ITT: Proactive Ideas
Why wait for him to try something else?
ITT: Proactive Ideas
Why wait for him to try something else?
Other urls found in this thread:
We aren't restoring to stalking if that's what you want
doxing is no no either.
We create fake Shia hwndu locations and confuse the media about what's going on and what's real
the end game is to appropriate HWNDU as a pro-trump mantra
Someone needs to replace ALL his clothes with Maga clothes.
He goes to a gym, goes in the shower, break into the locker and boom, MAGA.
He's out and about and his cleaning lady lets you in for a bribe, boom MAGA.
His gets his car painted but there is a convenient spill that looks alot like MAGA.
NSA decideds, fuck this is funny and taps his phone finding his reservations for a dinner date, next thing you know, he gets there and everything on the menu is MAGA.
Everywhere he looks, everything he does. Frogs will be waiting till all he can mutter is "maga".
we already said that we arent resorting to stalking nigga.
This desu
you mean like killing him?
I wish burgers killed all celebrities
The self righteous fuck would probably walk out naked
Hack and put up something more interesting than an empty surrender flag pole.
Make it anti-Obama in the sense of his undermining of Trumps administration
this, on stream please.
Nothing will stop LeFuhrer's Thousand Day Reich.
He is beyond you.
I've had absolutely no clue as to what's happened since the camera got shutdown in New York.
Put Pepe flag inside his house
Some computer user should hack his live stream and play Shadilay on loop.
Because that's how it goes. We are not the aggressors here. Remember Sup Forums is a board of peace and nobody will divide us
i like this better, yeah.
or Trump sign outside his house on public sidewalk
take one of those star tours to get the address
Hes currently live streaming an empty flagpole in protest of trump... how could we humiliate him more than hes already humiliated himself?
Obama's incredible history of race baiting would work as well.
Let's say someone roofies him.
and then we get some user to tatoo "divided" on his forehead.
petrry sure he'll trigger.
>Costa Rica and Chile
>want to kill people
Pablo, Paco, this is why we don't want you in our country
why not shove the flag pole up his asshole on national television
Checked. Kek wills it!
Screw not stalking him, I want him in a straightjacket screaming at invisible Trumps in an asylum in a months time.
Subscribe all his mailing addresses to every pro Trump/white nationalist publication in the country. Crowd fund a skywriter to write TRUMP above his house every weekend for 3 months. Write MAGA on every surface of the inside of his house in blacklight ink then mail him a UV light globe.
shill, fuck off, no Sup Forumsack would ever be against killing celebrities.
That's not how the Great Game is played. You make your move, then you sit back and enjoy the suffering of your opponent as he makes his move. Then you make yours. ''Tis been this way since time immemorial.
Sir, step out of the vehicle.
Reminder that this is a fucking shill thread and a weak attempt to distract Sup Forums from the majority of our real issues, like immigration, culture war, and economics.
Have a BUNCH of alt-righters make videos where there are black, white, yellow, red, you name it- colored people that embrace eachother and chant HE WILL UNITE US and spread that shit EVERYWHERE
Confederate flag.
Sneak in between 2am and 4am when his tired levels are max and he's more likely to nod off.
Raise a confederate flag, then secure the line out of reach.
Watch him film a HWNDU sign in the middle of some empty room.
Could you guys find an empty room?
Take the offensive. Hang a Trump flag at his house at a time when he will be away for weeks.
Has the stream been taken down or changed locations? If not some horse masked gentleman could go there and start exposing some facts on how the liberal are the ones actually dividing people. (Assuming anyone gives any fuck to the actual steam content)
Reminder that you are a fucking faggot that will be forever alone.
Don't underestimate the power of autism.
Don't even think about challenging these autism levels.
...he could just turn the computer off
This, just be patient fags
Push Shia to put HWNDU on the moon, so we can have / | /'s first space program.
He Did Not Divide Us ?
And then show black/white Sup Forumssters at HWNDU Season 1?
We can be sure that the next thing he does he'll take extra care in it not getting shut down.
>Some user finds the location via airstream mechanism
We should ask if he likes mudkips
Seriously Shia is turning into Sup Forumss version of Sup Forumss tom green
He's in Tennessee guarding his fucking yard dildo right now. Somebody do it.
He's already guarding the pole all day and night.
Is he ordering a replacement flag or something?
Got a link to the archive of the original thread?
Only because you're an insecure and jealous person.
Read Mein Kampf and better yourself then you will just see them as normal people.
Where can i get that book user?
I sense that it's going to end with Shia killing himself live. Last words "HWNDU"
Mic Check user here.
Can confirm. I've listened to the stream off and on (I went out and took a little drive through the country just because) and I typically hear him wandering around on occasion. You can tell via the sound of crunching leaves. The pattern indicates it's a bipedal source with a weight (Based on crunching noise) of 160-175 which is in line with Shias cuck weight.
trump rallies
Dns pings, ip traffic sniffing... ect
In other words, yes.
Fuck you no one is that autistic
We need a maga flag on that pole. If needed I will fund the OP.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfag
wtf are talking about nigger?
Who truly needs to die is the morons who watch and even look up to this posterboys for materialism, hypocrisy and hedonism.
Fuck off faggot telling ME to read Mein Kampf, GAS YOURSELF
this made me laugh for real
Bitch I've been here longer than you. I
Let's send a pizza to Shia's house from every nearby pizza place
This cali fag here. I'm so fucking down to do it
>Go on the offensive
For what purpose? We're having more than enough fun countering his every move. Why ruin it by further establishing his "muh victimhood"?
find his dad he is a sex predator on the run.
>weaponized autism can do it
You underestimate the power of autism
It's true though.
He won't divide us.
He has united us.
if the ball gets rolling ill see you on infini. mods are activly wrecking threads here that get any traction
nope, sorry
This. That would be useful and a checkmate. Change the slogan to "He will not rape us".
Funny enough,
I was an intelligence analyst back when I was in the Army. I was trained to take seemingly inconsequential bits of information and put it together to form a picture of what's going on. When you learn how to look for bits of information you need, then you learn how to judge based upon what you hear and how to reference it. Listen to a biped vs a quadruped and you'll see what I mean.
Welcome to Sup Forums where intel folk go to die and live out their conspiracy theory wet dreams...
Where else did the flag pole seemingly out of nowhere come from? And the location itself?
He pulled it out from his ass. He is quite literally grasping at straws, at this point; along with the rest of the extremist progressives.
Come on. You can't tell the weight of a person by the crunch sounds from a leaf. There are multiple variables that would throw that off, such as shoe surface, weight distribution and gait, and moisture content of the leaves themselves.
fly a kite with a lulzy message behind the post and tie it to a tree. Then watch shia rage. Nothing illegal on that.
stfu shia
>set up several dummy locations
>wait a few days until peak coverage and turn out
>unfurl the Nazi and Pepe banners
>chaos reigns
I want this to be a reality
Winrar. Third posts the charm.
Livestream a maga flag outside his house
Sir, the white race isn't gonna save itself.
With that kind of attitude you'll be lucky if we let you shine our shoes if you survive the race war.
You need to boost your self esteem so you're not so offended by text on computer screens.
After you're done with Mein Kampf you need to read the Bible so you learn some compassion for others.
Maybe then housing feel so inferior around the master race.
tfw when no rose to sing snake eater to you
The only thing that will be divided is Shia's sweet cheeks in the shower room if he keeps on assaulting /our guys/
LeBouf is Pharaoh and KEK is sending him 10 plagues.
If you want maximum triggering you MAGA his kin
Which user has access to a skywriting airplane to write MAGA on the live feed?
What if my self steem is so low that i don't even get offended?
Agreed, it's way funnier to to watch them thin "this time we've got em, no fucking way can they touch it this time" only to btfo by concentrated autism
You madman. You are actually doing it!
If you focus on multiple people you would be correct. However, over time you begin discerning that there are 3 distinct crunching signatures, which means that there are three different people. One has a lighter gait and a closer stride (Crunch repetition). The other two have similar strides, but Shia weighs less than the other guy, so he consistently has a deeper crunch noise. Since they seem to sound the same each time, they are wearing tennis shoes to come out and check. If they were wearing boots, the sound would be a flat crunch rather than an ascending crunch noise. So they're dressed to run someone down.
I got a ATPL and time.
I would be willing to fly to the US and rent a skywriting plane and do it on my own just for the lulz.
It's from last night's thread
...mmm i dont buy it....this is bait
you are deflecting from the topic which is, killing hollywood kikes and purging their fans, and trying to distract with some bullshit natsoc christian bait..
I dont buy it Mr Jew.