eperimented on. Now I don't know the volume difference betweed lab mice and humans, but I can only assume it's huge. You'd need a very large dose of vaccine being injected for any harmful effect to take place.
>pro-vax shills feel the need to have the last word
>they'll wait until you leave and then respond
>forgive me if I don't stick around to argue with them
Next you'll say you were just pretending to be retarded
I'm fine with them as long as they are VOLUNTARY, we don't know the long term problems they may cause.
The diseases they claim to protect against might also be laying dormant and we have possibly just fucked our immunity to combat something far nastier should it decide to wake up.
well how about this one:
or this one
or this one
or this one
So that's 10 shots to get to the study level. Check out the standard vaccine schedule and look at how many shots are given at what age.
And then just step back and ask yourself how many seem necessary, especially at that age.
>Implying that isn't from (((them))) controlling colleges
>so that's 10 shots to get to the study level
no, that's 10 shots of HUMAN sized doses for MICE
Humans would have to take more than 100 (reasonably), and that's implying all of them contain thimerosal
Because those people were kept at home/not enabled.
A social "death" (to ostracize a person) is worse for a human than any physical disease as humans are social creatures
Like I said, check our schedules for how many shots and at what age.
That makes me question your ability to count.
This is really the sad but true thing.
Everyone always pushes the flu vaccine meme too. Gotta give those goys their autismo booster shots.
OK. I'm not against vaccines. I would just suggest that people count and think about the risk / benefit ratio.
If you ask me, flu vaccines are a meme if your immunitary system is decent.
Being vaccinated against shitty diseases like HepB, on the other hand, has an extremely low risk for the benefit it provides.
Also, I checked the average lab rat's mass and they weigh around 30 grams (for males).
Assuming what I said previously you'd need thousands of doses of vaccines to observe any adverse effects of humans. I don't think you'll get those many vaccines in a lifetime.
there's subtle native advertising for vaccines too. house, family guy, probably more. wikipedia also defends vaccines in a rather biased manner.
I agree. I don't get the flu shot. I did get hep B before visiting a 3rd world country where it is a problem.
I think if we were to have a more sensible and balanced approach to vaccinations, we wouldn't need to debate probability mass functions. We also wouldn't need to have non-doctors at the CFR brainstorming arguments comparing ingested mercury levels from tunafish to injected mercury levels from some vaccines as a way to brainwash the population into wanting to get more shots. It's ridiculous.
Remove all of the barriers of ignorance and remove the financial incentives and protections (you know if you are harmed by a vaccine in the US then you get paid off to never speak of it) and then we should have a more sane basis for health.
well, that would be great. but the first step is to eliminate the commonly held belief that vaccines are harmless.
>there's subtle advertising for vaccines too
>wikipedia defends vaccines in a rather biased manner
first of all:
>taking memepedia seriously
The native advertising comes from the common belief that vaccines are harmless.
And vaccines are (spoiler) harmless.
So everyone is believing a fact.
Good Goy of the year
Usually when only one side of the argument is presented there's a reason for that.
Did not realize it was also being pushed in TV. Usually I just see all these giant signs outside every pharmacy on my commute saying "GET YOUR FLU SHOT TODAY" in bright eyesore inducing colors.
I'm not a medical professional but I know flu is rather contagious because it has the ability to mutate quickly. The stock dead flu used in vacancies can't possibly cover all the varieties. People at my work were complaining about how they still got flu despite getting shot. All this leads me to believe something suspicious is taking place.
not even the CDC believes that "fact"
>And vaccines are (spoiler) harmless.
>So everyone is believing a fact.
That's not proven. And then when you get things like one of the H1N1 batches killed off the ferrets during last-minute testing and they were like
>oops sry
you know ipso facto they are not harmless.
There's a reason animals have tissue isolating the blood, the brain, and all these different metabolic pathways in the liver etc. to isolate key organs from toxins. When you start injecting things directly into the blood, you are playing with fire no matter what. That's why so many people die from simple cuts and open wounds when they are not cleaned and bandaged properly.
and many people do take wikipedia seriously, so it's a serious issue.
The CDC has scrutinized it for its shitty methodology. Do you not check your sources or reviews?
of course they did, there's a conflict of interest.
Stop pretending (you)'re retarded
stop pretending you're french
All I know is the sign at Walgreens for flu shots has the UN and its logo on it. I noped out of those shots since, and told my parents to do the same.
>H-hey guys the CDC said published this thing without proper review it must be tru!!!!!!1111
>Silly user we can't trust the CDC they rejected it
Nice mental gymnastics m9. They rejected it because the study was shit, accept it. Even I could point out the flaws in the experiment.
>mfw Sup Forums causes and spreads more autism than vaccines
They must offer some level of protection with many serious diseases kept at bay and almost nearly eliminated by vaccines. It was airhead soccer mom's from cuppertino with sons named Noah that fucked it up for everyone.
then maybe these other studies will interest you
Vaccines are fine. Immigrants are bad.
I bet you weren't vaccinated and got autism anyways. Have another (you)
also stop reposting the same sources
and i bet you're a fat shill sitting in an office in california
if shills would stop ignoring them, i wouldn't have to.
You were just waiting for someone to take the bait so you could bust out with this to overwhelm someone. Alright I'll bite, I've already read a bunch of these.
This one was published on a rag. The primary author of this teaches creationism in biology. One of the author's have falsified their credentials as well. The Greirs are known crackpots
Half of the authors return for yet another shitty study
Many of these authors only have this as their own publication and come from dodgy universities that have low standards for research.
Oh look, the same creationist hack with the other crackpot. In yet another unreputable journal.
Please hold. I am going to continue this.
try again
You can't write off me saying that one of the researchers involved had literally falsified her credentials as ad-hominem. You know as well as I do that these are bunk.
Do you want me to go through every single one of these and explain to you why these are bunk? I can if you want me to, give me an email and I'll explain to you every single thing that is wrong with these papers. I only request email because explaining in multiple posts on 4cahn will be cumbersome and will take me more than a few hours. I'm serious. I'll point out every single failed methodology and abuse of statistics.
i genuinely appreciate the offer, but no, i'm not posting my email here. good to know about that author though, it's hard doing a literature search when you're not super familiar with the subject. i'll develop a more refined list of sources eventually.
I fully support that vaccines cause autism......because people that actually believe it do not deserve to reproduce.
I don't support vaccines , or usage of any medications in most cases , unless the user of said medications doesn't reproduce. I strongly support survival of the fittest natural human in biological regards. (Eugenics, basically)
but your complains are still largely ad-hominem. it's probably hard to get support for research examining the safety of vaccines.
Make a throwaway email. One of my research interests is vaccines so I know about the subject and I would like to stay in contact with you. I encourage you in the future to actually read the papers though before posting again. Don't just jump at the first thing that validates your narrative without actually understanding what the study was getting at, or who published it. Publishing bunk to further a political agenda is a real thing (but doesn't mean that everything you disagree with is bunk)
Letting the pharmaceutical establishment inject whatever the fuck they want directly into your blood stream.
Why the fuck do i need vaccines anyways? Its not like there is a massive epidemic of polio or whatever. Its pointless, you are probably just volunteering for medical tests/possibly getting vaccinated.
Fuck vaccines, but you can do whatever you want to your body so inject bleach for all I care. Personally I have such little trust in multi-billion dollar industries especially ones with a history of death and deception.
It's actually not. There's thousands of papers on vaccine safety go and find them.
if you do, i'll email you. sorry for being a pain in the ass, i just don't want to post any info here.
I don't ignore sources.
Yours are just bad.
Stop being a tinfoil autist, if (((we))) wanted a global scale conspiracy we wouldn't allow these studies to be published.
This same delusion of yours is actually making you question my authenticity. Fuck off, I am indeed a surrender monkey.
I understand. Just let me know.
>it's probably hard to get support for research examining the safety of vaccines.
You're confusing vaccines with boner pills
i meant, if you create a throwaway email, then i will send you an email immediately so you have my address.
>Its not like there is a massive epidemic of polio or whatever.
Yes, because vaccines are on track to eradicate that shit by next year.
Retards like you need to get vaccinated so disease like polio can be erased.
Once the disease is gone, the vaccine goes too, so shut the fuck up until then.