Remember this guy Sup Forums ?

Remember this guy Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sambo Rambo?

A true hero.

Vaguely familiar.
What din he du again?

i remember
u remember me

Got anhero'd by a robot


Yeah, i made a website about him.

Check the bottom right for proof.

>dies a martyr
but literally who though


Classic. Though I do respect this pie slicing cunt more than Dylan Roof.

kek remembers here

He stole my bike

Albania comin' in with a serious shitpost. Very noice!

Lmao nigga fell for the oldest trick in the book
Lmao didn't your mama tell you never to take a cellphone from Wall-E

Remember me?


Fuck this guy, but I will say he proved a point, one well trained operator can apparently take out or render useless an entire major cities police force.

Sup Forums needs to be ready to defend themselves because when SHTF the police isn't going to help you.

a white bowl cut virgin is worth more than a nigger.


wtf mars looks beautiful

haha i remember a thread on /biz right after that happened, where a guy was asking advice to make websites when these things happen for ad revenue, i think it was about the other guy though outside of the convenience store right around the same time

Chocolate Rambo already proved that point.



Not him.

Underrated. Have a (You)

Kek has spoken. Shadilay

a true american hero...fuck the police and fuck white people kill cracka

That worked because no one was expecting it.

You don't have the surprise factor.

That guy's name was Alton Sterling. That happened in my city.

>watermelon flag


Damn nigga how you gonna fight da man wit ur eyes closed n shit? Like damn nigga your shit looks swollen like you're allergic to shellfish and you just ate a louie sandwich, like how da fuck do you get pwned by johnny 5 nigga

This is what niggers think of that

Fuck off, buddy. It ain't funny.


niggers always want to resort to violence but cry when it happens to them, waa waa.


>they cry out in pain as they strike you.

sound familiar?

>so you be sayin we wuz jews an shiet

These guys are interesting group, not sure what to make of them

buddy, how much money do you take in from this gig?

4th reich.
Sup Forums?!?

aw shit nigga

the worst part of this whole affair was how that feral nigger obama turned their memorial into a fucking marxist infomercial.

Fuck niggers and fuck leftists

I went to elementary-high school with him

Gingrich's response was really galling, especially for someone who is ostensibly rightwing and representing an overwhelmingly white constituency.

guessing he was a normie?

Him and all the black ROTC kids were really into the melanin wizard, psudo Nation of Islam shit. Even to today the only people I really see posting BLM shit were his group of friends.

>My high school class has had 2 black on white murders, a black mass shooter, and just a few months ago a white friend was shot twice in the stomach by a black but lived.

Sounds like time for some revenge.