How do you fix this?
How do you fix this?
Bump and fire
remove albania and bosnia
Reform the Byzantine Empire.
Let Italy and Greece annex the whole side of the Western Balkan peninsula
Bulgaria and Romania form an Thraco-Slavic ethno-state
Fixed, thank me later
Another yugoslavia
Take back constantinople
divide each country into four and then divide the quarters into fourths and divide those sixteenths into one-hundred-thirty-sixths and so on until every country is infinitesimal small effectively microbalkanizing the balkans to a point where a paradox ensues and said states are so small they naturally merge into one state
thank me later
this, hans knows the score
Cede all land to Papa Putin
Americas greatest ally
Unite under The Greater German Reich obviously
Turkey has to annex all
Resurrect Tito
>Moldova joins Romania
>Serbian majority regions in Bosnia and Croatia join Serbia
>Kosovo joins Albania
>Majority Albanian area of Macedonia ceded to Albania
>Montenegro joins Serbia
>All Balkan countries now control their ethnic territories and boundaries
>peace ensues
>bonus points, Greece retakes Thrace
Agree on Albania, Bosnia is bae
Destroy America.
this is most logical one
In a ploy of irony and madness, give Kosovo all of Serbia
Kosovo doesn't want to be part of Albania and neither do the Macedonian-Albanians, and vice versa
There is only one solution
Draw cold war lines again
>The Ahtisaari Plan conditioned Kosovo's independence by adopting a multiethnic “Kosovar,” rather than an Albanian identity. Still, Gallup surveys revealed that 75% of Kosovo Albanians would prefer to live unified with Albania in a single country. The same support was seen in Albania where 68% of the citizens of Albania preferred a unification of Albania with Kosovo.
>In 2017 some mainstream Albanian politicians such as Ben Blushi have come out run support of unification. In Kosovo, the largest opposition Vetëvendosje supports full Albanian unification, as does Ramush Haradinaj and his Future Alliance party.
>butthurt Macedonian detected.
Remove Muslims give half of Bosnia to Serbs other half to Croats Give Kosovo to Serbia give Greece half of Macedonia and Albania and give other half of Macedonia to Bulgaria...
Get rid of all the serfshits and gayreeks
>Support is much lower for the union only of Albania and Kosovo. Only 33.7 per cent of respondents in Albania approved of this solution, as did 29.2 per cent in Kosovo and a mere 7.2 per cent in Macedonia.
>Most respondents said they doubted that the unification of all ethnic Albanians in the region would happen any time soon
Another survey carried out by UNDP
>In a survey carried out by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), published in March 2007, only 2.5% of the Albanians in Kosovo thought unification with Albania is the best solution for Kosovo. 96% said they wanted Kosovo to become independent within its present borders
I don't know whether you're a Kosovar, Macedonian diaspora or what, but I happen to be from the mainland and nobody wants to unite with Kosovo or Macedonia. It's a pipe dream that occurs only in dumb hypernationalists and as a recurring nightmare for Serbs and Greeks
Just glass it. It's a geographic liability, anyway.
Any forcible fix would only result in a larger conflict. The current state of the borders mirrors the currently lowest state of conflict. It will take decades to bring said state to an even lower point, as societies progress.
That is unless an external factor (i.e. a nearby regional or a global war) change those borders again. Things are quite stable in this region now, so it’s quite unlikely a spark could come from inside of it.
You dont know shit butthurd serb diaspora, Albania and Kosovo WILL unite, and then Vojvodina and Sandzak WILL declare independance. How does it make you deel that you shit caountry will be reduced to Belgrade pashaluk?