Western Australian Election Aftermath Thread
>Pauline made a fool of herself again and killed all momentum One Nation had, Party is facing a yuge crisis
>(((Liberal))) [i.e., our mainstream cuckservative party] Party loses in a landslide defeat to Labor [unionist party with Communist connections in past]
>Liberal Democrats get less votes than SOCIALIST ALLIANCE
>Clive Palmer is still a dank memester
On the plus side, we might have a new Prime Minister soon, if all goes well.
Aus/pol/: The Meme-Right in Shambles Edition
u cant bump your own thread u noonga
I just did u peanut
>new PM
please god no turnbull is bad enough
I prefer Shorten to prepbull, he's not going to fuck over the working class as badly
Who is the alternative? Julie Bishop? Basically everyone else in Liberal is not respected by anyone. And bringing back Tones would turn the party into an even bigger joke than it already is.
>i don't want to have a chinese run australia, dominated by corporations and bribery
>i want to have the exact same type of australia, just with an even worse economy and the gradual inflow of totalitarian laws
until we get LDP in i'll take liberal
Mate, at least I get tangible dollars in my pocket rather than the feeling of being used like a cheap whore that works for free.
Fact is we are in for a few years, if not a decade of leftist control.
Our usual habit of mimicking American politics can't work because the Trump-train has being effectively railroaded here by a distinct lack of a unifying figure in our political sphere.
Meanwhile the enemy doesn't need anything of that sort, merely for the statist quo and indoctrination to continue
Pauline must have got a fair few votes though, especially with the apex gang stuff going on. I find it hard to believe she got so low
on Sup Forums the OP can't bump his own thread you peanut
start bloody saving more, if you allow labor to fuck over the corporate laws you will start feeling the pinch, not just in your bank account but in every aspect of life
a new PM is hardly a plus, its gonna be fucking bishop the cunt
m80 you need to use a more obviously Aussie image for the OP of an Aus/pol/ thread.
You have fucked up big time.
The meme-right did fine. Shooters, One Nation & Nats will pick up seats, while the centre-right got slaughtered. It's a basic media demoralisation tactic to say "you under performed" when you increase your vote.
The failure was that the working & middle class centre swung behind the safer hands of Labor. They have rejected the Libs, but couldn't place their trust in Pauline, probably because of the successful demoralisation hits on vaccines and other meme topics run by the media in the last week.
That same "normal people" bulk rejected the Greens and Hard Left, the Greens votes stayed stagnant at 8% (they got 12% two elections ago), despite it being a leftslide election, showing they've got a hard ceiling and are not contenders for the disaffected normal bulk.
Lesson is that the centre middle and worling class has abandoned the Libs, and they will embrace another party for economic populism that projects competence. Labor were best positioned in WA. One Nation is still susceptible to basic demoralisatiin and D&C media tactics on non-issues.
The WA Nats aren't even on the right. They are basically Greens Lite.
>corporate laws
>affecting me, working class
Yeah, nah fuck off mate, I'm not retarded enough to shill for corporations when I see no benefit.
I travel through rural Aus enough to see how fucked corporations are.
I'd rather sit behind the economic populism of the left than corporate-cuckery of the right
The WA template has been set:
>Aussie Working & Middle alienated from Libs, Liberals confirmed for dead in the water.
>Run media demoralisation campaigns on meme non-issues against One Nation and other RWMPs.
>Alienated Aussies get spooked from supporting RWMPs, and go to safer media-approved anti-Lib home in Labor.
The Australian Alt Right doesn't have the alternative media presence like they do in thr US or UK to defeat basic media demoralisation campaigns, abd tge existing Right to easily cucks and doesn't get the demoralisation gestalt. Should change once Brietbart AU opens up.
Good analysis.
Breitbart AU?
Dunno mate, Breitbart is hurting from ad boycott.
>>affecting me, working class
i'm going to channel my economics 101 that i got through while hung over with a girl sucking my cock
for every transaction there is a seller and a buyer. in the case of the transaction of labor, you are selling your labor and the company you work for is buying it. you're being used as a tool to increase value, the entire point of the company is to take in less valuable things and trick enough people into making them more valuable, at which point everyone (hopefully) comes out more prosperous
by looking at it from only one perspective, you come to the conclusion that the corporations are the bad guys and they deserve to get fucked, this is where most of the policy of the greens, and some of labor (almost all of old labor) comes from
but if you do not throw a bone to the corporations, if you do not make it advantageous for them to bring their unique skills to the table, you will get fucked hard in the end. you only have a job because someone is willing to take the risk of hiring you. if nobody wishes to take the risk of hiring you, you (and assuming you're not a quadriplegic retard, everyone around you) will suffer since you have no work. furthermore, since you have no work, no more value is being produced, therefore it's even riskier for corporations to try and intervene, thus everything gets worse
if you want to see australia turn into zimbabwe, feel free to go full "fuck the corporations", m8.
What did pauline do to make a fool of herself?
What happened to being higher than the greens?
In what way?
They are an Agararin Socialist Party that only runs in Agrarian areas. If they adopted the same policies for the entire nation they'd be a Nationalist Socialist Party: 3rd position.
Yeah Breitbart AU is in the works. They already do sites for UK and other places.
She talked about vaccines and autism, and then backed out of it, also had a preference deal with the Libs which annoyed ON voters
But results wise how did ON do?
Media ran demoralisation campaign in vaccines and other meme non-issues. The other RWMP didn't consolidate behind her ticket, they stayed with their own meme parties (not necessarily a bad thing, Shooters & Nats have viable niches but don't try to expand beyond them unlike One Nation or Libs).
Where she failed is getting the disaffected Aussie middle & working class who have rejected the Libs, to come to her. They all went to Labor. They are not left wing people, they all rejected the Greens who stayed stagnant. But they didn't trust Pauline and they did fall for the basic demoralisation campaigns on non-issues that the media will always run against the Right.
Still being counted, but currently at 4.7%, which is less than what was expected
They went from nothing to around 7% in the places they ran. Will get one or two elected to the upper house.
The latest demoralisation campaign is to frame that as a failure, saying that she didn't succed enough and that it was below expectations and it's OGRE blah blah blah. Very basic demoralisation hits if you followed any of the Trump campaign, about how you failed and there is no hope and you can't possible win, so why even try etc.
Mate,you can spare me the apriori Austrian economics, I used to read all the retarded Mises literature.
>by looking at it from only one perspective, you come to the conclusion that the corporations are the bad guys and they deserve to get fucked, this is where most of the policy of the greens, and some of labor (almost all of old labor) comes from
Yes, because guess what
corporations push
-green/sjw degeneracy
corporations betray the nation and workers when they go offshore (and they repeatedly do)
corporations fuck over skilled white collar graduates by hiring migrants on visas.
I am never going to shill for corporations ever again.
Traditionalist principles are incompatbile with that of rampant finance consumerism.
>currently at 4.7%
You have to keep in mind that they only ran candidates in about 60% of the seats.
If they had run in all the seats they probably would have got over 7% of the vote.
Seems she failed to understand the anti-cuckservstive gestalt and instead of framing herself as the home for disaffected Aussie Liberal voters, she was perceived as hitching her wagon to them with the preference deal (another demoralisation media success).
Lesson for RWMPs: Need to overcome the Libs first, and be the party of normal Aussie people alienated from the Libs.
>just 4.7% of the primary vote
>0 (ZERO) seats won
>corporations betray the nation and workers when they go offshore (and they repeatedly do)
because people believe that they're evil, change the laws and attitudes in their own countries, and thus make it riskier for these corporations to do business.
these people don't have any real plan as a whole beyond "make money" and "reinvent productivity to synergize business operations for the shareholder". there are some that do have nefarious intent (looking at you Soros), but most don't.
you're essentially committing the same flaw Hitler did; you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
>Liberal Democrats get less votes than SOCIALIST ALLIANCE
I might have to start planning to leave this shit country. It still has a few years of easy safe living, but one Labor get back in Federal, which they will, things are going to get bad culturally and immigration wise.
This. What's the point of being a rich man is a country that's gone to shit?
Would you want to live and raise kids a mansion in Lakemba? Or Hurstville? Or Dandenong?
Race, human capital, and the different societies different races produce matter.
Not true. Lib Dems are on track to winning an Upper House seat, great result for a meme party.
Hard Left vote stayed stagnant in a landslide Left election. Greens at 8%, down from 12% two elections ago. Socialist Alliance totally irrelevant as always.
>because people believe that they're evil, change the laws and attitudes in their own countries, and thus make it riskier for these corporations to do business.
Actually, do you know why they go overseas? Stop drinking the kool aid for a minute. Nothing changes here. Nothing has changed in Australia LEGALLY for corporations
They just have the opportunity to fuck off to Asia where WORKERS have zero laws, rights or regulations and get paid pennies.
That's it. Muh corporations aren't being oppressed you fuckwit, the only way they will ""stay"" here when given the choice to is if we strip down all that protects us from not being reamed in the ass working for 4 dollars an hour.
>these people don't have any real plan as a whole beyond "make money" and "reinvent productivity to synergize business operations for the shareholderthere are some that do have nefarious intent (looking at you Soros), but most don't
Bro, they've got one intent, making money. Guess what, national interest, societal health, family values all don't consider a dime when held up to their prime interest of making money. Got that?
>you're essentially committing the same flaw Hitler did; you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
What? This is a stupid comparison, stick to the topic. Hitler threatened corporations that didn't fall in line with nationalization.
A smart alt-right policy would be complete nationalization of all mining/oil/gas operations to fund our social security and healthcare, or a massive 66% tax. Then we can afford to have low tax rates for small and medium businesses.
Listen, my respect for capitalism ends at the point when businesses think they can jump the border and country.
Probably the only thing I'd turn my adblock off for
>she was perceived as hitching her wagon to them
One Nation did that themselves at the federal level by voting with the Liberal party in the upper house more than any other crossbenchers
Forgot pic
the two main parties never will have my vote. Both sell out our country in their own respective way.
On immigration alone, Labor brings in low/no skilled migrants who begin the trend of generational welfare and Liberals bring in """skilled""" third world migrants who take the jobs from Australian doctors, engineers, etc.
on infrastructure, Labor spends way more than required on projects so that the unions can maximise the amount that they can gouge out from taxpayers, while Liberals just sell it off at under it's actual value to some foreign company.
This country sits on a massive amount of resources which we squandered and once they're gone we will be well and truly fucked.
Greens = Communist Party
Labour = Communist-Lite Party
Liberal = Chinese Communist Party Australia Party
This country is so fucked I can't even laugh about it anymore. We are so fucked man..
And? What do Senate divisions have to do with policy you retard, how basic can you get?
>They just have the opportunity to fuck off to Asia where WORKERS have zero laws, rights or regulations and get paid pennies.
you say this
>A smart alt-right policy would be complete nationalization of all mining/oil/gas operations to fund our social security and healthcare, or a massive 66% tax. Then we can afford to have low tax rates for small and medium businesses.
then you propose this
>Corporations are disloyal things that only exist for the purpose of making money (in other news the sky is blue), they are constantly leaving our country to operate overseas since it's cheaper and less risky, let's make it much more expensive and even more risky to do business here
can you not see the error in your logic?
and besides that, i can tell that you've slammed to the hard right because you've come here in the past year. alt-right is a media created term. if you're going to go full hitler, at least go full hitler. don't go full neo-nazi.
the nats are the libs second box to tic on the paper, they talk a big game but as soon as they have to step up they crumble to the whims of the libs.
You were talking about how One Nation is perceived by the voters. This changes perceptions you daft cunt.
I didn't and would never vote for such a racially retarded and incompetent party in my life. Voted labour.
Something needs to happen real quick we are falling apart at an accelerated rate. Every TV station and radio station are raging Communists or cuckservatives who want to just sell all our shit as quick as possible. Dire Straits indeed.
but you just did exactly that
The Nats in WA are different to the ones in the rest of the country.
You are all so ignorant. I find it exhausting.
Australia will be a Chinese colony in 50 years, and they won't need to fire a single shot to take it.
This. They're also not in a coalition in WA.
Yep we're fucked. Liberal and Labor and their voters are just shitty stand for nothing people that want to sell out in their own ways.
We may as well just give up and just shit post and kek.
yeah sorry, WA nats fall into line behind greens more often then not green lines, just sick of the Nats bullshit in general. for a farmers representative that they frame themselves out to be, when it comes time to do anything they are loose their backbone, in all states.
It is hard not to be defeatist here, I would say we are in one of the worst situations as a country on earth but the people here are just so blissfully unaware. I would hate to advocate for mass executions but it is a little hard not to at this point.
Fuck I hate Labor so much. Fucking populist scum, but not even the good kind of populist
Why do you tripfag m8? It is not the Australian way.
Australian people have swallowed the multicultural lie for decades.
Literally nobody cares about charts of Senate division voting preferences. Totally irrelevant and meaningless, to literaly everybody: normal people, involved activists, peopel ironocally pretending to care to shill a narrative, bot a single person could muster a single shred of interest. This post is the most interest it will ever garner.
Incredibly basic and you should be ashamed for saving and posting it anywhere.
>you say this
Yes, because when they have been given the freedom to do so, what do they choose? Lower profits and more returns to the worker and country that made them what they are? no. Pure profit
>then you propose this
And what is wrong with that? Why should Australias national wealth be siphoned into a trust fund in the London Stock Exchange? How does that benefit us?
>can you not see the error in your logic?
Wheres the fucking error you mongoloid? How do you deal with traitors? Do you lavish attention and funds to them, or do you prosecute them with the full extent of the law? Your retarded carrot has NOT worked for the last 20 years, we have seen betrayal after betrayal. Rewarding corporations teaches them nothing. They need the stick and hard
>alt-right is a media created term
Whatever , I'm not calling myself an esoteric memetic 4th generation cyberpunk neo-monarchist traditionalist, I'm sticking with alt-right, people know it, they know brand recognition.
>Your retarded carrot has NOT worked for the last 20 years, we have seen betrayal after betrayal
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
m8, keep going and you'll see how truly bad things are when you don't have investment going at all. we're called the lucky country for a reason.
>he's not going to fuck over the working class
lol already did m8
Learn how Aus politics works you retarded underage fuck
>"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
Okay, so you don't actually have anything clever to respond to when faced with the fact that corporations have fucked over the Australian nation and people for the last 20 years when GIVEN THE FREEDOM to go overseas and start exploiting Asians who'll work for a pittance.
We are the "lucky" country because of geography, a culture of hard work and natural bounty. You see nothing wrong with taking collective national wealth and letting it rot in a foreign bank because people advocating YOUR EXACT brand of policies said "we'll give corporations freedom to do what they want", then when the corporations started offshoring "No, NO, THEY HAVE A GUN TO OUR HEADS, WE HAVE TO CONTINUE TO GIVE INTO CORPORATE DEMANDS"
Fuck you traitorous filth. This is why I'll sooner vote Labour than ever vote Liberals again in my life. You pretend and pretend to stand for conservative principles when in reality you'll be cheering for gay orgies in the background. You have nothing of value to offer Australia but more decades of traitors being rewarded and loyalists being shafted.
I dunno about y'all but I'm bailing to Japan. Australia is lost honestly, our government has been in a stagnant state and will stay that way and as this is happening more and more shitskins and muzzies will move in and while that's happening the Chinese will finally take over all of our industries and low behold goodbye whatever fucking culture we had. Sayonara motherfuckers.
dunno aye, I'll get rid of it soon
It's just so incredible how quickly this country has become shit. My friends who haven't already left are making plans to immediately fuck off once they've finished uni. I'm in the process of applying for work overseas. Yet you talk to old cunts and they still beat you over the head with the lucky country bullshit.
>LDP, Flouride Free Party and ON all looking like getting a seat in the upper house
it could've been worse desu
What are the odds of marrying/falling in love with a nip girl over there and green-carding like chinks and poos do to western countries?
Everywhere else is the same, mostly worse.
>to Japan
lol weeaboo. Don't know why anyone would want to live there. Visiting would be amazing, but living? Fuck that.
We lost whatever culture we had when being "Australian" was reduced to being a poor American knock-off with a funny accent.There's really little difference between major Australian cosmopolitan cities and the North American East Coast. It's a shame really, everytime I go to rural Aus I am in love with it.
Same demographic situation, same degenerate politics, etc.
Maybe the only future for Australia is that it can become to the Asian landmass on a smaller scale what the Americans became to continental Europe - i.e, a nation comprised of ex-Europeans (Asians) who've managed to create/embrace a new national identity.Singapore-lite perhaps. Hard to say with such long-term demographic forecasts though. Climate shifts and water-politics may result in an exodus to Oceania of the wealthy upper-middle Asian continent.
A lot hinges on how America evolves in the next 30 years. Isolationism or protectionism spells doom for the rest of us in the Asia Pacific. Seriously, we need a fucking independent nuclear arsenal more than anything, we rely SO much on sitting under the American umbrella its not funny.
unless you somehow want microsoft, nike, amazon, etc to just pack up and become solely australian companies, this will always be the case. you are only harming yourself by kicking them out
>You see nothing wrong with taking collective national wealth and letting it rot in a foreign bank
never said that
>We are the "lucky" country because of geography, a culture of hard work and natural bounty.
and this forces australian citizens to take on obscene amounts of risk for the sake of increasing productivity because...?
Japan is shit dude, you'll hate it for the rest of your life. You'll live like a foreigner, yoru half-caste kids will live ostracized lives and you'll never integrate. This cunt and NZ are the two best places in the world, DON'T leave them no matter what.
This. It's not like you can go "home" to England. They are in worse shape than us, 2 million mudslimes who openly have sharia law in their ghetto suburbs.
Fuck corporations. Their only loyalty is to the dollar and they'll sell this country to the fucking chinks before they accept a write-down in forecast profits.
this. I'm fucking off to the US the moment I'm done. Hello AR-15 and 6 figure salary!
I don't speak nip m9, I never would never move over there. I was just curious
okay seriously do you people not understand how a transaction works? for you to be making money they have to be making money m8, kicking them out as a whole because of some obscene "australian nationalism on steroids" bullshit is just going to work against you.
i can see a case in wanting companies to not give their executives ludicrous bonuses, but proposing shit like 66% taxes is retarded.
>Hello AR-15 and 6 figure salary!
and niggers
Boomers are retarded. They've got no worries because they've set all this shit up for them to live a carefree retirement whilst the rest of us (gen x, y and z) get to not only fund it but be left with nothing afterward. Just another asain colony.
>we're called the lucky country for a reason.
That term actually has serious negative connotations, you are an idiot if you take it at face value.
Your entire argument is basically that there is no economic future for Australia unless we are willing to compete with the fucking chinks on wages.
Well fuck you.
Even if this country is driven to ashes in the search for an alternative it would be better than your future as a vassal state to the fucking gooks.
I'll be living in a gated white community
well fuck you richie rich
pick up a book on reading comprehension, will you?
if you're going to strawman my argument at least make it a funny one
>never said that
Yeah you did, you got so upset at the idea of imposing a heavy tax on resource extraction or completely nationalising those industries. Works well for Norway, will work well here. Australian resources belong to the Australian people, if corporations want to extract them they will be heavily taxed.
As I expected you have no cogent responses as to how being a cuck to corporations is of tangible benefit to any Australian, any conservative or any traditionalist.
M-M-muh free market is a thinly veiled excuse( and one not even based in reality) to justify fear-mongering that somehow forcing corporations to respect and behave with regards to national interest and security will mean they run off. Newsflash sherlock, they've been running off for decades. And YOUR APPROACH.
And so is your shitty party. The Liberals(CCP) can rot in hell.
Working situation is horrible. Imagine working from 8am to 10pm 6 days a week. They get very limited free time. Their unions don't exist. Look, maybe its great to go on as a holiday. But as for living there, you can go ask any Japanese person on working holiday here what it is like. They are trying to escape here. (Same with koreans)
You could tax mining companies at 99.99% of their profits and they would stay open. You can't just offshore a fucking mine.
>but there would be no investment
There ALREADY IS no investment in mining. The investment boom is fucking over and operations are winding up.
But instead we literally give them free petrol and out of the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars of profits that went offshore we got 60 million in tax.
That's right, 60 million out of BILLIONS.
It's treason, and I don't think a 66% tax goes far enough. They deserve fucking bullets in their heads. That's what we've got the SASR for. Make some fucking examples, and nationalise what's left.
shameful dispray. I think you know what to do....
>if you're going to strawman my argument at least make it a funny one
"Companies should be allowed to offshore to where the cheapest labour is" DOESN'T require us to compete with Pajeet and Lao?
Good, then if they don't want to do business we nationalize all their assets and tell them to fuck off. Simple. If they won't do business at a profit margin that is acceptable to the Australian people we can find contractors willing to work for a smaller profit. The Australian people hold the collective gun when deciding who gets access to OUR wealth and OUR resources.
my man
The right has been shackled to these fucking parasitic ""free marketeers""" for too long. More and more people are waking up to the fact that MUH GAPITALISM is incompatible with any nationalist or traditionalist sympathies
>And so is your shitty party. The Liberals
i never said i was a liberal.
>Yeah you did, you got so upset at the idea of imposing a heavy tax on resource extraction or completely nationalising those industries.
no i didn't.
>Works well for Norway, will work well here
that's a pretty large assumption.
> if corporations want to extract them they will be heavily taxed.
and how do you plan for the australian people to extract their resources when you tax literally any group of people (newsflash: that's all a corporation fucking is) attempting to extract it?
the rest of your post is ad hominem
>You could tax mining companies at 99.99% of their profits and they would stay open. You can't just offshore a fucking mine.
you can move your new mines over to other countries however.
>There ALREADY IS no investment in mining. The investment boom is fucking over and operations are winding up.
>the only industry in australia is mining
>But instead we literally give them free petrol and out of the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars of profits that went offshore we got 60 million in tax.
maybe you should lower government spending, then lower taxes since you won't need that money anymore.
>They deserve fucking bullets in their heads.
>Make some fucking examples, and nationalise what's left.
>Hey Dave
>Yeah Jim?
>Should we open up a mine in Australia?
>God no, did you see what happened to that Rhinehart? I want to die with dignity.
>responds to a post about not strawmanning with another strawman of similar quality
>we can find contractors willing to work for a smaller profit.
>contractors will somehow find the money to put up billions for a new mine, then will stomach the risk involved
Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White people. I love corporations!
You basic bitch shitlib. A table of Senate divisions is relevant because:
>Most Senate divisions are proceedural, not on matters of policy or legislation
>Most procedural Senate divisions are theatrical poo-flinging, divisions of prodecural things that mean nothing
>Mostly by the opposition to force the government to waste time on meme divisions that have no chance of passing and mean nothing
>Gov occasionaly does it to force opposition and cross benching to vote against it, despite knowing it would be voted down for theatrical purposes
>But many times the government does not put things to a vote it knows will lose, hence One Nation or a party can block an important piece of policy without it ever being recorded as a Senate vote against it
>Other policy divisions may relfect horse trading, where support is given in exchange for something, or gov policy is amended
And you would know this if you had ever watched a single session of parliament. Every day will have dozens of theatrical meme procedural divisions over absolutely nothing:
>I move that X be censored
Division required
>I move that standing order be suspended to do X
Division required
>I move that X be no longer heard
Division required
>I move meme amendment X, Y, Z x100
Division x100 required
And so on. It's totally irrelevant, nobody cares it, not even operatives, not even operatives pretending to care to pretend to push a weak narrative. Only the most basic of basic bitches would try.
I don't know how unaware are they really. I don't think they are. Boomers vote to fuck over the young and gen y want to be fucked over by shitskins. Gen x are braindead trash split between the two. How do you fix such deeply embedded sickness? You scream and campaign all you want you just can't. You're right the only way to do it is by a coup and blowing people's heads off.
Which is just not going to happen.
Hahaha when will literal Auscucks stop voting for the same 2 ass cheeks?
>you can move your new mines over to other countries however.
Literally "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE INVESTMENT?" in an industry that has NO INVESTMENT.
The investment phase of the mining boom ended years ago you fucking moron.
>maybe you should lower government spending
Living standards in Australia continue to fall while companies post record profits. Clearly quality of life and corporate profitability has no link.
Maybe we should reduce corporate profitability and increase government spending.
The most hilarious thing is that your policies have been tried for fucking decades since the 1970s crisis, and they have led to misery and collapse to the point where even the IMF and World Bank are abandoning neoliberalism. You're the kid on the short bus who is always last to get the message.