Why are atheist hated?
Why are atheist hated?
They aren't, most of us aren't religious either.
Obnoxious nu-atheist asswipes who reject philosophy and academia in favor of memes and shitflinging are regarded on the same level as other zealots and evangelicals though.
Because some atheist shoved a banana up his ass so the entire ideology is moot and discredited.
We hate Dawkin-tier cuck atheists like TJ, Old style ones are what a lot of atheists here are.
They might find more acceptance if they stop posting vids of themselves shoving bananas up their asses
Do you see what I mean?
Because they're the libertarians of religion.
edgy antitheist and degenerates are hated
most dont care for based atheists
no he is equally hated by Sup Forums he's a fag enabler
>don't believe in god or religion
>spend every waking minute of your life talking about god and religion
It's almost like atheism is its own religion based around the disbelief of god.
because they think they know everything and act like assholes about it. plus they tend to be communists, which is just another religion that replaces god with the state.
>be Christian
>spend every waking minute of your life sucking up to a dead Jew
It's almost like Christianity is for cucks.
They aren't.
He is. He's a very stupid person.
t. Athiest.
TJ is literally a faggot.
Libertarian atheists are fine its the ones that think its their duty to convince others.
welcome to Sup Forums noob
just press the number instead of manually typing it.
Because they can be, meanwhile cucktian retards dont do a thing about the muslims in their land or the jews in their land.
Because they are overwhelmingly leftist and sjw's.
Plus they attack agnostics and nihilist for not subscribing to their atheistic dogma.
I know. I was trying to not be inclusive.
A large amount of atheists are loud as fuck and condescending, believing that their lack of faith makes them superior.
If there is a God then that God is Allah, unless the Christian God is pitching for Islam as a means to bring about the Apocalypse.
Sure, lets take the main figure in atheist discourse against Islam out of the equation, and leave only Harris, who can get btfo'ed by fake batman.
Everyone goes on about the banana. The banana was an absolute picnic compared to the hot oil on the balls
>The Amazing Atheist
Hate that faggot. I haven't been able to look up my fetish for the last 9 years without seeing that ugly, unkempt hippie's face pop up.
>calls himself atheist and makes fun of religion
>is an egalitarian creationist himself whose religion is the cult of MUH EQUALITY
It's not the disbelieve in a gof or something, it's the tryhard fedora-tier persona that it attracts.
Atheism is just a ploy by the jews to lower the christian population
Not all atheists are bad people. But there's a difference between somebody who says they're not religious versus someone who says their an atheist. A person who isn't religious just isn't interested. Atheists however feel the need to constantly remind you of the fact that they think "God doesn't real".
T. Muhammad McManus
Because we are kinda more worried about other shit.
bananas and hot oil
Former atheist here.
I dont like em because they generally are spineless rats or edgy teens.
New wave are as most people point out, just retarded teenagers who never really grow up. They dont know anything about Atheism, but they at like they do because its the new cool thing.
The next level are cunts who dont want to believe in anything, their the ones who have no standards in life. Have no care or respect for culture and history, they just care about themselves, so they never really take a stand on anything.
TLDR modern day Atheism is being edgy and and throwing away any sense of greater purpose.
unwarranted self-importance
many of them are needlessly arrogant
a lot of them think they're somehow special
the vocal ones are usually miserable fucks who like to drag everyone down with them
I was once an atheist but since having transcendental experiences with meme magic, I now see how arrogant it is to assume reality is only what you see in your plane of view. It's refusing to believe that reality could be bigger than human understanding.
Implying that Christianity isn't about a Jew, Jewing other Jews about how to be a Jew.
it isn't atheists who are hated, it's the annoying people who happen to be atheists who are hated.
Atheists just want to be left alone, we don't cram our beliefs down peoples throats.
>hurr Sup Forums is a Christian board!
This is honestly one of the things that makes me think twice.
What if reality is the part result of the condition of ours beliefs and that enough people believing in something changes the reality around us, or at least influences peoples minds...
Literally Warhammer immaterium / warp shenanigans.
What you're describing is The Secret, an Oprah Book Club meme for sad housewives.
>yfw Lovecraft was right.
They unwittingly helped corrupt and dilute western civilization, paving the way for a new, radical anti-western form of liberalism that advocates our destruction.
>posting bananaman which the faggots worship
>wondering why they are hated
some post the webm
Implying "Totalitarian Liberalism" would even happen and that Islam wouldn't take over first.
In and of itself Atheism is fine... but tactically at the moment, I pick Western Christians over Muslims any day of the week.
>we don't cram our beliefs down peoples throats.
Is that so?
I agree with you. The radical anti-western form of liberalism is nothing but self-destructive and itself paves the way for a foreign culture to take the place of what it destroys.
Because they have been and always will be fucking degenerate and you just used the picture with the perfect example.
Most atheists are leftists.
Too many are hypocrites who spend more time shitting on inoffensive western Christianity than the actually threatening Islam.
Too many think not believing in God somehow means that they're smarter than anyone who does.
They come up with retard-tier philosophy and morality.
All of these associations lead Sup Forums to hate them, justifiably so. Most atheists should be shoved into an oven desu.
Atheism as a cultural movement is explicitly Marxist, and has to be destroyed. It is culture-death.
Atheists are hated because we challenge their skydaddy.
Though I personally hate Atheists who ONLY attack Christians. Muslims are FAR greater menace.
>Christians under Muslim rule.
>pay Jizya.
Atheists are against ANY illogical shit.
>SJW insanity.
They are hated because they threaten many people's established beliefs. Atheists are also often aggressive in pushing their lack of beliefs.
I don't see how Atheism has any actual political position. Weather or not you believe in a god doesn't really affect most people's political standing. I myself am an atheist and I am a libertarian, far from a marxist
Because people still think there's a difference between agnosticism and atheism.
We don't hate atheists, we hate Atheists.
Look up political standing by religion.
Atheists are the furthest left, with I think ad many as 70% being leftists. Mormons tend to be the most conservative.
Atheists, Christians, it does not matter.
I am cool with whatever your beliefs are, hell, I may even be fine around a gay person or two.
What I, and the rest of Sup Forums tend to "hate" are extremists.
You like dick? Cool, just don't fag up the place.
You do not believe in God? Fine, just don't scream "IN THIS MOMENT I AM EUPHORIC".
You do believe in some God or religion? Fine and dandy, just don't go stoning people for not conforming to your specific belief.
You think any of us would actually give a shit if feminists, trans niggers, and cucks just stayed away and laid their lives out in silence? No.
The problem is that those groups are often loud and obnoxious and start putting pressure on us, which causes us to react accordingly and, in time, grow to hate said groups.
Look as much as you like into the lion's din, but expect damage to occur the deeper in you go.
Yes, maby on average. But the problem is, atheism has no common beliefs or rules other than disbelief in god. ATHEISM isn't marxist, ATHEISTS are USUALLY marxist.
They're all bananas.