Sup Forums literally can't refute this.
We're an essential component of national defense. Sup Forums BTFO
You guys do some pretty fucked up shit, though. Lighten up a bit. Just saiyan.
My phone is randomly taking pictures and a strange tiny dog is humping my leg.
What is going on?
dont care.
You are busy building a world with no place for us.
We don't like you.
You rape and murder children for blackmail and other purposes.
That is unforgivable.
I'm looking for employment. I have a strong back and people like me.
Fuck you CIA, You're a small guy compared to us
no you're not, refuted.
now go back to africa where you belong CIA NIGGERS
it's a movie about a bunch of loud mouthed italian women discussing garlic. don't like my idea? well you can just FUCK OFF THEN
>refute this point for me Sup Forums so I can beat my dad in an argument
fuck off dude
Are these all your lunches?
Essential like a diseased appendix maybe.
You are all traitors to the US.
And you're gonna hang for it.
>Some times I wonder if they created me...
Their spyop is actually good...
>The CIA Niggers like to take gredit
>So do the Russians, by not always denying stuff
>Meh stronk,
>Fudding both sides
But yeah you have become, maybe they made us all, a powertool and our intentions are good .
sorry... well got a problem if it's not just not more spypos and stuff in fulll dmg control, who knows
>I saw this clearly psyop talk from an former agent, and that one struck, I didn't save. Infowars, that doctor and former cia guy
Every fucking thing is a fucking psyop these days
The dog has a microphone in it.
Even Sinbad?
I heard there were SEVENTEEN intelligence agencies so go away
if there are 16 people nicer than you then go away
Sup Forums believes we operate like a James Bond novel. This is 12d chess. You've already lost.
which james bond novel had SEVENTEEN intelligence agencies
all we're asking for is victory over anarchy. protect the least among us.
>Even Sinbad?
Part him!
Nah but look at the movies seriously....
We be da MI5, MI6, Monney Penny, James Bond, CIA, FBI, FSB, BfV, Jens Bånd, and Dereck Nåw
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
We keep you all safer than you can imagine. A card slipped with the 17 agency nonsense &stupid Hillary, but notice how Trump payed us homage first thing after inauguration?
We're back in control now.
guess what the best part of the CIA is
Nah, that's what the military is for. In fact, we wouldn't even have to worry much about defense if we weren't such nosy assholes to begin with.
>We keep you safer
by what metric?
>CIA comes to Sup Forums to play games
I believe this
Your'e nothing more than a low level agent send here to waste your time and avoid getting promoted to real field work, by giving you an impossible task (out memeing us).
there are places on Sup Forums for CIA spooks but Sup Forums is not one of them.
Here this might help you fit in
>CIA has autists
>Sup Forums has autists
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Sigh. See above We were impressed with Sup Forums's rapid neutralization of Labeouf's propaganda op.