Scotland is superior to England in every way. England is only 75% English Scotland is 95% Scottish.
I am ready for Culloden round two.
Scotland is superior to England in every way. England is only 75% English Scotland is 95% Scottish.
I am ready for Culloden round two.
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Why lad? Shouldn't we team up and make Britain 100% BRITISH!
Really would be culloden round 2, savage toothless rebels doing a disservice to Scotland and the Union by siding with the continiggers
What does it mean to be Scottish and not British? - your language is dead
What do you think about Celtic paganism/Christianity as a religion in Scotland?
Do you think an independent Scotland would cause it to turn into Sweden 2.0?
What does England have 61 of that mad Jocks only have 21 of?
>What does it mean to be Scottish and not British? - your language is dead
Scotland is a melting pot, like England. We have Scots and Scots Gaelic.
>What do you think about Celtic paganism/Christianity as a religion in Scotland?
Calvinism is the religion of Scotland. Catholics should go back home tae Ireland and pagans should just hang themselves.
>Do you think an independent Scotland would cause it to turn into Sweden 2.0?
Maybe. I think Scots are actually more right wing than the English in general. The SNP just have to be lefty to avoid being shit on by the media for being nazis.
If we stop paying for your benefits junkies will destroy You from within
The entire population of Scotland should be deported to mainland Europe
The Hielans should be independent fuck the lowlands.
Fuck off cunt
You're a nation of worthless leeches and you wouldn't even be able to afford your house or computer to post in this thread if it weren't for us you scum.
Darien scheme
England was a literal non-country before we saved it.
we wuz hadrians and shit
wtf you on about. Hadrian was your emperor lol. Britain's rise to glory can be linked directly to James VI
>You're a nation
I bet you think England's a nation too.
Medieval fags gtfo.
England's founders came after the Romans left.
Slipped in perfidiously in the night and did some cheeky Christian killing.
I didn't get time to watch the match today, anyone know the score?
that's my point
you've never done anything you worthless cunts
muh telephones muh televisions
i swear dog we wuz brittons n shit
Aye. But remember when France conquered you in 1066? Aye, the House of Dunkeld had married into and were the rightful heirs of the House of Wessex. If you weren't so cucked by France you would have accepted us.
I wonder what history would have been like if the Jacobites had won.
>you've never done anything you worthless cunts
>literally created the modern world
Jacobites success would never have lasted long, they didn't even have majority support in the highlands, let alone Scotland, let alone Britain. There would have been protestant rebellions and chaos.
Pls. Nicola Sturgeon? Fatarse Salmon? Aarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh
The thing that "little nationalists" both sides of the """""border""""" can never accept is that Scotland is like the Britain of Britain.
Smaller than small Britain. Gloomier than gloomy Britain. Disproportionate achiever (science philosophy military etc) than Disproportionate achieving Britain.
>Nicola Sturgeon
Don't get me started
Scots don't really want unity, the SNP gon' lead them to socialist """nationalism""", senpai.
Not to be confused with National Socialism.
>when you try to colonise a tropical nation so you take out a loan only to have it fail and have to surrender to the English
Loch nigger calm yourself.
>normans cuck the english
>get cucked by cucked english for centuries afterwards
that'll teach those english
>be france
>conquer england easily
>conquer wales easily
>conquer ireland easily
>try to conquer Scotland
>get fucked up the arsehole
>gibs me dat savages
>entire culture is hagis
Read up on the Scottish enlightenment.
You should be grateful what we did for your """"country"""""
>get fucked up the arsehole
Shit, so the French were your enemy AND ally during those wars of independence? The Eternal Painted Man is crafty.
>95% Scottish
So you're putting the Celtic speakers and the people who speaks Scots in the same category?
Yes the eternal frog is truly the worst. I feel sorry for the English, they were enslaved by the frogs and forced to do their bidding until we (the stuarts) liberated you.
>So you're putting the Celtic speakers and the people who speaks Scots in the same category?
The Scottish are Scottish aye.
good post
Oi, you hear that Pierre? The Auld Alliance meant nothing to him! You should be outraged.
The auld alliance was a meme. The Saxons left Scotland alone until they got conquered by France. Then after that they attacked us constantly.
The frog is behind every wrong in the world never forget
Thank you for providing refuge to Edgar, he would have been a fine king, I'm sure ;_;
Edgar would have been genuinely a great king. It's a shame Scotland wasn't strong enough to oust the Normans. But atleast The Dunkelds and the House of Wessex married into eachother, so when the Stewarts took over we won in the end.
Well, England has 10x the population of scotland
(53mil > 5mil)
Extraordinary we're so much more important than England despite this.
Please answer.
Important? How so?
Don't say
>muh braveheart
The stuarts lad.
>Scots inventing anything
>painting of an English king in fake 'authentic Scottish' formalwear
I am watching Braveheart atm.Too bad you fags are,,well,,fags,,atm.Join us
Scotland is far more influential than England will ever be.
Scotland was the first Mexico. They had to build a wall to keep your people out.
Braveheart doesn't even have bridge at the battle of Stirling bridge.
The Romans had tae build a wal tae keep s frae fcukin them
Robert the Bruce was descended from French Norman Knights. He does not have Gaelic Y DNA.
Kiss the royal emblem on my cloak and you will feel no more
Tooo far interbred to be Norman.
>Scotland is so shit pakis and niggas wont move there even if you give them a ton of gibs
Why do these fuckers fall for the SNP's divisive authoritarian bullshit all the time?
Anyone who wilfully votes this party in anywhere is just going to run the country even more into the ground.
t.paki & nigga