Damn... So true...
Damn... So true
Other urls found in this thread:
So you're saying minions of a dictator are not to be challenged in a country to rile up brainwashed golddiggers? As if that's a bad thing
Erdogan is the real peacekeeper of democracy, the EU headquarters should be moved from Brussels to Istanbul
Says a human roach. You don't know what democracy is.
A turkish embassy was established in my backyard. :/
Fuck off, roach and roach enablers
>is died
What did he mean by this?
lmao at least but the red marker on rotterdam you stupid roach
kebab doesn't speak english
Who the FUCK cares about Turks lmfao
Fuck the AK Party!! you will be arrested soon and will be tried in the court for your atrocities
>a fucking turk
Racist much ??????
ayyy lmao we're gonna watch Ivan march down the streets of Constantinople and put T*rkroach heads on pikes
I'd tell you to hide your women and children, but I know you can't feel human empathy
what happened?
can someone give a quick rundown please?
what I'm saying.... This is sad
>is died
HAHAAH why is this shit is funny
Not Constantinople?
This is likely part of a Russian false flag meant to undermine the vast majority of peaceful refugees in general, and to more immediately lend credence to Geert van Wilders' disgusting xenophobic crusade of populism.
Do you visit the mosque every Sunday like a good Muslim should?
Are you a Mudslime? If not then ok you're a step above the rest.
Hahahaha, fuck off to Istanbul, Ali.
It'll be nice when fascism comes to leafland here and people like you are sent far, far away.
this thread is either top kek or top retardation
What is wrong with being muslim ????? Is it a crime ????
I'm curious why your arrow doesn't point to Brussels.
Go back to your rural shithole leaf.
Toronto will always be the pride of Canada.
oh wow you are so deep in truth enlighten us you peaceful creature of love
The simple fact that almost every contention in the world right now somehow involves a Muslim.
Why is that?
>Not Constantinople?
Nope, apparently the 'Almighty' didn't save them from getting converted to Islam.
>what is wrong with being musilm
yes indeed top kek
No, you guys are okay. Seriously, we like you.
it should be
>Nope, apparently the 'Almighty' didn't save them from getting converted to Islam.
Why did Constantinople get the works?
Why are turkroaches so fkin retarded?
You believe everything your goatfucker of a prime minister tells you, like the sheeps you are.
>what isn't wrong with being muslim?
thats bait
Your army was defeated by unarmed protesters.
>Why did Constantinople get the works?
Same reason the Christian Party Merkel is importing Islam by the boatload:
Religion's a tool of social control. No miracle's gonna save anyone, but if they believe it will, they don't fight back.
>It's happening.
So a dictator that is wiping ordinary citizens off Turkish streets and inciting Turks in OTHER COUNTRIES to riot - should NOT be stopped?
Go back. You have no place in this thread.
I thought democracy died in the USA on November 7th. wtf???
All turks must be killed.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Religion has motivated countless people to go to war for their nations. You're from the fucking US, retard.
>thinking Merkel is christian
>didn't reply with "That's nobody's business but the Turks"
Turkish tears taste sweet
Gonna motivate you all to embrace brotherly love with your Yahweh-worshiping muslim friends soon enough.
Don't worry, Rome will surely benefit from this new and moral "religion of peace", right?
Oi at least point it to molenbeek and Randstad.
When can we retake constantinople and nuke isreal?
Not just Religion.
>Constantinople was Rome 2.0
>It was what united West and East.
>What kept Russia at peace, because they allowed access to the Mediterranean.
Before Aisha's Rapist was born, Constantinople was the center of the world and what kept us all together.
Kebab and Islam destroyed all that. And provoked the Ancient City. This led to the Crusades, which led to the Ottoman's revenge years later, which led to Russian fight against the Ottomans, which led to Russia becoming more military fit, which led to Europe being humiliated, which led to WW2, which led to Cold War, which led to terrorism, which led to today.
Constantinople was what was keeping everything together. Kebab must be removed for the good of all humanity, lest we face extinction.
No, but it should be.
can anyone give me a quick rundown on the whole dutch turkey situation
You can only be racist against humans.
its war
That's a little thin there. The Byzantines were notoriously corrupt, and used religion as a cloak for their elicit and debauched dealings.
I know OP this Dutch facist baka
nice b8 m8
explain u weed smoking fuck
Correct, you can't be racist to cockroaches
Daily reminder to NEVER refer to Constantinople or Byzantium as 'Istanbul' whatever the fuck that monkey word is.
Holy shit, are you the same roach that was assblasted earlier this morning about Geert canceling daddy's plane ticket?
It means "city" in Turkish.
Get familiar with it, since the boats will be headed for Australia soon enough.
You do understand that they are Romans, correct? The same government your country tries to emulate.
Yeah the boats will be heading here but they wont be arriving BAHAHA
>The same government your country tries to emulate.
They are literal reincarnation of Carthage
in every aspect
including child sacrifice
What the fuck is wrong with peoples grammar
Trying to bully us into submission with concepts and values you don't give a fuck about.
You can stick your marxist claptrap up your roach ass.
Specist not racist sweetheart
Two term tones when?
Lots. No but it should be shunned heavily for the actions it causes
Well at least the Morrocans will have some nice roaches to keep them company on the deportation flights out of the Netherlands after Wednesday.
>that they are Romans
Oh man is THAT wrong. Byzantines? Roman? They didn't even speak Latin, they were fucking Greeks.
You could even say Rome was gone when the West removed the Altar of Victory from the senate for being "too pagan".
>Yeah the boats will be heading here but they wont be arriving
Don't worry, you'll have some female liberal shills all ready to accuse you of being a demon gender-assuming race-anti-relations monster.
They'll get those fucking boats in. And they'll even provide free sexually-liberated fellatio to the "refugees".
its a crime against the laws of nature and the sentence is death by flogging
I think you underestimate how little of a shit anyone outside of a university gives for rapeugees. Like seriously dude someone set themselves on fire and kids are cutting themselves and the nation is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*people are doing these things in our offshore detention centres
Muslim subhumans eternally BTFO
Byzantines are a roman offshoot since they were technically a major part of the empire, even after the split they kept old roman traditions alive until the roaches fucked up everything
Isnt the election coming up in a few days?
Please keep chimping out. We should make an effort to push them along so they chimp out harder. Nothing will make people turn out to vote for wilders than that
>Long story short
One turkish minister got his plane canceled and another one got arrested by special forces and deported to germany.
Turkey isnt in europe though. The literal etymological origin of the word asia comes from the name of a region in western Anatolia.
How can roaches possibly act like theyre European when the WESTERN part of their country is the origin of the word to denote an entirely different continent.
Europe ends at the dardanelles strait.
Only a very small portion of Turkey is in Europe. They're asians
Yes. So what? I consider you subhuman because you act like it. Turks are the offspring result of olive niggers, mongol niggers, and sand niggers having a competition to see who can rape the most
I agree, then we can nuke the place and be rid of them both.
the only part of europe they control is Constantiople and a few miles west of the city, it should be returned to the Greeks since they tarnished what was the last of the romans
screw you untermensch!
The entirety of islamic scripture and the entire history of Islam. I suppose if you ignore all that then theres nothing wrong with being muslim
That's none of your business.
Remember when there were post-barbarian kingdoms in places like Spain and North Africa and the Byzantines still controlled a good chunk of the coastal ME and the muslims pretty much destroyed everything
This is good bait.
>We should make an effort to push them along so they chimp out harder. Nothing will make people turn out to vote for wilders than that
It would be a real shame if they were given arms and explosives.
A real shame.
first of all cockroach;
1. Democracy is not negotiation
2. democracy is not peace
3. democracy is not you being ALLOWED to do whatever you want.
4. Democracy is not open borders
5. Democracy is not any one particular policy apart from MAJORITY RULES.
THIS is why they don't want you there, it is because you are ILLITERATE IDIOTS.
>picking and choosing which foreigners are allowed to enter your country is somehow tied to a nation state's ability to hold fair elections and the ability for adult citizens to exercise their right to vote in them
wow, I never thought of it that way! Meanwhile that retard Erdogan is probably heating the ovens as we speak
>Erdogan is probably heating the ovens
What are you talking about? There was no Armenian Genocide.