>be me
>be gud aryan boy
> just came back from dinner at gf's parents
> arrive at Rotterdam metro station
> get off
>Turks fucking everywhere
>WTF did Imiss a stop and end up in Ankara?!
>start walking home
>gays being chased down the street
>try crossing the street
>car starts speeding, tries to run me down
> thousands of Turks everywhere
>speed home
Rotterdam AMA
cut ur hair so u dont look like a fag pls its important u stop being a mental teenager
show us your feminine penis, or boipucci if you will
you really shouldt take pictures at that angle.
guess where your girlfriend is now...
after learning of such high concentration of alpha turk men...
that's right, she is getting ROACHED
prove it fagboi
why did you feel the need to post your face?
Not going outside atm, millitary police is charging in to the hordes.
Am on phone, dont have dank memes on hand
why look so gay tho
show me where you shit from, twinkboi
Gayyyyyyyy :))))
how are other dutchies reacting? Your family?
Mom's glued to tv/phone, went from socialist party to papa Geert in an hour,
Dad's sleeping.
My cousin wants insecticide.
When are you going to join the Waffen SS DutchLand and make the nonwhite shitskins in your country get BTFO?
Also how is the NatSoc, Fascist, White Nationalist scene in The Netherlands ?
Are people waking up to White Genocide ??
sounds good, Hopefully this Gets more people on the Wilders ride
ASAP, theres a fair bit of NatSoc thinking in universities. Especially in the upper middle class and up. Couldn't tell about the lower classes desu
dont care whats happening there but you are ugly m8.
timestamp or fuck off
Get out you filthy roach, papa Geert will exterminate you soon.
Lol that's weird, usually the upper middle class people are all Commie Scum.
Be careful desu senpai, there is going to be a huge turk chimpout and people will get hurt.
Remember that you come from a strong and proud nation that conquered and had the balls to sail the whole world and explore.
Always stand tall and proud of your people.
The Waffen SS DutchLand were fucking warriors and one of the top superior SS Divisions.
Hopefully people wake up and kick out the leftist scum that has tried to run DutchLand to the ground.
Also what Christian Domination is most prevelant there? Catholicism or Lutheran etc ?
And is Christianity making a comeback ?
Holy fuck, a white guy in rotterdam
Says the roach.
Protestant, sadly it's fading.
And my blood is strong, we will prevail, thanks for the support brother!
What do you think will be the consequence of this riot?
Your hair is gay. Crew cut like an adult.
Tensions across the nation between mudslimes and dutchies.
Election day is wednesday, so papa Geert will win.
And hopefully with this fresh in our minds he will be backed to kick them out.
Me dad's mum came here from the Netherlands. Don't let my ancestral home fall to stinky roaches.
wtf its not December
did you throw pots out your window?
How long until we hear from the media that Putin is responsible for this unrest to shift the election towards Geert?
Own fault for living in the Randstad amongst human excrement.
yo yo yo rotterdam south bitch were angry and hungry we win hail erdogan
How can anyone stop him?
The Netherlands will bow before the Turkish and Maroccan Muslim overlords. Wallah ik zweer het!!!
fuck wilders he a bitch
1day max, Putin's been busy.
Insecticide pls.
post pics of gf so I can add a bull to it with you beside as i jack off, desu.
marrocan en wallah ben je kkr dom ofso a vieze
>Election day is wednesday, so papa Geert will win.
this wednesday already?
How many Dutchmen are getting redpilled up there?
Catholicism is actually the biggest. It used to be Protestant but most of them became irreligious
>sandnigger calling someone ugly
Can someone, dare I say it, give me a "quick rundown"?
>papa geert
You're almost as cringy as the Faggots who call trump "daddy"
Morrocan is just west Turkey
Yeah, this came at the right time.
A fair bit
No fuck off
the middle class right winged dutch are fags and they got finessed yo yo yo
You're just sour that daddy won and papa geert will win on Wednesday
>gays being chased down the street
Well at least they're doing something right.
>ask me anything
>asks a question
At least you answered
Get out why you can, and preferably run over as many immigrants as you can on your way out.
Someone get the raid they think theyre people.
Btw are you old enough to post here?
turkij west marokko ben je kankr dom a zemmer kom rotterdam zuid
>NatSoc at Unis
WAT. Pls explain
>Turks want to campaign in Holland.
>Holland says no fuck off we're a sovereign country.
>Still shows up.
>Turks start rioting because she is stopped before reaching embassy
>Turk mininster gets expelled to Germany
Why is it December in the Netherlands?
Is Amsterdam safe?
>> 116246295
die vieze kahbe moet onthoofd worden
Ignore the toothpaste we have more catholics than protestants right now but truthfully we've always been mixed
Amsterdam was never safe
Fucking christ
Are we waking up finally?
daily reminder that you will be Turked soon enough, Erdogan will conquer your tiny little country and add it to the greater superior Turk one,nothing will save you from this cheesehead
Was just in the Netherlands a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful country. Don't let it fall to the sand niggers. Good luck Dutch-bros, maak Nederland weer van jou.
stupid user confesed he is homo >gays being chased down the street
he was lucky and escaped the gay hunting
I don't know anything about Holland but it does look like your hair man will win like ours did because how the fuck couldn't any European nation want the guy saying "this is fucked and we need to do something about it".
But will he be able to do anything? I imagine he's in for a war with the permanent government/deep state just like Trump.
And how good are his party? At least Trump has some other competent people on his side but then Farage in the UK is a great politician with nobody else in his Party who was any where near his competence. What about Geert? If he wins is it just going to be him, with no competent high level, high value allies?
But has it become worse now? I've been there a few times already and wanted to go again next week.
How long before Erdogan gets on facetime and tells his henchroaches to march on the Dutch tanks?
I think its trying to communicate with us u guise. If only it could get cock out of its mouth for just a second long enough to not talk like a retard
>The Waffen SS DutchLand were fucking warriors and one of the top superior SS Divisions.
be proud because your ancestors were nazi collaborators, end yourself scum of the earth.
Hello, it's me greek speaking
>ottomans will continue to push mudslime agenda and kill beautiful civilizations in your lifetime
Geerts party programme was 1page, his party is shit.
He is just an awesome politician.
We don't really have a deepstate though, our government is basically always a mixture of whatever couple of parties we're the largest after the election.
Amsterdam is as shit as it was before
That's sad. A lot of great Protestant thinkers come from there.
>gays being chased down the street
This is a bad thing?
You may feel all that is possible since you never get out of your safe space little community and never made any effort to integrate. There'll be about 16 million people between you and your caliphate.
You look like pic related.
>179% debt to GDP
>60% corporate tax
>austerity measures
>growing debt, still in recession
I wonder who have been running Greece.
You're an attractive guy with good pure white genes. Ignore the envious shitskins in this thread
Stop being the biggest fag in the thread.
Who's a EUR student here as weII? Monday WiIders and Rutte are having a debate at the university campus. Security is going to be insane.
It's march but we write our dates in a way that makes sense.
>We don't really have a deepstate though
I think you may be in for a redpilling there. It may not be as powerful as pic related, but I think you can expect to see the same shit we're seeing
>lots of leaks
>judges challenging attempts at lawmaking
>relentlessly hostile media attempting to find bad stuff to play up while ignoring good
>professionally organized protests
>probably high level illegal surveillance
What Geert is also going to need is career politicians who know how these things work and are prepared to come on side, like Sessions. I don't know enough about Holland to speculate as to whether or not you have these guys.
Not sure what year it is in Europe but it's 2017 in some non Muslim places.
Fuck. I'm watching the streams and they keep shouting Allah snack bar
Talking to me like that is just making me like you more.
>Canadians, thinking their apart of it, and not cucks, to be used as cucks.
Why do you have so many turkroaches down there in the netherlands? There has been no war in Turkey for a long time so they didn't come as refugees? We barely have any here in the north.
Doe niet stoer zemmer rotterdam zuid is mijn hood.
post boipucci
pay debts
16 million? more like 13.2 million, never looked at the stats of your very own "dutch" people have you? at the rate you're importing muslims you will be a minority anyways in 2050, makes the turn into turk process easier
you will be turks,whether you like it or not before the end of the century,bowing down to Sultan Erdogan IInd, if Groenlinks wins, maybe even Erdogan himself!
Stay vigilant white man.
We needed workers to rebuild after ww2.
We thought theyd go back
Dont make our mistakes
Yes pls
We had coalmines, imported Italians, Morrocans and Turks for cheap major, guess it sticked. Also ww2 for workers.
T. Dutch and belgian
Labor not major*
opkankeren kutturk, ik ben gen z en al mijn vrienden haten jullie kakkerlakken, de nieuwe generatie schopt jullie zandnegers zo het land uit!