Go to stormfront if you want to be an actual keyboard nazi, fag

Go to stormfront if you want to be an actual keyboard nazi, fag.

Most of the people here come to shitpost, laugh at funny bants, sometimes talk politics, and find ways to piss off leftists. If you took anything about being actual, card-carrying national socialists seriously, you're either an idiot or you're better off on Stormfront.

Besides, most of the people here aren't nazis, that's why the NatSoc general is usually just 5 or 6 anons dumping Propoganda posters and YouTube videos. I bet you anything if you asked someone from Sup Forums to describe their political views, they'd describe themselves as "More of a center-right kind of guy".

We've had black trump supporters post here. We've had mexican trump supporters reveal themselves here. Arab trump supporters, Asian trump supporters, all getting together under a common idea: Fuck leftists, and fuck your feelings

>Sup Forums is satire
you're satire, OP

Go to reddit if you want a safe space, fag.

Most of the people here come to get uncensored politics. The name of the board is politically INCORRECT. Sup Forums respects diversity. Make an argument against a commie or a fascist but don't cry that they are here.

I'm a normie kind of guy that LARPs as a nazi but I dislike these threads. Sup Forums is Sup Forums stop trying to define it.

>black trump supporters here

Yeah, sadly, nothing is more pathetic than when all the redditors line up to suck some nigger's dick just because he wore a Trump hat, and I see it here all too often. I'd rather have no niggers support Trump at all if it meant I wouldn't have to deal with them being here.

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums stop trying to define it.

>fucking based!

Also, there is literally nothing wrong w/ the 14 words.


Is this just a coincidence?

Fuck off nigger. Go to leddit if Natsocs trigger you. Sage


>can't handle nazi memes
>while promoting "banter"


what year did you arrive in britain?

You are right socialism in all forms is degenerate

The Germans are not the superior race

But Hitler was right in terms of the white race deserving its on ethno-state and purging leftists

It's probably just the influx of redditor newfags that came in during the election and now refuse to fuck off


Oh boy, it's this fucking thread again.

> reddit spacing

> one post by this ID

Nigger, this is a true free speech site. If you don't like what's posted here, your welcome to leave. Jigaboo blue gummed nightfigting spear chucking porch monkey.

t.Sadiq khan


confirmed for shill, piss off kike

Fuck off faggot.

Fascism is the only way, Civic Nationalism is no different than diversity.


but dont think trump was elected by mexicans or arabs

they voted +70% democrat, thats not a strength

>reddit spacing

What in the fuck is Reddit spacing? Formatting your posts so it doesn't look like a wall of text is Reddit now? Cancerous, lazy phonefaggot detected.

fuck off faggot this is not /leftypol

>If you took anything about being actual, card-carrying national socialists seriously, you're either an idiot or you're better off on Stormfront.

I thought everyone already knew this though?
Real Stormfags are fags. But even worse... they're jew pawns as well.

>Go to stormfront if you want to be an actual keyboard nazi, fag. Most of the people here come to shitpost, laugh at funny bants, some...
shhhhh it's okay

I agree. I'd rather have a red pilled nigger than a white guilt feminist cuck

>reddit spacing meme
>literally fucking DOUBLESPACES two greentext lines regarding the same topic
the fuck is this, nu/pol/?

Civic Nationalism is cancer

Yeah so?

>the "Sup Forums is satire" meme again
lol fuck off Ahmed. The HWNDU feed was in fucking NYC. There are practically no white people left in New York. Big fucking shock you had a bunch of shitskins on camera.






And it's only been done around here for a few weeks. This isn't English class, things don't need to be written in MLM format, if you can't read normal spacing please have your eyes checked by a professional.
No shit dick, obviously the irony is lost on you. I'm just shit posting in an obvious shitpost thread.

>how did we become more diverse than the leftist groups we hate, pol?

Sup Forums is not for one fucking thing. You can believe whatever the fuck you want. That's why there were so many shitskins on HWNDU, coupled with the fact that they're less likely to receive backlash for their beliefs. Not everyone here is a nazi, but it is ok to be one. Even though socialism is fucking stupid in all forms.

If you say so user.
Just pointing out that most people don't have father-issues and aren't jumping at the chance to become cannon fodder once "Muh Big Daddy State Leader" tells them to for the good of the "race."


Even if you agree with this, know that this post is copy pasta made to destroy us

Imagine if people actually did this

Fuck off Pleb Jewseph Twatson

Listen fuckface, the reason that there's a rainbow of shitskins here is because most shitskins in western countries with above average intelligence and a modicum of independence understand one thing.

Non-whites are scum.

They're incapable of forming moral codes and upholding social conduct to anywhere near the standard of western Euros. Some can hide it in the presence of large numbers of whites, because like dogs they understand the shame that comes from being inferior, and they feel better pleasing those that are superior. Those are the good ones, with marginal potential. Maybe 1-5%.

As soon as you put five of them unsupervised in a room together they revert back to being the same scumbags they would be at home. That's why brown ghettos are so toxic and mass immigration fails.

You know who knows better than anyone what utter scumbags pakis are? Pakis. You know who knows better than anyone how shit niggers are? Niggers. Are Indians shit? Ask an Indian. Are Chinese shit? Ask the Chinese.

Are most shitskins worthless wankers? Yes. How do we know? Ask any shitskin who has escaped their country and lived amongst whites for a reasonable period of time, free of their shitty heritage.

They may not admit it at first, but as soon as you put forth the possibility of bringing their countrymen here to share in their good fortune they'll shit the bed.

Are ALL shitskins shit? No. Are we different to whites? Yes, most of us understand that there are differences that can't be accounted for by just education, upbringing and culture. Are most whites shit? Yes. Are they still part of and integral contributors to an objectively superior social/moral system? Without any fucking doubt.

Can you tell which ones of us are shit and which ones have potential before we arrive on your shores? No. So don't risk it. And be prepared to gas the lot of us if it gets to that.

Defend yourselves you cuckolds. Demand respect, or deal with pic related.


T. Shitskin

I agree....

Nazism is actually a bluepill. """""Redpillled"""" natsocs just don't know it yet.

>Go to stormfront

> Divide and conquer
> and conquer
> conquer
> quer

Go KYS rabbi!

Stormfront is dumb for not realizing we will require a period of unified right-wing ethno-nationalism. Whites stand zero (0) chance alone against the Globalists (jews & others, you always forget Jesuits, Assassins (muslim brotherhood types + Al Saud senpai), Templars in general (many jews but also regular whites) etc.

NO CHANCE fucking optimists. Take the Black Pill. Either we unite like the Zerg to destroy the Xel´Naga. Or we divide ourselves into zerglings, hydralisks and lurkers and die, divided.

After the war the vast majority has to go back of course, but that is then and now is now.

sweet pasta bruh
>1 post by this iD

>Are ALL shitskins shit? No. Are we different to whites? Yes, most of us understand that there are differences that can't be accounted for by just education, upbringing and culture. Are most whites shit? Yes. Are they still part of and integral contributors to an objectively superior social/moral system? Without any fucking doubt.

Weeeeeeew lad, I hope you're larping. Otherwise this is really, like really really fucking pathetic.

Top kek. kys

Say it loud, say it clear,
Fascists are welcome here.

New strategy, shareblue? It sucks!

Fuck off Paki/Mulatto/Jew/POO

Fuck off ahmed.

I'm on my phone shitposting right now and there is literally nothing you can do about it.

(You) unironically blew our cover.

r/the_donald is that way

fuck off this board speech kike




>Go to stormfront if you want to be an actual keyboard nazi

>Most of the people here come to shitpost
Disagreed. Not only you're wrong but that makes a faggot, a redditor an useful idiot and a bitch.

>And it's only been done around here for a few weeks.

I wouldn't know what it looks like because I don't and never have used fucking Reddit. You cancerous faggots have been chimping out about "Reddit spacing" for months now. Anyone that formats their posts properly or doesn't type like a retard is apparently Reddit now. Get the fuck out.

Get fucked Shekel

You're right, I'm not a member of the socialist German workers party. I'm alt-right, white nationalist, and would be libertarian if all the undesirables were gone.

I have to be honest though, I'm not going to let liberals take over Sup Forums and other boards though.

There are legitimately people here who treat Sup Forums like reddit

>they'd describe themselves as "More of a center-right kind of guy"

nice try, Shlomo

>g-go to our honeypot goyim!

>all these pissy stormfags getting called out

Sup Forums isn't a white board. it's civic nationalist

All memes aside. All the people I've seen at my college wearing Trump gear look like virgin losers desu. It's pretty cringey.


>civic nationalist

Since when did we IDENTIFY as anything you fucking faggot.

I fucking hate the Activists one this board so god damn much.

There use to be threads where we had all political spectrums discuss their point of view on a thread, and equally shit on eachother.

But all you newfags attempt to co-opt it just like the stormfags back in 2010.

Seriously. Fuck off.

I'm a total manwhore and I wear trump gear.
>narrative BTFO


No one would ever lie on the internet!

Post dick or gtfo

You're probably an exception, if you're not lying.


I prefer the daily stormer of stormfront, stormfront takes itself too seriously and there's never any laughs. With that being said fuck off you soft ass nigger go to reddit if your triggered by proud whites. Sup Forums is a white nationalist board that tolerates other races and values everyones input and right to free speech to find the ultimate truths. Fuck off you hooked nosed yid.

Kek I'm not CTR or whatever. I voted for Trump desu, but I'm just saying the everyday people who are really outspoken about Trump in real life seem like faggots. Most of them seem to come from r/The_Donald

>I LARP as a nazi
Just kys, adding to the collective cognitive dissonance this place is already rampant with

you forgot this

He's lying

Fuck off to reddit

>not interested in virgins

What's degenerate about a worker keeping what he has earned and not giving it all to some rich kid who never worked a day in his life?

I've seen so many people claim Sup Forums is a:

National Socialist
Trump supporting
Civic nationalist
White nationalist

board. Yet none of the above applies. Sup Forums is just a single message board on a Tibetan footwashing forum. I don't know what exactly unites us, maybe it's the fact that we hate leftists, maybe it's the idea that we can say nigger and kike freely without being banned or told to go back to our containment zone, maybe it's just being outside of the normie grain.

All I know is it's just a place where a bunch of people can argue politics. More than anything Sup Forums is a political board. I'm fine with nazi stormcunts the same as commie filth, they can argue their points and we can have a discussion, or we can shitpost.

This place is amorphous and has no central command or ideology. Just shitpost and talk out the politics of the day, if people's viewpoints bother you, no matter what they are, then you don't belong here.

The world is a battlefield just as it always has been. It is filled with tyranny, corruption, disorder and every kind of hatred and sickness. To be a truly happy human being a person must be totally free of it psychologically. To do that a person must see every action of another person as a symptom, just as a doctor. No matter how much a person would like to think they are a individual, they are the world. Whether they are aware of it or not, they are bound to the sickness and way of the world consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously. Apparently most people are not aware of this and do believe some amount of what they are saying.
The people on this board are not smart people. All they do is assert, mindlessly. Whether true or false this activity is no different then some bimbo seeking immediate gratification which is destructive and leaves a wreckage. You cannot be free of suffering without being very serious and being free of the world. It is apparent at this point that Trump isnt going to do much and just like fear it must be telling these people something. There must be some part of their subconscious speaking to them. Whether they like it or not they cannot be free of what they are bound to in a manner which is anything but non-violent happiness. They are going to get worse and worse because they will not understand themselves or free themselves from the world. It is too much for them.

You're clearly a non white and you're wrong.
I have friends and associates of all races, but to lay it bare, civic nationalism leads to demographic winter.

Ethnic nationalism isn't a new idea, it's not a nazi idea, it's a natural human predisposition.


Nupol you're a bunch of fucking cucks.

You lost Brexit, you lost Hillary, you'll continue losing. We're winning. We're objectively right. We aren't stopping because some Paki is butthurt.

The father confirms.

Honestly what the fuck are up with some of these comments saying the 'Natsoc' or 'Nazis' or whatever they call them are newfags from reddit? Do these shills seriously realize how antithetical the two are?


All praise to stick Man.

for some reason that pepe make me kek too mutch

>what unites us

The hate of the power structure.

What woman wants to sleep with an inexperienced faggot that has no chance of giving her satisfaction?

Actually, there is something more pathetic, the nigger himself who actually thinks Drumpf has anything except utmost contempt for all things niggers. Not that Hillary really gave a shit about niggers either. It must really suck to be a nigger period.

Sup Forums has always been a natsoc board, shill. Fuck off.