you've ruined my life
i dont wanna be a robot battery
why am i not an axewielding Gaulish Franc like I was meant to be
you've ruined my life
i dont wanna be a robot battery
why am i not an axewielding Gaulish Franc like I was meant to be
post a link to it i wanna read it
No, you don't. There's no coming back.
Ted's description of the psychology of the left is spot on, and I think he has an interesting argument with respect to the effect modern society has on our psyche but I disagree with his remedy for it, not least because he can't figure out how to stop technology coming back into the world
this is a confirmed blackpill user, i'd advise avoidance
I read it in 12th grade and had to stop a 1/4 through
Way too depressing.
Redpill pls. What did the dude write
this is why its a blackpill, he concedes that even if we were to overthrow technophiles in some kind of war we would then just be at the mercy of dictators who were utilizing technology
theres no escape, hence "black" not "red"
Good analysis
There is no stopping technological innovation
Ted was right in his diagnosis but going hardline anti tech will never succeed, the solution will have to follow the momentum we already have
pretty good read
unabomber knew what he was talking about but should have been more proactive in avoiding civilian casualties.
Wait until robots take over the CIA.
fucking post it niggers i'm ready to ascend
read the whole thing if ur gonna read any
Came here to post exactly this
stop being a fucking pussy
>its 2 much pain why did i read it all in one burst
>ive been cucked my whole life by being from a naturally critical thinking an unobedient bloodline
>zero solutions to obvious problem
It's retarded. We cannot live like pre-industrial cavemen. The writer does not have a sense of our shared human dignity, and what that demands of us to accomplish. Hatred of technology in any form is just idiotic, it isn't even a black pill.
dont worry within 2 generations the state will have identified and removed whatever genetics are making people skeptic and non obedient
then there will be zero criticism of the state or technology that drives it ever again
>but should have been more proactive in avoiding civilian casualties.
He trusts the media narrative.
I stopped reading after "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
for the human race."
What a fucking joke. .
>an autist wrote this shit
>I stopped reading because I don't like being emotionally invalidated
absolutely roastie the industrial revolution was a horrible failure and has doomed the species to self extinction and created a ecological disaster
Yeah totally not a false flag
totally a crazy guy is capable of writing this
what else do you believe in?
Also Molymeme's manifesto (UPB) sounds kinda similar.
I haven't gotten that far yet, but it's making perfect sense. What have you done to me?
Thus pesticide or chemical use near a creek may
contaminate the water supply hundreds of miles downstream, and the
greenhouse effect affects the whole world.
so deep
>What a fucking joke. .
- 'fog' (smog) of london; acid rain from sulphur dioxide from literally burning coal without filtration or emission standards
- child labor and child exploitation
- no safety standards, rules for machine operators, or any kind of mandated safety equipment
- mine fires/explosions and collapses which killed basically everyone inside each time these events happened
- toxic materials and product handling which were not known to be toxic or even dangerous at the time (you could buy pure opium and arsenic in the same drug store; and again without safety standards for cleanliness...) or if they were known to be dangerous, were not seriously handled
- widespread corruption and avarice which basically ensured the businessman would and really could "buy his way in and out of anything"
Sorry to be annoying, but what is the blackpill?
>a few people died so it's bad
More people have been eaten by sharks than killed by those causes
>industrial revolution oppressed every country that is shit right now
this. it's literally we wuz kangs tier
Is that something that shows up in the paper? I've only read some of the part about 'the power process'. That part makes perfect sense.
Is it actually that bad or were you just unable to take it to begin with? I'm going to read it myself.
> he thinks anything has changed in the time since the industrial revolution of london
yes because having motor vehicles and touch-screen tablets means your base "standard of living" is so much better than the people who burned fucking bog peat for heating and nearly died of carbon monoxide poisoning every winter.
which still fucking happens to this day, in a "first world" country like the US or Canada.
>food, shelter, warmth and travel are all affordable to literally anyone with a job
How many people in the past could spend even a week seeing the sights a hundred miles away?
You're going to hate me even more if you look up Roko's Basilisk.
>tfw you reignited the AnPrim revolution
>we should hamstring human development because of feelings
Cool. So no exploring the stars and no human race if an extinction event ever happened on earth because 1000BCE was the perfect time for humanity.
This planet isn't a cradle, it's a coffin.
Fuckin transhumanists are fucking cancer. Enjoy having your brain used for CPU in some machine.
Can't enslave me if I kill myself first.
you've ruined my life
i dont wanna be a hunter gatherer
why am i not an tree dwelling ape like I was meant to be
I like how Sup Forums will laugh about ancap memes and bitcoin 3d printed child soldiers and going to war over stepping on someones lawn, but suddenly when real progress needs to made and a few egg shells broken they turn into whiny faggots.
Nixon created affirmative action
>babbys first contact with based TED remove the TECH
he was a retard anyways
If we get off this planet, we can live as anarcho-primitivists for a while.
>get off this planet
Go LARP somewhere else please
>blackpilled me
No, they didn't. Someone tricked you into upping the dosage on your blue pills by covering them in a black candy shell. Deliciously rebellious.
Don't let pic related happen to you.
We've got the tech for generation ships today, guaranteed. We've also proven as a nation that we're willing to throw trillions of dollars at useless infrastructure projects.
This is fucking awsom dunno why you guys are bitching about it being depressing, just don't be a bitch, everyone should read this
Stolen straight from Peterson
Redpill is learning the truth and wanting to fight. Blackpill is learning the truth and being nihilistic/defeatist.
>Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
The pill of depressed, apathetic, dejected and defeated. It's those who were getting redpilled but the truth broke them.
When will Kek will we break Teddy out of ADX Florence?
when will Sup Forums take the luddpill?
how would he bring about the massive depopulation required to bring the density down to what would be required for everyone to live an agrarian lifestyle? straight up genocide? not sure if this is addressed in his work, otherwise, just a hypothetical.
Are you me?
Can someone give me the tl;dr version? I can't read that much
It's no coincidence that a bunch of exponential curves in our population are curving up all at the same time. We're approaching a climax.
We're doomed.
we're dependent on modern technology but it makes us miserable
Basically humans need physical labor to be happy. Technology inevitably strips us of all purpose.
plague will do it for us. the days of antibiotics are numbered, and global trade and travel means that any epidemic has the potential to spread unbelievably quickly. massive overcrowding in africa and the middle east (which already can't even feed themselves) will result in mass famine as well, which will hugely inflate death rates.
Anyone who has thought about it realizes the industrial revolution was when it all went to shit.
Things like medicine are outside the scope of such, so you can have them without the humanity destroying machinery.