1940 Risk, pick nation.
WW2 1940 RISK
Other urls found in this thread:
Start as United Kingdom
Spain please mate
also, whenever you're ready, roll to take Gibraltar
Is this it? Wtf is going on risk usually has more players than this
Taking Turkey
maybe try a new thread? Please link if you do BurgerBro
It's ok
claiming Soviet Union
How long before deleted?
join as greece
invade turk to retake constantinople
Waiting for 1 axis to join then I'll start
Claiming germany
Claiming Iran
(some colors were changed to be easier on the eyes)
invade turkey and take back constantinople
>3 allies
>2 neutrals
>1 axis
Take Iraq, spill into Syria
Invade Ireland, but defend if Germany attacks
shut up
Invade Greece
Take Gibraltar
Invade sweden, take stockholm. Spills finland
Invade Germany
Invade Albania
Go to /tg/ faggot mods will delet this
also claiming Belarus
If possible, redirect roll into defending against USSR
Oh wait, its in the Soviet Union. Wish we could become independent.
rolled a 6 - 12 territories
Since Albania only has 9 territories, invade Germany with the remainder.
23 spill
updated name btw
take Portugal then pls
8 spill lol
HEY OP! Got an idea.
If the Krauts take the Belarusian part of the Soviet union, can we ask for independence or some shit?
Fuck off, Nadeko.
MUPDATE. If you have extra spill account for all of it or I'm throwing it away.
No. If you want to play something like that then try to wait for liberated Poland or Czechia. Otherwise pick a nation thats on the map. I'm sorry.
>implying thats me
shietttt, can I use the 8 spill to announce an alliance with the Axis?
Poland is liberated?
invade the soviets
>attack Germans
mistake, i didn't read it gud.
What nations are free?
desu that would be nice
Invade Turkey
Rolling for United Kingdom
Take over Greece, then Cyprus and Bulgaria if possible.
which nation is free?
You know full well it is. There is only one Swedish player here.
Now fuck off.
you can claim anything that isn't claimed by other players
join as Bulgaria and help me kill turkey
who the fuck are you?
Invade Germany through Norway and Normandy. Not much else I could do
Fill Jordan and Lebanon
Spills go into South-East Turkey
Defend from Russia if they attack
You would actually need several players for the larger Nations to make this balanced
Old alliances are back, eh?
you need to reply to this post and roll
rolling to crack some Turkish skulls.
I can't attack you, we're both on the allied side
Any more spill after taking South-East Turkey, just take all of Eastern Turkey
I know that my sophisticated companion.
You can announce axis and attack at the same time bro just roll
>to announce an alliance with the Axis?
Why would you do that? You're only adjacent to Axis countries, you can only invade axis countries.
I'm finishing what Darius I started
As an Axis member can I take Malta for the Italians or would I have to go through their territory to get it? if so, roll for Malta pl0s
>axis member
please account for spills next time.
Kill the Bulgarians, Yugoslavs, and Iranians.
Attack Nazis
continue attacking USSR
pls dont
roll to invade Turkey and take rightful clay back
Invade Turkey (Greece)
Take Israel and then Cyprus if possible
Spills go into pushing further into Turkey
sorry am risknewfag
Help beat back D-Day, if necessary Spill into Dover
Yugo help pls
invade Switzerland
>attack Germans
>rip world economies
what have you done you fool
Invade Greece, spills go into Bulgaria, then Turkey, then Romania (if Persia finished off Turkey this turn)
Finish off Switzerland
spill invade vichey france
Yugoslavia help
Attack russian cities, removing their superpower bonus
Take Ankara and the territories surrounding it
Any spills go into filling Western Turkey, if Yugoslavia hasn't already killed Turkey
I hate their knives.
Kill Yugoslavs and Iranians
Push further back against Allies in North France, spill into Southern England if possible
Negroid thats an axis country
you're axis
>having to correct the Italian's mistakes
I thought Germany invaded it anyway. My B
Im coming for you paella eater.
fucking Pizza stop playing with historical mode turned off