I-is he going to win?
I-is he going to win?
only if kek wills it
>one off
dumb leaf
Deus vult
he wills it
Probably, yes.
Ask and ye shall receive
Reminder to download and spread the turkroach memes:
He will win and Le Pen will win.
Roaches just gave us a landslide
Is he going to drive the musloids out of NL?
This window will close in 3 seconds...
desu vult
Geert will rule the world cleanse Islam From the the Netherlands AND ALL EUROPE WITH LE PEN
Reminder that the roaches gave it to him
if 0 Geert wins
if 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9 Geert loses
welp not a single zero,
gg wp europe
He'll get the most seats, but not enough to form a government. The fire will continue to burn. Bigger things are coming in the future.
Win? Maybe.
Govern? Nope.
Kek has given Geert his blessings
Well, let's fucking hope so kankerturken en kankermoslims raus!
my digits confirm this
>Card Crusher
Whoa, I forgot about that guy. Post more old memes
Will you ratify association?
The Dutch Parliament has like 15 parties and not one of them would go into cotillion with Wilders. Wilders will need a majority if h is too win, which is unlikely
Yes. Geert will win.
yea probs
meh too weak to show profound evidence kek has recognized your wish as to what will happen
Do you really mean this or is it wishful thinking!?
What does it mean for Holland if he wins? Will it be big right-wing happenings?!
Red pill me on the Geert!
I notice weird candidates pop up throughout European elections very quick and are competitive, macron for example. or Lepen being removed of immunity by the EU.. interfering in France's internal affairs.
the cheek of these culprits and they don't even care who knows anymore.
Yes he will
>jew spy
I hope not
Geert will deliver us from evil.
>2/3rd generation shitskins chimpout because a foreign politician, from the country they supposedly have nothing to do with because they're "dutch" and "europeans" and perfectly integrated, isn't allowed into the country
I am telling you if Wilders doesn't win after all that has happened and is currently happening with the Turks I am fucking done with this shithole of a country.
all signs point to yes
Yep, by a landslide. 2's confirm
He is now. Stupid roaches ruining the jihad! We have you, so close. Give uss fifty years or maybe seventy years and Sharia will rule all your lands. At least Francais and Germany and Sweden. Canada you keep joking about but we have much work to do there, chinaman is too many and they lack True Faith.
>id is DOG
moderate kek
Today pretty much seals it
One can hope. If the Turks flee the Netherlands into Belgium and France, then try to burn Paris to the ground, it would improve the odds.
I'm glad not to be living in a Turk district anymore. They chimp out from time to time when some Turk happening happens, that's how these "perfectly integrated Austrians" are.
KEK has other plans for him.
Muslims hate dogs
I love you
He's the only hope they have against the turkroach and leftist menace
Isn't Geert part Indonesian? Aren't you guys afraid this could create a conflict of interest?
I hope he wins. It's possible, but nobody can see into the future. let's wait it out.
>The turks just assured their own Deportations
You can't make this shit up, how much kvetching do you wanna bet is going on right now?
The world is the Netherlands
The Netherlands will bow for the Turkish Muslim overlords. Wallah ik zweer het!!!
It'd be good if he did, but the Netherlands is pretty fucking irrelevant so it doesn't really matter either way. Germany and France are the pins which need to fall.
Don't hold your breath. Germans still have that thing called Kadavergehorsam and will follow our politicians till the bitter end, again.
My hope is on France.
Geert will make the East Indies Dutch Again
I have no hope for Germany's organic political reconstitution, Hans. I know it is impossible task. The best we can hope for with Germany is being lent on by outside forces, either America forces its hand, or the collapse of the EU.
Alrighty, Sup Forums had high hopes for Wilders. Most Dutch polacks are also Wilders voters, but the reality is comming closer
People are starting to realise voting on him is a lost vote, its the truth
>15 march election day
>parliament: 150 seats/votes
>senate: 75 seats/votes
Okay, so Wilders was first leading the polls with 40-44 seats. Second-one was around 28-32. Even then, every party said that they will never make the usual 2-party coalition to form a 75+1 majority. They rather make a coalition with 3/4 or even 5 parties (even tho this wont lead to anything good). They rather sink the ship they are working on just to kill the captain.
>wilders now is back to 2rd or 3rd position. He lost major amount of seats
>B-but, he c-can still
Okay lets say, wilders gets either the 75+1 majority or a coalition. Most of his plans are unconstitutional. You can't just ban Mosques, you first need to remove
>freedom of religion
>freedom of association/grouping up (like a footbal team or orchestra)
In order to do this, he needs the 75+1 majority in the Parliament and a majority in the Senate. After this the whole government will be dismanteled and everyone in the country can vote again. So new elections will start etc. After the votes, the motion to change the constitution needs 100 votes out of 150 and a majority in the senate before it can be fulfilled. In others words, it wont
>b-but T-trump did the s-same
>US is made out of ignorant loudmouths that blame others for their misery
>they selected a ignorant loudmouth that blames others for his misery
Thanks to Erdogan his victory is ensured.
Yes I do. And since I don't support him it's not wishfull thinking.
He's already strong in the polls. But what most people seem to be forgetting/ignoring is that, because of the controversy around his person, a lot of people won't admit to voting for him. But once they're alone in that boot, they will. At the moment all the other parties are saying they won't work with him but this will soon change when the election is over. The VVD is likely to do a 180 after the election and be open to a coalition with the PVV if it means they can continue to govern.
He may not become prime minister but I believe the PVV has a strong chance to be part of the new ruling coalition.
t. moroccan
Marocan and turkish muslim brothers will join forces. The Netherlands will bow. Wilders will not stop us!!! Wallah ik zweer het!!
Let's see.. 17 days or something until the election.. and the streets are filled with mudslime roaches that screams "allahu akbar".
So.. yes.
You seem scared...
The reality of your precious "european invasion" falling apart only hitting you now, goatfucker?
Fuck T*rkey
Yes, but only if I get digits.
*repeating digtis
There you go
well done
Can kek show this based Dutch 'pede some love?
Oh boy...
No but it will be close now.
Step aside
It's next week grabben.
Geert Wilders can't even have a damn beer with his friends in public
>pic related
A lot of one offs... I'm starting to think Kek doesn't will it.
After today, yes.
It'd be nice if he won. Here's hoping. Raise a glass!
I told you bros, I told you dawgs. I told you about Islamic fascism.
Here we go
You can do it, Netherlands!
hope so. needs to show some statesman level response to the roachout and it should be in the bag. roaches were meant to be the 'good' secular, muslim immigrant, thats fucked right off now
I highly doubt he will win.
Even if he becomes the biggest he'll need a lot of coalition parties to rule and nobody is willing to do that.