What am I seeing here m8?


It is upon us.

Obamacare vs Obamacare Lite

Obama regulations vs trump regulations

Obamacare alongside Obamacare jr.



Cuck Ogres

Your IDs has more going for it than the pic op

The GOP healthcare plan vs the ACA

Trump should just do rands plan honestly.

is it left to right like that? are you saying the GOP's is more regulated?

did they avoid putting them in envelopes so people wouldn't say the papers are blank this time

Why do women hate the fact that some pretty women can be as """smart""" as they are?

Hail kuk okgres!


>reading a book called "Literature"
she was always a fake ass party hoe

retarded normies always leave out the "wife's son" part

Which one is which?

So the Republicucks worked for years on this, and that's all they came up with? Sad!

Exactly Randlet is correct.


>tweets this
>proceeds to support Ryancare

What's his endgame here?

Kuk blessed us

Why does nobody listen to Rand?

Didn't the Republicans completely fuck with every aspect of the ACA? The only reason it passed is because the whole thing was a gigantic compromise.

To let Ryan hang himself.

No. Parts of the ACA were struck down by the courts but there wasn't really much of a compromise.

this is what I guessed as well.

dirty little lying kike needs to be gassed.

no, obama signed it so its his fucking bill whether they got what they wanted or not.

Which is basically Obamacare that hugs rich people.

he's the size of a small child lel.

He's 4'9"

If I had to take a gander, I'd say it's because he's a manlet unfortunately. Height seems to be pretty important in politics.

Ok, now whittle that down again to 10%

>goofy haircut
>faggot smile
>not his father
>thinks he's a big guy
i wonder..

OP is a cuck

which one is which?