You hear that Sup Forums?

You hear that Sup Forums?

The majority of us are left leaning

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in your dreams faggot

that's right. we are socialists. national socialists to be precise

Lowell is very obviously some mudblood

The meme came true.

sup my fellow left wingers #imwithher

>"Sup Forums isn't soo bad"

welcome newmeat

how is facebook not as dead as myspace

The media needs to get off our dick. There's way more important things to report on than us fucking with Shia Luigiboof.

I'm so glad you have joobookinstagramsnapchat to inform you of your political affiliation.
Anyone who posts Facebook garbage should get an instant 3 day ban. You're just reposting garbage... for what point? This thread is shit, and you should feel bad.

this. We are neither right nor left. NATSOC! THIRD POSITION!

Sup Forums overtook Sup Forums under 2 years ago as the top board

its pretty clear their is a Sup Forums influence on the big boards under Sup Forums

tell this newfag that he needs to lurk more

Is this the same Sup Forums spokesman that called into Michael Savage's show the other day?

That guy's retarded. Most people on Sup Forums aren't really left leaning or right leaning.

In the old days, the primary way people got into Sup Forums was through Sup Forums. And Sup Forums was never really politically aligned to the left or the right. They were just a bunch of misanthropes and then from Sup Forums they'd go to other boards. There was even a fair bit of pushback against "Sup Forums culture" on some of the boards. But none the boards really had much a political leaning one way or another.

Within the last few years however, Sup Forums has become the primary way that new years discover Sup Forums and from there they start moving out onto other boards. And Sup Forums definitely leans to the right. And as new right-wing users come to Sup Forums and move on to the other forums, you're seeing the site as a whole slowly tilt to the right.

wtf i love vice now

you really have a shitty time line you act like this shit happened in a year or two. took forever and Sup Forums isn't always the entry point

i need to find a new website

Pretty much this. I've been here since 07. Sup Forums reminds me of a right wing Sup Forums now. I distinctly remember left v. right shitflinging threads that got 250+ replies happening hourly on all boards.

Sup Forums is the only place to go outside of maybe TRS or mypostingcareer

Been here for years, who the fuck is Andrew Anglin???

>shia lebouf
>alt left

I would say it's like 50/50 over the entire site.

Sup Forums is the only board that is entirely conservative from the ones I use. Sup Forums is like 50/50 though, which is one of the reasons I barely use it anymore because the cucks started to become very vocal.

Then there's Sup Forums which is un-usable with all the lefty crying over fucking everything. Sup Forums is the Germany of Sup Forums. It destroyed the site by introducing MLP and now it's destroying it again by providing a safe space for tumblr faggots refugees to enter the site.

remember the amount of clinton shilling during the election? shit was nuts lmao

you're actually fucking stupid. national socialism is just socialism for whites, aka big government. the real third position is philosophical hoppean anarchy.

Non-Sup Forums posters on other boards are minorities, and will be treated as such.

Did you know Sup Forums used to be left wing?
It was taken over and co-opted by far right neo nazi groups in the last couple years leading up to the election.

I heard it in a university lecture on the alt-right.


anything with anarchy is a meme

>suck off Andrew Anglin


yeah because the left is so funny! LOl! check out this leftist meme! hahhaha, so funny, hahahah. Don't you like SNL and those funny characters?

that's sadly true, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are way more left

oh come on, dont act liek you dont know andy angling for a dangling anglin. dont tell teh normies tho

Sup Forums, and video games in general, as well as Sup Forums, and television in general, have been invaded by leftists and SJWs for years

>American conservatives


Sup Forums has been taken over by SJW's and the mindless clowns over there succumbed to consensus building operations.

What do you expect from nu-male GAYmers?

Lots of people laughed at us, they are not laughing anymore.

time to slash and burn our way to the sea?

Eat a dick snowflake. The civil war is coming and one side has all of the guns.

Sup Forums is right wing in the sense that they don't like the idea of American SJW'ism creeping into anime and want to keep Japan as a xenophobic nation of sexists.
There's a few merchant jokes sometimes too

But outside of that you do get told to fuck off for going full Sup Forums. But a lot of that is because Sup Forums wants to remain an elitist isolationist culture (Like Japan funnily enough.).
Especially after seeing what happened to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums, who were more open and accomadating of scrubs/plebs and ended up shit.

The anime posters you see on other boards are not indicative of Sup Forums as well.

damn right

a bunch of white democrats iv talked to have/like guns and think a civil war is coming too, it may not be so one sided

who fucking even gives a shit about left or right

it's all just words so people can label you as one thing and hurl the appropriate insult at you

you just have to be a degenerate edgelord shitposting on Sup Forums, you don't need a label beyond that

>they are scum
>they are the hateful ones

Lmao when will leftist learn that they are the hate filled ones

Lefty/pol/ get in here faggots

>we are all individuals
>no labels

Fuck off individualism is degenerate

>the alt-right

it never gets old

>Sup Forums does something normies find cool
>leftists come out of the woodwork claiming that Sup Forums is left leaning
>same leftists claim right wingers contribute nothing

You're wrong Lowell. Sup Forums became a right wing site the moment the left became nut jobs like you who think political leanings or Sup Forums boards is important kek.

can confirm, /hm/ leans right and niggers/chinks/cutfags are almost never posted

>Sup Forums is just satire guys... don't falls for the memes, right guys?

Nah, old Sup Forums was a mix between /s4s/ and Sup Forums. It had the attitude of Sup Forums but the memery of /s4s/. Now it's just YLYL threads and porn and it's been that way for years.

>using normiebook


This. As a former liberal, it took me a while to realize it was me all along. About 10 years. It started with my friend asking why I was liberal and me responding "because I'm not a racist". He's not a racist either but he's conservative and he was upset by my answer. He explained how I was being retarded and I thought it over. Of course, because I was told by the left that I'm smart and always right, I didn't think much of it and continued to suck my own dick but.. After a few years of running my head into a brick wall by covering for my own bigotry, I realized he was right. I was the bigot all along.

It's better to accept yourself for who you are than to claim a false moral high ground. No one likes an elitist poser.

who /Sup Forums and Sup Forums master race/ here?

>contribute nothing of value to the site

We ARE Sup Forums now

most Sup Forums users are in that middle state where they want to be tolerant of fags and trannies because of it feels positive but they don't have any patience for the retards waving their dicks in public and talking about the fifty pronouns they want you to use

Old school Sup Forums here. I came for the memes.

well ya Sup Forums is basically reddit

Leftist ideology can't survive on Sup Forums because it has no real ground to stand on

It's literally autistic screeching

It's a trap

The left is for the masses who don't care about politics; they simply like all the things that the left markets itself as.
>hey im not racist
>im not sexist
>i wish poor people had more money
>i like science
>i want other countries to prosper
>i guess that makes me a liberal then

Most people on the left have not read into anything related to politics, nor do they want to, so they align themselves with the group that speaks to them despite the fact that they're truly apolitical. Example: Yesterday my friend said something like Trump would be impeached. I said that Trump hadn't committed any crimes and that he would probably be reelected in the next campaign since he's doing most of the shit he said he would. My friend said he would kill himself if he had to live through 8 years of Trump? Why? "Because he's an idiot." Why? "uh...."

In reality, these people don't care. They've just been brainwashed to pick the side that they think isn't prejudiced.

Maybe as soon as the right stops letting LITERAL white supremacists represent them, and as soon as the KKK and real neo-nazis stop LOVING Trump and the right.

Like, okay, I'm perfectly willing to have a conversation about the hypocrisy of the left. But if you are going to try and argue that the right is not just filled by DEFINED by inclusion and hating "The Other" then you're being extremely disingenuous.

How can a right-leaning image board that's constantly filled with "nigger hate" threads and the like try to argue that they are not "the hate-filled ones"? There are also even threads on here all the time about people wishing they could be "blue-pilled" again because they've become so full of hate.

Accurate for the most part, though sometimes you run into more left leaning members of Sup Forums if you're in certain threads, or if anyone brings up a character that happens to be a trap, that attracts a lot of the left leaning. It's annoying but usually we keep things in check. Or at least try to. Have a MAGA Shirley.

Sup Forums isn't that left m8, the cunny-posters do a pretty good job scaring all the normies off, and Sup Forums is only bad because faggot mods always deleting threads.

If you want left, go post on Sup Forums or /lgbt/. They've achieved stage 3 cancer, approaching stage 4. Also Sup Forums, by default.

As for Sup Forums, Sup Forums is Sup Forums. And just for the record, posting pictures of traps doesn't make you left wing.

generals ruined Sup Forums

That's bullshit. Every time I visit other boards on Sup Forums there are Trump support threads.

we are an oil rig in the middle of an ocean of the mainstream, an outpost harboring rebels, shills, spies, mythical beings, criminals, intellectuals, tyrants, the enlightened, the red pilled, and all miscellaneous perspectives which constitute reality

When you put it that way, it sounds depressing...

Interesting, most people I've talked to who like traps are right-leaning like myself. In fact, they're usually the most woke.

gee you sure are triggered easily. Like a...SJW...

We are just contrarian. If the right still held power over the media and flow of information we would be on the left, but the left controls the majority of media, social media, news outlets, and so on so we lean right to create a balance.

>tfw Chad defends you

Are we popular kids now?

If you are a leftist you are not a true 4channer

That being said no one can speak for Sup Forums

Why does everything need to "lean" a certain way nowadays? Anytime something happens, or something or someone new becomes popular it has to be labelled either left or right "leaning". Was it always like this?

I never lean in any direction. For me there is only the realm of edge.

The primary reason I go to pol is because it's fucking hilarious. As a side-effect I've realized just how unfunny liberals are.

I think trap love is more just plain hedonism and really old Sup Forums culture than SJW support, they've been making trap and "Sup Forums is a little girl" jokes longer than Tumblr's even existed.
A fair bit of Sup Forums culture is still something of a throwback compared to the rest of Sup Forums.

A lot of boards on this site don't like overspillage of Sup Forums, it's true, but even a board that was once fairly left wing like /lit/ has really tired of the left's horseshit. The left has made itself the enemy of anyone with taste and decency.

Sup Forums is goes full tumblr for brief stints than goes back to being Sup Forums as fuck

>bad people
>fours of death
F Vice

>implying we're not going string up all of /soc/, /lgbt/, /u/, cm/, /hm/, /y/ and /mlp/ on the day of the rope.
Top kek, faggot.

Kikebook users have become more redpilled than twitter since the Trump election. I witnessed a shift in the Overton window first hand. When CTR blew it and stopped spamming so much for a while, comments on lefty pages like CNN almost looked like Sup Forums.

The important thing to note is that on Twitter, right leaning users are generally using a pseudonym and get banned easily. Whereas on kikebook there are a ton of normies posting under their real name. That's where it carries a bit more weight as far as it represents the status quo compared to anonymous shitposting. Still a lot of spammed leftist narrative on certain posts tho. Usually saying the same thing.


It was more like the fact that YET AGAIN, all the left and SJW were shouting and crying all over social media, endlessly.
It had the effect of making right wingers a touch more vocal and non-SJWs getting tired of their shit

While Sup Forums USED to not be politically-aligned, if you go there now it smells of leftism.


I wonder what's more hateful, hating nigger criminals or making niggers your personal pets that are dependent on you from cradle to grave so they'll vote for you in every election and calling them Uncle Toms if they have an independent thought?

tumblr boards are just full of normie tourists from tumblr, they don't know shit about or represent chan culture at all

>/hm /cm/ /y/
>not right leaning
We just like the superior feel of cute boys.

And within two years theyll be full on 1488

No such thing as moderate faggotry

I don't use Sup Forums myself, but in Sup Forums's case, I think it's mainly just backlash against the shitposters there who use Sup Forums stuff to get (You)s.

Sup Forums is just trolls trolling larpers trolling trolls

Nope. You are being used.

Sup Forums was left wing until a campaign by storm front and russian FSB trolls took it over and drove out the liberal minded people.

there are also /qa/ false flaggers on Sup Forums

Would people from /qa/ even be able to have an impact? I just checked out that board, and it seems very slow.

haha yeah
south africa will become a first world country again soon!

>Sup Forums was left wing until people with different ideas appeared and blew the leftists the fuck out
Uh, yeah. Correct. Any online space without massive censorship inevitably shifts to the Right because left-wing arguments REQUIRE social shaming and authoritarian moderation to survive.

Or maybe because neo nazis and paid Russian trolls can't hide behind anonymity.