Why is Marriage in the west at an all time low?

How do we counter this?

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The downfall of "traditional ideology", I think is to blame. Most youngins now, at least in my experience, don't value things like marriage, religion, the family and so forth. It's all about individuality. Everyone is just dissatisfied with everything that ever has been, no matter how good it was or is.

So basically, just post modernism.

End no fault divorce.
End alimony.
End child support.
Make adultery illegal

>Bonus round
Take away women's right to vote.
Take away all women's rights granted to them over past 100 years.

Hmm, how do we combat this?

I think overall we need more children, governments should subsidize white middle class families with many children

artificial wombs and waifubots


where did virgins get the idea that women magically get all this money in divorce?

With dual income households being the norm, women get less than ever now.

Make divorces less cataclysmically devastating and more men might consider it worth the risk.

What is the point of marriage though? How would it benefit me? The only reason I would want to get married is if I was planning to have children.

End feminism and reestablish the traditional family roles

Because marriage is a contract and the female voted parties have turned it into an antimale contract in wich man lose time, money and sons and gain nothing in return.
Make it that every marriage that doesn't produce 2 kids in the first 10 years gets abolished and the women don't see a penny
You'll see men wanting to marry again

That would actually fix the problem.

>End no fault divorce.
>End alimony.
>End child support.
>Make adultery illegal
>>Bonus round
>Take away women's right to vote.
>Take away all women's rights granted to them over past 100 years.

Unrealistic, it might happen, but not in the short term. Realistically speaking I think the best thing to do is stop taxing middle class families seeking to have children, we need to promote traditional values I don't know where else to start than promote big families.

We can also significantly lower welfare, that is the best way to go imho


>mfw i did this with an asian qt with an asian manlet boyfriend

No kids or marriage in the situation, but does this make me a nigger?

Feminism exists since women can vote. Traditionalism can't exist in a society where women can vote.

All of this. Marriage rates will continue to plummet unless the system stops fucking over men.

Also, bring back wives acting like wives.

forgot my face

It's the only solution.
Otherwise we are fucked.

why should you end child support? you have a kid, you pay for it. it's a sweet deal considering women usually have to raise the kid and pay for it.

Still won't get your virgin asses laid guys. Sorry.

All you did was prove a point... and got your dick wet.

leaf stop this shit

Because of the short-term financial gains. Divorce costs a lot more

Not that I am in favor of women's liberation, but I think it is unrealistic to think women can be left to be purely homemakers. There simply is not enough housework thanks to technology.

Sorry for logic man. I'll stop.

The only other revolution is transhumanism/sex robots. I think that's a more likely scenario if civilization doesn't collapse or taken over my Islam.

Because the advent of gay marriage has diminished the value of marriage.

It's over. Time to retreat to waifus. Real women will leave you eventually and you have to pay for your children you'll never see.

Not this shit again, Just get a surrogate child and fuck off about this science fiction garbage.

I was quoting the other guy.

But I do understand why we would benefit by ending it, because it acts as a safety net for women who want divorce, if it werent for welfare, alimony and child support women wouldn't have children outside of marriages nor would they get divorced

It doesn't mean they can't work. It just means they cannot make decisions since they have no rights. Women think like children since they need to mother children, it's biological. They think emotionally, and not logically. This is why we are being flooded by refugees and illegal aliens since it's what women want.

I was citing the guy and saying it was unrealistic, you illiterate faggots

yes you cunt nigger. Also asians aren't qt, wtf is wrong with you

change the divorce laws so men aren't fucked over and I will go ahead and get married.

Waifus don't exist in the real world, Surrogate children are the only future for whites.

Artificial wombs and Fembots are merely science fiction tripe that's most likely never going to happen. Even if it did, It would already be too late as American whites would already become minorities.

The only thing more important than marriage is having children.

Why would any sane man gamble half his assets and income on the whims of a modern womyn?

the reason they dont value marriage, religion, the family and so forth is because it lost all its value thanks to the west becoming so cucked in the past 10 years

That's basically the same thing, just a more primitive version.

you don't counter this, feminism and sjw's have ruined the institution of marriage forever. most men swear off women for good because they are just dumb cunts.

This is very correct, It will continue to plumpet unless we fight for these laws.

>It's not Jews, it's women!
No, it's Jews using women.

Remove women's rights
Basically this

>where did virgins get the idea that women magically get all this money in divorce?
>With dual income households being the norm, women get less than ever now.

Because its based in fact. The division of assets favor the woman, especially if there are kids involved - she keeps the home and car while dad is sleeping in a motel down the street and taking the bus to work.

by marrying

If you are a male getting married is literally throwing your life away

Actually it is the jewish and foreigner question- not the women. The national socialist party was extremely popular with women to the point their offices were mainly populated with volunteering women. An example of this being what became Joseph Goebbles wife Magda. A rich young woman who did not need to work but was drawn to the national socialist party and decided to volunteer there.

Hitler even acknowledges that when he was jailed it was the women of the national socialist party who remained while the men abandoned it.

No shit, it's a drop in the pond though

It's happening to the Jews to. Israel has some of the worst feminist laws and their birthrate is dropping hard too.

Here's a documentary showing how Feminism is destroying Israel too. Jewish women are actually seeking out Arab men to fuck them now.

she also takes the 24/7 commitment of a kid. when you factor in actually parenting, women have been getting fucked for years.

Also it sounds like you get your idea of divorce from sitcoms.

Good, We don't need more kikes let's focus on fixing this shit for whites.

>not enough house work
the hardest part of being a stay at home mom is raising your kids well, taking them places, teaching and educating them more things than they learn in ""school"". Cleaning the house daily and cooking breakfast and dinner is no easy task either. There's not enough hours in the day to educate your children, take them places, clean, cook, and work out.

Women being out of the house working all day leads to the kids being taught how to think by the ((((tv))))) and (((((media)))), and the parents have to pay for house cleaning and take out to get the entire family fat and lazy

Almost all of my friends (men and women) that are married tell me not to get married

fight globalism

Child support is for the child, you have to give that.

But alimony is a bit of a joke. This idea that once someone has got used to being wealthy you have to give them masses of money to keep them in that lifestyle.

Jeeze, there was a guy in the news recently who got divorced ten years ago and his ex wife got millions. Since then he's got remarried and had kids. She, though, squandered it all on bad investments and then took him to court and won more off him to make up her losses. What a fucking joke!! Just how long are you supposed to pay for your ex partners bad decisions?

I am sad to say that all of you missed the mark completely.
It is not that people in the west do not want to get married it is that now the wages are so low and property prices are at the extreme that young people can never afford life their parents had.

I earn quite a lot in germoney but even for me marriage is a luxury. Also most girls i know dream of a normal family life, so do not shift the blame to women since that shit is hardwired in them. And do not feel inadequate because it is not your fault. The wages are down and prices of everything else are skyrocketing from year to year.
My german friends complain that they can never afford life their parents had as simple teachers and factory workers, even if they are engineers and doctors. In my company every guy in 25-40 is just dating. Nobody is married, and i talked to them about it.

Marriage is nothing more than a legal contract, imposing upon yourself numerous obligations and handing over 50%+ of all your possessions in present and future to your wife.
You lose a considerable amount of your property for no legal benefit.

Unless you're religious, there's no positive to getting married. My dad only did it because there was a Tax break for married couples over co-habiting couples, but Labour got rid of that.

Just have children through surrogates, Marriage isn't as important as continuing white existence.

Roasties are just another form of natural selection. Normal housewives or women that haven't gotten laid before you came. Will have children and continue on breeding whites in America. Roasties being rejected will cause them not to have children. And eventually die alone in the process.

I wonder if there is a connection in low marriage rates with how the churches are being changed, gay bishops being allowed, women bishops, etc. Another thing SJWs have ruined.

>no jobs
>no money
>women earn same or more than men

why do you even ask? its selfexplanatory.

Except the child support never goes to the child. The moms spend it on cigarettes and makeup and shit.

Keep your word.

Because women have become batshit insane, especially younger ones.

living is expensive and their arent many women worth marrying.

>Literally the entirety of Africa is unemployed
>Massive birth rates, lots of children

Clearly there are other factors at play

i can't speak for germany but here in america, feminism is literally causing a huge divide between genders. they are narcissistic cunts that are just man haters and gold diggers trying to get a free ride on the backs of hard working men so they can get pregnant and ruin your life with child support and kids you don't get to see anymore while she fucks jamal and tyrone.

>labour got rid of tax cut encouraging married families
such a surprise

Basically remove most of the "rights" afforded to women and those centred around sex that arose in the last century.

all science was fiction at a point

part two.

pic related

My mom loved all the jewelry that child support got her.

its all part of the plan. Feminists/SJWs have been at war with marriage and religion for a long time.

Why should I get married?

So I can be forced by the cucked laws to give up everything I've ever owned to my significant other the second she gets tired of me?

So I can have kids and lose them the second my significant other says so because "she carried them for 9 months?"

So I can be forced to give up my own happiness for some ungrateful bitch who has me by the balls and the marriage laws to back her up?

So the second she says I beat her my reputation and chance at a good job is forever ruined, and to add to it I would probably get years in prison.

So she can go around behind my back and fuck 10 other dudes, but when I call her out she plays the victim card and society thinks I'm the bad guy?

Yeah, fuck that.

The only reason I'd ever get married is to pass down my sweet Aryan genes.

Dude surrogates now exist, You can have children through that. We need more whites in america anyways.

You have all rights of the kids through that.

she's pretty

Switch to Asians. This generation of western women is lost, there's no redeeming them, and it's in the best of our interest they don't become mothers and pass on their degeneracy, anyway.

Let them die alone and in despair and let that serve as a warning to all future women who want to ride the cock carousel.

>Clearly there are other factors at play
yeah, low IQ obviously. they are fucking niggers you nigger.

That is some fucking bullshit.

I had a friend basically sell his life away for child support and that fucking cunt spent it on her nails and the casino.

So yeah, fuck off. That's not how it works.

everyone is fat with a shitty personality. Men and women.

make professional sports illegal, make amateur sports mandatory. Criminalize soda and beer. Teach people how to sing nowadays. Maybe 30% of men today can sing; this did not happen by accident.

Once people are better looking with better hobbies and less internet time, love will bloom once more.

what laws exist where you lose everything you've ever owned when a woman gets tired of you? I'll wait. This has literally never happened.

>think asians can be qts
>don't want to create a half-breed monsters

This is almost exactly what happened to a friend of mine.

Rewrite the laws so they don't assrape the man for making the mistake of doing it.

your friend sounds like a beta

dude in america the courts rule in favor almost 10:1 for women. here the law weights them so heavily they can and will ruin your life look it up leaf.

you are ordered by law to give them half of your shit. pay for the kids monthly, provide for her even after divorce.

>Child support
>General bullshittery

Fuck off, and just to show your leaf ass proof. Here's a little story.

>making little elliot rodgers and facefuck chicks
No thanks.

A child needs a father AND a mother.

all these dudes whining about alimony make a cool 20k a year at gamestop.

Alimony isn't why you aren't married.

You can't get surrogates or adopt or anything of the sort as a single man, they'll say your a fucking perv or something.

Single father children are pretty successful, Name one child of a single mother that is?

Find me ONE case where a guy had to give his wife half of everything he owns.

i know youre a leaf so you cant know american law, but its literally a thing, i know of two men personally who had their lives torn asunder because their woman got tired of them. to see the face of someone who put a decade of love into another human just to see it all ripped away in moments will change how you look at the world

You still haven't given me proof. Half of all marriages end in divorce, so you should be able to easily find an example. But unfortunately the law doesn't work that way. You are basing your views on pictures that bitter virgins made to seem like they won't get married by choice.

Also how can you be against child support?

You don't even understand the concept of a surrogate.


Jon Stewart.

It varies by state, here in TX its half + child support but no alimony. In California its half+child supporter+alimony. Child support % of income is handled by state laws.

So show me a case where it has happened exactly as that guy described.

um thats the law when you get married you become joint and anything you own becomes hers aswell and in divorce you have to split up your assets based on their value and she gets half of that. if kids are involved and you own a home she gets the home and the car because she has to take care of the kids.

men in america aren't a requirement for raising the kids the mother is that means men almost never get the kids during a divorce and he loses everything.


"If each divorcing spouse automatically got half of the marital assets and debts, most people could probably handle their own divorces and many matrimonial attorneys would be looking for another line of work.
But of course it is never as simple as that.
South Carolina, like most states, is a state where Family courts bend over backwards in an effort to be “fair” and “equitable” to the parties with “equitable distribution” of marital assets and debts.
What does that mean? Well, first and foremost it means that marital assets and debts are rarely split right down the middle. It also means that the actual title name on a car, a house, a business, or even on a Winnebago does not matter. As long as the property was purchased (or the debts was created) within the marriage, it is presumed to be subject to distribution.
So if a divorcing husband after 20 years of marriage earns $200,000.00 per year, with a soon-to-be ex-wife who raised three children and only graduated high school, you can bet that there is a good chance she will have more than 50 percent of the marital assets and less than 50 percent of the marital debts assigned to her to reflect the sacrifice of earnings ability she made during the marriage to stay home with the children."