Just try and refute this

Just try and refute this

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Those are some ugly ass babies

This artist sucks. Those babies look like old people. And there's no reason for these to be gifs.
Fuck this shit.

the one on the left looks like an 80 year old man, and the one on the right looks like a tiny, 40 year old crossdresser

>Work hard and put in effort
>Haha your success doesnt count because you aren't poor!

>My parents are working 2 jobs each to support me (idiots) so I will watch television instead of study
>why aren't i succeeding?

they look like geriatric fucks

If the parents didn't fuck around in high school and bothered to graduate and do something with their lives instead of being crackheads or potheads or whatever they would be well-off enough to support their child.

My father and mother started with absolutely nothing when they came to the US. They worked their asses off and both are doctors. They married at 35 and had me a year later. I have been well off since I was born, and it was due to their hard work. They didn't slack off in school, they didn't drink, smoke, do drugs, etc., and it shows.


>paula qualifies for dozens of free scholarships for being a woman, growing up in poverty, and being a minority
>nobody outside of richard's family will ever hand him money for the way he was born

not an argument

This is why no one takes Sup Forums seriously. It's a board of autistic betas who got picked on by minorities in high school and when confronted with something they can't refute they just avoid the argument by making stupid jokes only their ill autistic brains would find funny.

>there is no concrete evidence

why not just say "there is no evidence"?

If you get "not so good marks" in shitty school. You are fucking disgrace.


>I can fastforward time and make things look artificially easy for richard lol

How did i finish college and become an engineer when I was raised by a single mother making 20k a year in a big city and I had to pay for college by working 2 part time jobs.

inb4 im a white male

Literally nobody cares if outsiders take us seriously.

oh and also the girl's a stupid faggot for watching TV instead of doing something productive with her time like dissecting a toy car or taking the initiative to learn something outside her comfort zone on her own.

>B? not bad!
t. underachiever parents
>B+? that's barely better than an F!
t. hard working parents who realize a little more effort will pay off tenfold later on

Let them continue using their shaming tactics. They think it works, but it's just laughable. "This is why the world thinks America is crazy!"

who's arguing? I'm just pointing out that the characters look like shit. same thing that happens when this pops up on Sup Forums

That's cause of you privelege, sweetheart.

Lol like this artist had a hard life himself

W-ait - what???? Some people have it easier than others? HOLD THE PHONE Y'ALL !! Guess we'd better radically redistribute wealth to level the playing field r-right? Fucking commies

It takes as a given that 100% of a person's life outcomes are the product of the environment and 0% is genetics and would never allow anything resembling debate on the topic. No shit having a bad childhood is going to fuck you up to some extent but a good one isn't going to change any of your innate characteristics. Inherently shitty people tend to produce shitty environments for their kids to grow up in, and shitty environments tend to favor the reproduction of shitty people. The relationship between nature and nurture is quite complicated and they influence each other in a feedback loop.

Having such childish notions about how this works as this comic isn't helping to solve the problem at all.

refute what, you just told "there's this dude, and this dude"

Why would an employer care if someone has it easier than someone else as long as they can do their job better. Richard got better grades than Paula and he can work his way to the top of his position.


What did he mean by this?

>Having good connections and a good financial base leads to a better job

Yes. Your point? Sucks left side had poor people for parents, but not everyone lands on heads when they flip the coin.

I don't know how is people in Canada, but here the poor people can be humble hard workers, useless people asking for free shit and fucking disgusting criminals and cunts.

Not everybody in the upper class is a jerk and not everybody in difficult economic situations are good.

It's probably closer to 50/50 environment/genetics. Or some similar split.

>children acting disobedient and essentially like niggers in Paula's school
>children acting mature and intelligent in Richard's parents
is Toby Morris /ourcartoonist/?

so this is an anti-white message? to be true all black people would have to be poor and all white people would have to be well off. refuted.

Richard is actually more prone to sickness because he's a bubble boy but really you fucks need to get a cow or dog if you want healthy kids

t. pediatrician in residency

Because it's always those cases innit? This comic doesn't say anything intelligent in the least.
>Hurr durr look at this single case i made up, now we should start hiring people because they're a minority/have a vagina
Life's fucking unfair, not everyone is going to be successful.
Also shill faggot slide thread, sage in all fields

Its the same in Canada, they even get more gibs and shit than other countries. OP is just being a faggot.

This is whole argument is based on something the author imagined and he attempted to represent this imagined scenario as a normal representation about families that live in poverty as well as families that live in middle/upper class situations.

My family was bretty poor as well and my parents has me kind of young. Instead of bitching, moaning, working shitty jobs without any thought of the future, and demanding gibs they decided to think critically about their situation and managed to escape it.

Paula is in no way a representation of welfare recipients and richard is in no way a representation of the middle/upper middle class.

>title of comic is On a Plate
>"oppressed" character literally hands him things on a plate

Wow, really makes you think. The unnecessary animation really helped me understand the deep symbolism and societal commentary.

Fucking idiot liberals

Yes, I can refute that, its standard socialist horseshit. Richards parents are taxed to fuck to pay for the slime that are Paula's parents. Thanks to the state, good parents are stolen from to pay for shitty ones, but cunts like this cartoonist blame the good people for the incompetence of the state.

Yes, some people have it easy, and some hard, which is unfortunate.
No, equality is not any ultimate good.

These don't contradict.


No point in refuting something that isn't a problem.



This. I'm so fucking sick of people bitching about muh inequality.

Here's a red pill everyone needs to take: Egalitarianism is a farce and always will be. And why?

Some people are fit. Some aren't.
Some people have big dicks. Some don't.
Some people are born in stable conditions. Some aren't.
You get the idea.

refute what? no point was made. some people live in diferent conditions than others. no amount of arguing is gonna change that.

>Yes. Your point? Sucks left side had poor people for parents, but not everyone lands on heads when they flip the coin.

This, also the general idea is you build a future for your family, not yourself. You bust your ass so your kids have a slightly easier time, your grandparents worked a shitty job in a factor/farm/whatever so your parents could go to college. Shaming families just because they were able to get ahead is the dumbest shit I have seen come from the left.

Why does Richard looks like he's old enough to be voting for the candidate that promises the most pensions?


The girl is the one with privilege, fuck. Both my parents are working... as lawyers. I went to a government school and I got to see murders and gang fights. If your parents put you in a private school you're dead as an adult. Going to government school let me see how to make friends with proper people.

Even that's a simplification since heritability is defined as the percentage of variance in a trait attributable to genetics in some given environment, not in general which is undefinable. The two factors influence each other to a limited extent.

But this is too complicated for most people to wrap their heads around so we end up with countless stupid explanations and policies for social problems that never work.

>strawman vs strawman: the comic

If you're poor, don't have kids

If you're poor and are having a kid, make sure it's the only one so your children aren't in a crowded house

If you're ill and you have children, try to take care of yourself so they can focus on your career.

All possible options. Your life is really handed to you on a a plate - shitty parents and bad life choices give the resulting offspring a shitty plate.

In the case of the rich fuck, his parents acted responsibly, with restraint and exploiting a system - because their parents did, the same, and before, and so on. Natural selection.

The comic is fucking retarded because it explains precisely what makes people's upbringing different - then just says "hurr privelege" or whatever at the end.

and btw, what I also find hilarious about these is that they leave out that somewhere down the line of Richards family there were likely people in an even shittier situation than Paula's working just as hard if not harder. The idea that the average family that makes 6 figures or over have some aristocratic type family tree is so fucking retarded it hurts.

Liberal logic is worst logic

Why do they both look like seniors. This comic artist is even worse than dobbson

Massive straw man.

Also, no fucking shit life isn't fair. You make sacrifices to get ahead of you start below someone else. Friends, sleep, fun. No one said life is fucking fair.

I grew up in Paula's house. And I ate tiger kids for lunch at college, grad school, and now daily in my career.

That said, there should be a 100% estate tax on assets over a million that goes to poor kids with aptitude

Refute this? IQ only deviates 7 points from environment. (Other than head trauma). The white kids parents take better care of their kid because statistically, they are more intelligent. Research R vs K selection theory.

>avoid the actual arguments posted
>refute the jokes made only to add levity to the situation

the flag that flatters not

How does one determine whether or not a poor child has aptitude?

My grandparents were barely literate, they were raised during World War 2 and had to barter for food and hide in bunkers during bombing runs against the Japanese. They saved up and had a single child who they sent to college. That child, my mother, had her own business and married an Engineer who had his own contracting business. Fast forward years later to 3 kids who have graduated from college and a relatively well-off life.

Progress can sometimes take generations but it does happen.

Let me talk to them for five minutes

if you can't afford to have children then don't have them. pretty easy solution tbqhwyf

>Be first gen asian
>Live in ghettos of murderapolis
>Dad work mornings
>Mom work nights
>Don't care if you have to fight niggers every
>You Asian not Bsian
>You doctor yet
>Yay, son is doctor
>Why you no married yet we want grandchild

such is life

Socialization is luck of the draw and may or may not pay off in the end, more news at 11.

But Paula and her family, not privelege, are the problems here. The reason poor people are poor is because they fucking suck at managing money. The comic's author would gladly make the first baby suffer unduly to make his own little leftist bird-brain feel good for half a fucking second and would end up helping no one.

The richer baby will contribute more to society either directly (hiring people and selling goods) or indirectly (by buying goods). Realistically, the poorfag will likely do everything in their power to make them less employable (being lazy, joining gangs, not studying, etc.). If the poor fag actually does shit for society, then they become successful.

>having children when you can't afford them

is this even an argument?

Luck and uncertainty are way bigger factors in people's lives than they know or want to acknowledge. This isn't something we can effectively control

>the loan is approved
>implying he needs a loan

most of these rich fucks take their own initiative to do something productive and therefore don't need loans unless they're starting a business or something

Holy shit, I thought people were just joking, but Sup Forums really is the easiest board to bait. Even /k/ isn't so bad.
Get your shit together, kek

So you understand your supposition is that Minorities suck and can't raise their children without being cracked out and having a bunch of people through the house all the time?

You realize you are the actual racist right?

Her parents are just starting out, why should she expect to be as far along in familial wealth as a family that has been doing it for generations? She should work hard and build a family and pass down wealth and then maybe in a few generations her kids can have the same benefits. Unequal comparison by egalitarian scumbags.

>parents working two jobs to support you
>just sit at home watching TV and drinking soda instead of studying or helping out

I don't get it. Am I supposed to feel bad for this paula?


The part that bother me is that nothing past the first page actually derives from the premise in the first page, which by definition means the conclusion does not hold, yet the author is still so smug about the whole thing.

>Just try and refute this

I find it interesting that lefties use class predestination as a fallback, when they're arguing against that at any other point.

If you take this premise seriously then the upper classes are right to rule. Only they provide the nature and nurture required to produce exceptional individuals. This is what the comic effectively argues. Why bother trying to change that by pissing away resources on families that will never buy books - give the poor more money and it goes to Bud Light for dad and a bigger TV for mom. Right?

But if the leftist at this point wants to backpedal and say that "oh no, you're being classicist, the poor people would totally buy books and spend more time with their kids" you're still left with the issue that most "poor" people already have that time and money. They just choose to spend it differently. You have to be at an abject poverty level that is already provided for especially with several subsidies - in which case the problem that the lefty presented is solved.

There's no out for them if they make this argument.

It's how Brits spell "whining".

>Sup Forums really is the easiest board to bait

It's not much "bait" when this actually is a common talking point and as you can see in thread people like to refute it.

That's what we do all fucking day regardless of if it's bait threads or not. Stick around and you might learn something.

>wah life isnt' fair: the comic

Is this supposed to be a revelation or an episode of captain obvious?

It's hard too. Some people get screwed out of incredible opportunity because that's just how the cards fall. I know, because I happen to fall into the same category that Paula does. But I have to ask, OP? What is there to refute? Does this comic even have a desired social effect or was it just made for the sake of drama?

so he does deserve to be on top because of generational resources, his parents worked harder and so did their parents etc.

one man means so little in a genealogical line of ancestors so it makes sense that richard does deserve to be there

>what are scholarships
>what are apprenticeships

Work hard and you will do well, no matter what you came from,

Alan Sugar came from selling electronics out the back of a truck, look at him now.


i just lost the game

It's much easier to get good grades in good schools. However it's virtually impossible to get grades so bad, even in shit schools, that you can't go to at least a decent uni. And nobody really cares where you went at uni so long as you have the degree, except if you're in a country like india where you can literally buy degrees in all but 2 schools in the country.

you fucking nigger

I lost the game

It's amazing, no? We can even see your leaf, yet people still reply.

>be a white male
>grow up with druggie parents, under custody of grandparents
>grandfather works a job making money to support all three of us
>get great marks in school
>in middle school, grandfather dies and social security from my now widowed grandmother supports us both
>only get gibs about $13k or $14k a year at this point but we live in a middle class neighborhood and
spend money wisely instead of wasting it on drugs and alcohol or other retarded shit
>$13-14k is enough to sustain us, thanks to my grandmother working her whole life and putting money into social security (not welfare)
>fall into depression because of grandfather's death
>grades fail for years
>go through changes for years, grow out of depression, and soon after finally straighten myself up in high school
>work hard in studies and read many books
>get great marks in school again
>work hard in a job so we don't require social security to survive and we aren't leeches to the government
>society tells me i'm a privileged white male who should LITERALLY SHAKE and give gibmedats to niggers
>society tells me niggers have it hard because they live in a society which only gives them ~$7/h to ~$8/h and PLENTY of welfare money
"life isn't fair, why does whitey get a good source of income and i have to live on welfare? this isn't fair!"

fuck this gay earth

1.Parents should encourage Paula to do better
2.Paula should have a better work ethic and drive to succeed
1.If you can't successfully apply for a loan, it's your fault your credit score is so low.
1.It's her fault she settles for mediocrity, not societies.

Parent encourage her, yet she sits and watches TV instead of studying. Be more like Richard.

>Wahh the world is unfair

Fight it or die, faggot.

It's true - but the world doesn't care about context. It cares about results. And if Richard can provide more value, he'll be better compensated. No amount of mental gymnastics changes reality.

I guess the solution, if you're too poor to have kids you shouldn't?

Not the state's job to raise people's kids for them.

Refute this (protip: you can't)

The bullshit lies in the fact that she, as girl in modern society actually has more of a chance for anything and is on average seen as less threatening. Author tries to imply certain things but I bet you that if the guy and the girl would switch their roles, shit would go down.
The comic isn't bad but I find the male/female thing suspicious as it was often used to push certain agenda in the past.

Replace "parents" with a computer and that's my privileged life. My dad refused to raise me growing up and left all the work for my grandma, but she refused me too and bought me a computer to sit on all day. I failed school and no one gave a single fuck, all they did was beat me instead of asking me what was wrong. I even got my face smashed in because my dad was drunk and caused me brain damage on my left frontal lobe. I now have the math skills and logical reasoning of a massive retard. Thanks dad.

What fucking cancer is this?


theres a lot of children who aren't in the best economic situations

who is going to pay for people to go around knocking on doors?

Social inequity isn't solved by lowering everyone to the lowest common denominator.