Has anyone watched this episode?

Has anyone watched this episode?

He won't stop complimenting himself about every aspect of his life and achievements since his childhood - it's unctuous.

Almost as if having Toronto University's most popular gold-panning masters podcast isn't enough for him anymore

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't like the guy after his spergout.
Only his 'the truth about...' series is any good.

I only watch him when he's doing a topic about HBD desu. His political videos are intolerable due to his acting.

If the talk about this guy being involved in cults is true, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. He gives off that vibe 100%.

This is the first I've returned to him after he went full God complex on that guy(I hope he feels vindicated) - wonder if he's noticed a decrease in viewership.

>His political videos are intolerable due to his acting
This too. The 'there are no more arguments' schtick was awful, only literal autists would see it as genuine. Not very impressive for a drama student.

he's mentally disturbed. Very strange that his wife, as a therapist no less, enables his behavior. Has some crazy god complex and fear of authority. Man is personally offended by many arguments and tends to strawman as well. It scares me that so many people can follow a charismatic and confident character despite all the logical red flags in his ideology.

He's always had an ego. I remember one time when Thernovitch was on and said something like "genius-level intellects such as you and me" or something equally pompous, and Molyneux just nodded along without even raising his eyebrows.

And of course making an entire video shitting on someone for not donating as much as you'd like.

I haven't even watched any of his videos since the meltdown about a week ago.

>listening to cult leaders ramble on about their life for over 3+ ours each episode

He does has a good radio voice, and he talks in a soothing way.

More than one hour long video. Who the fuck watches this shit?
I can understand spending this amount of time watching someone like Peterson, he's whole other level. His videos are interesting and actually informative.
But watching ramblings of molymeme? Come on...


Background audio while you're doing something else.

Who still watches Molyneux? He's gone off rails.

He was always like this

I took it as self validation. You know he made the choice to be a stay at home dad for his daughter. So now he's telling the world why his choice is the best and every other choice is wrong. From his perspective it probably seems very rational.

But I think it's more rationalization. He made the stay at home dad choice for other reasons, and now he's working backward to justify it to himself. What better way to convince himself than to try to get others to agree with him?

Remember, his wife is a fucking shrink who got in an assload of trouble some years ago for going on his show and giving unorthodox opinions. She goes to work every day to support him staying at home with the baby.

Everyone is personally offended by many arguments. Molyneux at least will listen to them after they insult him.

But then he'll tear them apart. Which is wise, considering his game theory standpoint on how to treat other people.

Even if you don't like him, he is undeniably brilliant. He was also a strong Trump supporter, and for that alone he deserves loyalty.

>Shills are still trying to deligitamize molymeme by creating new threads every day



>insult him
the problem is very often people don't insult him. He blows their statements out of proportion. Lets not forget how he equates support to the state for personally advocating for his murder. If you think this is rational you're too far gone.

>all the logical red flags in his ideology
t. a fucking leaf

stop sucking dog cock, read one of his books, and actually assemble a counterargument

If you had a proper education you would understand. Without critical thinking all it takes is a radio voice. And hey, it's not your fault. Get the moly-goo out of your eyes and look up some of his critics video responses (where molyneux is unable to derail argumentation and misconstrue arguments to fit his narrative).

I was watching non-stop, like every journey between work. The sperg out and consequent Japan video where he railed against a fan who clearly admired Stefan, yeah, It was a REAL eye-opener, goes to show no one is infallible to ego and high esteem......... I mean really, that's an inadvertent red-pill and philosophical lesson right there.

I haven't watched him since. Been listening to styx (his videos are a little short though) and discovered Jordan Peterson.

the only book of his i will consider reading is his manifesto when he finally goes through with killing his mother and then himself

It's the same reason he and Vox Day get along so well, they live in a bubble where they are the most intelligent people on the planet.

>he equates support to the state for personally advocating for his murder

I did find in it a fresh way to look at authority and the state, but he is unironically going to far with this.


Prepare for some feels:


>State murders people
>supporting the State enables murders
If you don't think that's rational you're not good at logic.

The calls you're talking about do include people who insult him. But you know what? Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head and makes them call in. Nobody is forcing them to stay on the line either. They can walk away at any time. If you don't like it, you don't have to listen.

The caller was disgusting.

>I haven't even watched any of his videos since the meltdown about a week ago.


Rejoice, for /ourguy/ Styx plans to have a longer "call-in" style of show in the future. It might become dangerously entertaining...

it's a lose-lose situation for the caller. "Just walk away dude "doesn't get the point across. I'd much rather he be intellectually honest than have to flip through the mental gymnasium to keep his fragile ego intact.

I noticed he started changing more radically when he started coming to Sup Forums

Yeah, that one was retarded. "Hurr, I liek secks" no fucking shit. And then the kid goes off and cries. Literally breaks down and cries. And complains about growing up without a father. Man nobody cares about your bullshit. Why the fuck are you airing your personal business like that for the entire internet to hear? Fucking facebook generation.

>I'd much rather he be intellectually honest
So you like him, then. You need to get your arguments straight.

He's fucked up in the head

Not muh argument

"Meltdown" was probably an overstatement. But he really took that the wrong way for some reason, as "I am better at arguing than you" rather than a criticism from an outside perspective.

And honestly I sometimes get annoyed at people who know nothing about what I do attempting to tell me what I'm doing wrong, but sometimes they're actually right. And the guy was obviously not a native English speaker anyway.



>He won't stop complimenting himself about every aspect of his life and achievements since his childhood - it's unctuous.
His only achievement is being friends with Ricky Gervais. What a dick.

Hew was ok a few years ago, but now he's just another youtube panhandler that thinks his shit don't stink I stop watching so many people because they got that way

Hey, cut him some slack. He probably never had a chance to express his feelings about any of that before. No father, no father figure, no brotherly bonds... Even a stranger like you is feeling like shaming him for expressing his feels.

Even if he's a degenerate, he can't possibly bottle up twenty one years of shame and guilt for another twenty one, can he?

He sure made some wild assumption and painted some broad narratives in that video. I wonder if he realizes his own massive cognitive bias.

Of course he can. That's what it means to be a man. Nobody cares about your feelings. Even your girlfriend or wife won't care. Perversely, you are then expected (by our degenerate and jewified society) to tiptoe around every possible permutation of the feelings of literally everyone else on the planet.

With specific regard to that kid, however, putting his personal vulnerabilities on display so publicly will only serve to hurt him in the future.

Why have the nerd virgins started attacking Stefan more and more lately? They don't even have new criticisms, just the same tired shit we've heard for years.

I think he's too full of himself desu

How is that too far? I'm not an AnCap and I understand and accept the necessity of taxation, but I wouldn't say supporting taxation is supporting killing those that refuse is saying too much. It's just a statement of fact.

>Still listening to a cult leader dodge the jewish question and talk into a selfiecam

>I wonder if he realizes his own massive cognitive bias.
He verbally acknowledges his biases all the time.

>If you had a proper education you would understand.
Love this leftist meme.

>Everyone calling him a cultist


>(to bottle up endlessly), that's what it means to be a man.

I can agree that this is what's expected of a man, but to expect a male born into abuse (which fatherlessness definitely is) to develop male survival tools in order to not bottle up, but to control and deflect hardships, is ludicrous.

He did the female thing and cried for help. But he can't forge his path without fire along the way.

As a "true man" in this toxic gynocentric society, lending your ear to troubled boys is one of the best thing you can do to help, if only to give him a wake-up slap. NOT a session of pity sex. You get me?

google de-foo insider or something

he had some weird setup for his inner circle of donators renting out an apartment and he would pay them visits or something

i dont know if its true but everything else about him screams cultist anyway

Yeah, keep bottling up and become a miserable human being to eventually snap like Elliot Rodgers. Great philosophy!


Holy shit lol

>I'm the master debater
>I've got 9000 years of experience
>you think you can change peoples minds better than me?
Then the majority of HIS OWN FANS disliked the video in favor of the other guy. It really goes to show lmao

Can't believe he looked at this and thought "yeah, that's a great video. I'll upload this"

that's a nice cup

i think i have the same one.

What i meant by "too much" was that his Anarchists views are not possible in reality. Not the way he describes it, at least. So, i mean to say that him "being convinced of it ideologically" means he's not arguing for realistic solutions.

However, facts are facts, and supporting gov. means supporting plenty of unironical oppression. I can't deny that.

It's telling when they create threads attacking him. If anons didn't like stef, then they'd just criticize him in normal discussion threads.
Instead, they created this campaign completely built around one of his videos. Don't they realize that him shitting on a faggot isn't a big deal for anyone who isn't a modern libshit.

>talking with a drug addict trying to stay off the drugs

When he did this I unsubbed. How removed from reality do you have to be to act that way.

This guy is some kinda shitty cult leader

Is this man a cult leader?

This guy is the quintessential fedora tipping narcissistic shitlord. People like him think they have all the answers and go around tossing philosophy as if anyone remotely gives a shit.

You can lose brain cells by listening to his monotonous commentary. If he really thinks he is hot shit, he should write a book or publish a peer reviewed paper so experts can verify his hot opinions.

All he does is copy paste links from other websites into 1 hour long slideshow and cannot handle any form of criticism.

You can also just check this shit out - defoo.org/
I honestly feel bad for his kid.

Alright fine, but to broadcast that over the internet is retardation on a level that is nearly incompatible with survival. If you want to be a pussy ass bitch, do it privately. Because now anyone who ever has a grudge against him in the future has an hour's worth of ammunition to use against him of his most personal insecurities.

Daycare is a capitalist market service with demand and supply, perfectly in line with his ideology.

Elliot Rodgers was a fag. There are 7.5 billion people on this planet, half of them men, and most of those keep their irrational emotions to themselves and never kill anyone. You have merely swallowed the blue pill on this one. You think like a woman. You think men should be "more in touch with their feminine side." That's gay and womanly. Real men do not and must not act that way.

Well, he did ask the guy if he should pull his punches, and the addict told him to be as harsh as he needs.

I guess he asked a question everyone in the audience wants to ask first, even if it isn't anything philosophical etc. I don't see what's so wrong with it.

>emotions are feminine

No, real emotions are masculine. Women project everything and call them emotions. Real men feel what's inside them without projecting.

Being a man doesn't mean being a robot.

I can agree that doing it publicly was not the right call, short or long term.

By you know what? If everyone knows his weakness, it's going to be do or die for him. Either plug those holes or sink with the ship. No more wishy-washy halfway pseudo depression about sex.

I'm sure that's a positive in your book, as well as mine.

What sperg out?

That doesn't stop him from backing up his narratives with very scarce amounts of scientific information

May be so, but that's completely irrelevant in relation to what he brings to the table.
He was pretty much spot on during his "meltdown". If he made a mistake it was to actually make the piece because of how ridiculously babby-level the callers argument was.

>Being a man doesn't mean being a robot.

Definitely. You need to have balance in all things. Think with your brain, but know when to listen to your heart.

Sounds gay as fuck, I know, but i guess inner peace ain't as easy to market as "man up, you fucking pussy"

If he honestly analyzed problems, he would talk about jews objectively and moderately

If he just wants a following he can manipulate into believing him, he dodges the JQ and creates an effective cult that would probably kill themselves if he made it his logical conclusion in his mind for them.

new video

That's a nutty rationalization. What's bad for you is actually good for you because it makes you need to be better. By that standard there's no such thing as bad, and you can rationalize anything.

That said you're probably right. He will need to harden up to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or perish like Yorick, anyway. It's a really childish thing to whinge over liking promiscuous sex. Now he has no such luxury. The thing is though that an hour conversation with Molyneux won't have actually cured him of his troubles. So now he's got all the same issues he was facing before, and this new set of problems on top of them. He didn't do himself any favors by that conversation.

True. Men go years trying to cope with emotions from something tragic. Women cry and pitch a fit, and laugh and forget about it ten minutes later

It's not gay. Not dealing with your emotions and calling others faggots for expressing them actually makes you the pussy.
Psychologically for a man, nothing takes more courage then to feel your emotions because it makes you vulnerable.


Most viewers go through these steps:
>get hooked on his solid presentations
>get into the commentary videos
>start picking up a few call-in shows
>call-ins are a bit awkward but seem fine, his ego is inflated but he's usually justified
>call in show where he's plainly being an asshole or joking nonstop to the point of irritation or massively changing the subject.

It won't affect him because he does something obnoxious like 'do... you think you're better... than me?' Every six months.

Still really enjoy his presentations though.

Emotions are not feminine in and of themselves. In a sense, they're not even human since we observe the same brain structures that govern emotions in non-human animals. What is feminine is thinking that they matter in any meaningful way beyond survival. You can love a woman, for instance, but she may leave you anyway. Your love is irrelevant. You can hate a politician, but your hatred does not alter them. If it suits you to wallow in the chemical and electrical machinery of your mortal husk, then that's your choice. I hope you enjoy it. But thinking that your feels somehow magically manifest anywhere outside your particular neural pathways is about on par with thinking that praying can change the world.

So why on earth do you think that becoming vulnerable is a good thing? You swallowed the blue pill big time.

But I forget myself. I'm arguing with Europeans. You don't understand, because you're all homosexuals anyway.

It was one of his worst videos to date. Definitely running out of discussions/going off the rails a bit.

He's also wrong about ayylmaos

Let's talk again when you enter your inevitable depression.


he names the boomer

>What is feminine is thinking that they matter in any meaningful way beyond survival.
This. I just view them as something arising as a natural response to some stimuli, and then determining logically whether I'm justified acting in X way because of it, instead of just having the emotion steer me entirely.

I might feel like punching someone who's acting like a retard, but more often than not this isn't fruitful, and more often than not, there are better options at hand.

Same thing goes with lifting. If you're cutting, you might feel hungry even though you know your body will work just fine without food and you'll hit your micros and macros by the end of the day anyway.

Oh. So you're not just a mind reader, you also predict the future. Does everyone in Holland have a crystal ball, or just you?

I guess I'm a bit too optimistic in my rationalisation, seeing the good in the bad like i did, but that's a perspective that is rarely considered by people. You gotta know how to make the best of your situation, especially when you fuck up like that dude. We all know the internet never forgets.

I haven't had time to watch it all yet, but I'm sure no amounts of conversation will "heal him". It's all about giving him a chance to learn about his own feelings.

I think the goal of the conversation was more about the caller learning his own feelings, because he most likely never even laid it out on paper before. It's a clumsy step forward, but better than nothing.

Really, I'm a bit mad at you and others who immediately said "who the fuck cares, just a whiny little pussy", when our sons will unfortunately be confronted to even more toxic feminine bullshit than the caller ever will, should we never understand the gravity of having weak men like that everywhere.

I hope i expressed my opinion clearly, sorry if it is confusing.

How could you guys not tell he was absolutely, 100% this kind of person from the very start? He as always been up his own ass.

Spoken like a true irrational fool

>But thinking that your feels somehow magically manifest anywhere outside your particular neural pathways is about on par with thinking that praying can change the world.
They do when they influence your actions.

It's pretty retarded how people who think Molyneux doesn't matter/is boring spend the most time of all sperging about him on this site.

Saged for stupid crap.

>not human

Interesting. When I started to get in touch with my feelings in my early 20's I actually started to experience I have a soul. Everything started to make sense.

I know it, because I was just like you and experienced what happens when you bottle up.

Not gonna lie. Former molymeme subscriber here. Hilarious watching this egotistical cult leader crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear arguments.

please watch

To clarify, I'm saying that the caller is a case study for us to fix shit before our sons suffer an even worse fate, so let's not dismiss him as "just another pussy" too fast.

I am inclined to agree with you. But I also know that most of the time people think they're being rational, they are actually rationalizing. That is, we come to a decision based on emotions, then look for logic to justify that decision after the fact.

Nevertheless, that is still superior to just acting on emotion, or overvaluing it.