What stops you from lifting and becoming alpha as fuck?
There are 2 steps, 2 STEPS
2.Don't masturbate
That's it you faggots
That's all you need to do to achieve anything you want
Every Sup Forumstard should be like this man
>muh nofap
Literally r*ddit
Lifting is good tho
why would I want to be non-white
as long as i dont have to grow a fag mustache
heard ya talkin shit about metalniron
>swinging weight around
>high reps
never gonna make it.
>speed metal
Expand dong.jpg
5:19-6:19 is life changing
Bugenhagen is lord and saviour
post your 4 plate bench
this guy is insane. He performs a 700 pound lunge
Anything I want huh? so its like the equivalent to a magic genie? wowowowowow
> dont masturbate
Lol, to me there's a big paradox to masturbation. If you don't wank off at all and you don't have any pussy on tap you become docile. If you jerk of to much you are equally docile. It's all about finding balance
Life is one big paradox, there's no such thing as a 1 rule to win it all. You need to constantly adapt.
Fuck the bogpill
Take the bugenpill
Muscles can't stop bullets
It seems his older vids got deleted for some reason, but iirc bugenman has a bench of 5 plates
Kettlebell swings is some crossfit shit. Just stick with the basics man, no need to jump around and swing a weights like a kike.
he picks an exercise, masters it and moves on, his bench, squat and deadlift are insane and impossible to be any bigger for any natty lifter
Watch this guy too
Rack pulls above the knee
Truth. Just start with 10 mins a day. Push ups. And curl the heaviest weight you can. 2 sets of 6-8. Just do that every day for a one month. End of that month, you will see serious changes and have arm/shoulder/chest strength to step your game way up.
Kettlebell swings are the basics. Its a good full body exercise just like deadlifts or squats or power cleans. If you're going for a full body strength focus workout then its great to have in your routine.
Fuck I need to get back in the gym
1. Exercise is fine. Don't loose yourself in trying to become uber sexy. Life extends long beyond your youth, so keep that in mind.
2. No masturbation whatsoever is unrealistic if you're single. Focus on fidelity to one's partner, and on killing the porn epidemic.
>That's all you need to do to achieve anything you want
Those are a good start, but life is not that simple.
Should this be on Sup Forums?
no, it's not politics
true but lifting weights is the biggest gateway there is to bigger and better things in life
Fuck that. That shit is heavy, you lift it.
There's a case for it. Simply for the bashing of antifa fags. Pol should be strong.
>he did all that to get a brown girl
No amount of lifting will help you if you're a manlet with an ugly face.
Everyone will just laugh at you for overcompensating.
>masturbating is bad for you but not sex for some reason and its unnatural even though you'll just cum in your sleep if you don't do it
i like this guy
Once a week works well i find.
Alpha destiny for the most solid advice for nattys on youtube, bugenhagen vids for preworkout, though alpha destiny's non-fitness related vids are slightly cringe
I jacked off at 10am, fucked the shit out of my girlfriend at 1pm, and went to the gym at 3pm. Take your nofap bullshit back to whatever faggot MRA tumblr subrrddot you came from.
>Just do that every day
Is that really a good idea? What about rest days?
stop watching or taking advice from roid retards on youtube, that makes up about 99% of all fitness channels
I swear, the fitness industry is the most jewed there is
>Be alpha as fuck.
THAT's how you save the white race. Being a strong man who take care of their gf and keeps Jamal and Mohamed away.
>I jacked off at 10am
I believe you.
I disagree that not masturbating makes you docile. Not masturbating for me leads to the pursuit of pussy, which leads to more pussy.
And against the guy who said once a week is good... If I jerk off even once a week, I'm beta for the rest of the week. It's all about finding your OWN balance desu.
Jerking off once a week is also cool because I spray cum everywhere
i lfit but i currently have a hemorrhoid :^(
nice jewlube shilling, bruh
But it's hard annon.
no problem desu
Over training is a meme.
Sometimes this works but when you enter periods of extreme testenstore boosts (like making gains or sunny days) you actually lose libido by doing it once a week.
> It's all about finding your own balance
Exactly, personally I'd say either 1 in 7 days or 3 in 7 days if not every other day depending on your bodies needs. Pursuit of pussy is kind of random considering you don't know when you're gonna bang unless you compulsively go out every weekend or have plates on dial. So when I'm fucking a girl I'm dating, I rub one out every week on the quietest day. When I got a quiet week I usually opt for 2 times per week. If I am working out very hard for army drills and making gains I rub one out every other day or I make sure I bang a hottie.
Just make sure you aren't jerking your balls off until they start hurting or start to enter the world of compulsivity. Your body will know when it's time.
>take care of their gf
wrong. she takes care of YOU while you keep enemies away. That's how it's always been.
So basically what you're saying is you can't spare loosing the slightest drop in testosterone without becoming beta?
But I'll always be a manlet
Why bother?
Scientists know that the body differentiates between ejaculation from masturbation and sex.
This is just a fact. If you google it, you'll find actual studies which confirm this.
>wake up at 4am everyday
>lift every morning
>read two chapters of feminist or post modern literature
>go to school for engineering degree
>come home to walk my dog
>go out with friends
>no more time to shitpost on pol
it sucks, I miss being able to shitpost in trumpgens
>lift all you want
>still get rekt by a 260 lb 6'4 fighter
The whole nofap thing seems interesting. I don't think not jerking off ever again is very valid, but definitely limiting it and killing porn addictions is good. Find your balance as some here say, like once a week. But yeah build sexual energy by not jerking off ten times a day. Steve Jobs, Napoleon, ect. I think even Trump avoids porn. High energy!
Lmao. Dont masturbate?
Get your garbage out of here.
You think that guy in the pic gives a fuck about your stupid beta little rules?
>If I jerk off even once a week, I'm beta for the rest of the week
you must have one helluva slow testosterone production there, brah.
iirc tyson hadn't ejaculated for ~4 years at a time when he was at his prime
Anyway, I won't back nofap thing with any scientific data, and I don't care if people call it bullshit, but the option is there
This guy is like the lanklet trash version of me, trippy.
Why is not masturbating key to becoming alpha?
I don't understand
Working on it. Except I'm keeping the chin curtain beard.
kettlebell swing seems hella retarded. he even needs straps and a belt for lmao 45kg. isnt that a 5 plate dead with some change behind him? how can you dead that amount yet do this faggy endurance swinging and be proud of yourself?
what's the point in doing a workout where most of the hard work is being done by rocking motion through your tendons rather than muscle control?
explosiveness, endurance
I been trying to lift for months now but I cant seem to gain bulk muscle, i eat 3 times a day. eggs for breakfast,pizza or hamburgers for lunch and usually a chicken sandwich for dinner. any idea what im doing wrong? i just dont gain bulk.
I only do BJJ and boxing.
You're probably not eating enough. I had the same issue, when you get so accustomed to not eating a lot when you're eating to gain weight it seems like overkill.
This dudes back is gonna be so fucked
It hurts me watching
You really think eating pizza and/or burgers every day is doing you any good?
>exercise but don't push your body to its limits
Fuck off faggot, don't you want to see your body's true potential? I agree with #2 tho
Eat more protein but from healthy sources like rice, lentils, oats, nuts, don't eat unhealthy kike shit just to bulk up, what is your program btw?
Dumb question, but is that good for the back? Looks potentially dangerous.
Also, gym girls with fake tits are gross. Women shouldn't need to put in fake tits because they burned all their curves away.
Testosterone issues.
Get your levels checked
>Don't masturbate
Enjoy getting a wet dream every week
Absolutely horrible for your back.
eik miegot pilieti užtenka šitpostint
tyson was raping bitches and getting blown 24/7. No fap, maybe, no ejac, no way
OP is right you know. This is how it works.
1. Stop masturbating
2. Bored
3. Go out in public, see beautiful women
4. Want beautiful women to pay attention to you
5. Drop bad habits, do fitness
6. Fitness increases drive and power of will, confidence
7. Drive and confidence improves your career and tolerance for daily bullshit
8. Success becomes a reality
Kek has spoken. Praise Kek. Fuck beta faggot defeatists and autistic larping manlets.
I honestly wouldn't know where to start, I know jack shit about routines and am too autistic to go to the gym to ask.
>2.Don't masturbate
Nothing wrong with masturbating, retarded meme.
get your hormone levels tested and compare them yourself to what you should have. If your hormones you'll be a numale forever without help. if that's not it you're just not eating enough.
bodyweight exercise + movement for me
Dude, go to /fit/ they'll teach you everything you need to know
I've did some research but it seems that high-protein diets are expensive as fuck.
As a skinny poorfag, I don't know if it's even possible for me to properly start
What is this thread about?
You forgot #3
Cold Showers.
God damn. Mirin'
> kettlebells
just fuck my wrists and joints
Literally Brucie from GTA IV
Just buy protein powder.
coldcuck spotted
Go into a hot shower, and switch to cold
God if that's what it means to lift or be a fat son of a bitch than I will take the later thanks.
Getting jacked is 70-80% diet, the rest lifting. Not fapping gives you like a 10% edge about a week in, this is from my experience after lifting for almost a decade now.
Nofap is a meme, weeklyfap is doable and more beneficial. You don't want your sexual drive to decrease, but porn is addictive so it should be avoided in any case. Just fap with lightcore porn or imagination after every weekend, after the weekend because weekends are when you're more likely to get laid so you want that drive to get you out there.
Honestly you should do boxing or judo in the side while lifting
Otherwise you will end being strong but you would do jack shit in a fight
You should train for explosiveness and endurance too, being strong is nothing if you aren't powerful and explosive
>tfw fat
i feel kinda sorry for the skeletal trapped inside me though
>2.Don't masturbate
Why not? It clears my mind by getting that urge to have sex out of the way, if only for a couple hours.
>no fap, increase test
>test increases energy and gainz
fuck off degenerate
This. 100%.
It's better off to just put it on max Cold. Hop in like a Ice Pool. Rinse and scrub and get out.
That's what they teach you in the Marines too if your a comfy cozy warm cuck.
>>no fap, increase test
No evidence for that, though.
It is final
Ah you're right, not only do you feel powerful after a cold shower, but there's other benefits as well, try washing your hair with cold water as well, makes it a lot stronger too
Never using warm water ever again desu