Will Rand be able to sway Trump's mind regarding the RINO Obamacare Lite plan?
Will Rand be able to sway Trump's mind regarding the RINO Obamacare Lite plan?
why do you care, hans
Trump seems pretty clueless about all of it, I think he's just going to sign whatever comes to him first
if the constant breitbart smashings are any indications (breitbart founder is his advisor, do the math), he clearly doesn't actually like it.
If Trump does a good job, it will be a positive signal for European right-wing parties and increase their electability.
Rand wants to repeal, and then replace the same day- he has said multiple times in the news recently. Its a reckless way to do such a gigantic part of our economy, but its obvious he knows republicans will never agree to anything.
I think he just wants a complete repeal and to replace it with nothing. Rand doesnt want to sway anyone, he just wants repeal. I'm sure in his dreamworld everone will select his healthplan, but I doubt he actually believes that.
Trump is supporting it on Twitter. He seems serious.
Paul has a bill so I'd assume that's his primary goal. It's funny you think he's the one with an ulterior motive in this scenario though
Trump praised Rand's plan on twitter. Then Danhald's twitter is more of a shitposting station so we shall see.
Yeah but idiots like him think "le free market meme" is the cure for everything. Unfortunately it isn't for healthcare.
You can't treat it like a telecom company or something like that.
He has said it multiple times to "repeal and replace same day, we do a clean repeal and then decide on a new plan same day"
Its fucking retarded.
it's no more reckless than passing that piece of shit in the first place
we're not somehow bound to king nigger's first attempt just because he forced it through to see what's in it
I'd think it's because he sees the bill being put forward now and thinks the GOP doesn't have any intention of actually repealing, only wanted to put a dead bill out to appease the voters
nothing is better than forcing the majority of the preexisting insured to subsidize everyone else with premium hikes
no he didnt, he said to the new healthcare, not his.
>I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
unless youre talking about some ancient tweet in which case, source.
Yeah but like it or not there are some good things in the ACA, like the pre-existing conditions clause.
Best thing would be just to improve it, like by giving the government control on regulating health costs, prescription costs, etc.
If you take away all the regulations and taxes insurance companies will just price gouge.
That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Either way getting healthcare from an insurance company is a de-facto tax. Not to mention you guys pay twice as much as we do. You might as well just go single payer and get the absolute best single payer healthcare in the world.
He doesn't need to, he needs to hold his ground because if this passes then Trump will lose many of his supporters and Ryan, McCain, Graham will be primaried. Giving the people the representatives that they need to put Trump in his place, since he has decided to follow the cuckservative agenda.
Randlet is on top of a ravine with longbow men while a few traitors traverse the ground below.
We will never be able to pay the same price per capita Canda does for the same quality healthcare in our demographic nightmare
Sure you will. Illegals don't even get free healthcare here, and nor do Americans or anyone else that's non-Canadian.
You're also going to have to bite the bullet and put sin taxes on unhealthy food, and higher sin taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.
The hilarious thing about TrumpCare™ is that it's a nice reminder that the deep, debilitating cracks in the GOP never went away. Everyone in here was so busy jerking each other off over Trump's victory that they conveniently forgot that the GOP is basically two parties at this point, and neither side wants to work with the other.
Boehner knew what a shitshow he was leaving behind, but poor Ryan is still naive enough to believe he can succeed where Johnny-Boy failed. And Trump is such a wildcard that you could argue he represents a third faction of the party that's just as much a square peg as the other two.
What the Trumptards mistook for a victory in November was the final nail in the GOP's coffin.
you do know that you are wrong, right? Leafs are proof of the insanity of a government controlled media and education system.
No, people have a right to do what want they want with their bodies, including destroy them. Everyone else has a right to watch them die. People who consume those moderately and take care of themselves elsewhere should not pay even a penny to help care for the pigs that lack self control. This is precisely why this country doesn't want to become one of your Euro-esque nanny states.
If Trump moves to do more in-line with Rand Paul and pass a complete repeal of Obama-fail-care, Trump would re-establish the right wing party and ensure elections for republicans for at least the next 30 years. Hell, the dems literally can't do shit right now and the coward/pussy repubs are allowing the Dems to steamroll them with (RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA/OBAMA DIDN'T WIRETAP). The balls is in the court of the repubs and they really fucking it up right now.
>Remove McConnell
>Remove Paul Ryan
>Kill Podesta
>Opinion Discarded
m8 you're the wealthiest country in the world and you think you couldn't reasonably afford a single payer system?
it knows, it's just taking devils advocate to the extreme to foster a debate that is illegal to have in their country.
I think this is the same problem Obama had. Where they had big dreams and plans, and then once they got in office, they figured out the rebuilding our entire healthcare industry was pretty much impossible.
You can't just whip your dick out and make 500+ insurance companies and their employees useless.
And it was never as simple as "repeal Obamacare" chants made it sound. They're too dug in now.
We're fucked no matter what at this point. People complain, but no one has any idea how to fix it. All their ideas lead to terrible things happening.
Truth is hard, I know.
I think we're stuck with it.
If the Republicans change it all the blame will be on them for the system. If they do nothing the Democrats get the blame.
If you could read numbers, you would understand that that system would end up bankrupting the country.
>you think you couldn't reasonably afford a single payer system?
the problem isn't money. It's the insurance companies, and their subsidies, and their MILLIONS of employees.
You want to take the heat for a million people losing their jobs? That is why our for-profit healthcare system will always be shit. No one will touch it.
he'd better
Its all very hilarious. All that fucking spectacle the last few years stomping their feet about obamacare, and not even Sup Forums can stand with them now. We do have on of the most inefficient healthcare systems in the world and doing nothing and straight repealing is not an option anymore
As a liberal, I never thought I would be cheering Graham, McCain and Mitch on. Some of the old Guard are pushing back and trying to restore sanity, but the party is having none of it.
I don't agree with a lot of what Rand believes in but I do admire him for having principles.
Ryancare, Trumpcare, whatever you want to call it is so strange. It's really exactly the same thing as Obamacare, except it shifts costs drastically onto people who voted for Trump, statistically. I might try something like it if I wanted to hurt the Republican party. But it's probably just a coincidence, just a weird one.
I work for the largest health insurance company in the nation. I'd gladly see my employer go under if it meant that we finally gathered our collective sanity and abolished the for-profit health care model.
Obama knew exactly what he was doing. All this talk about how complicated and hard it is, the point was always to try and make it impossible to undo. He knew damn well premiums would hike, thus the mandate. For a lot of people healthcare simply isn't worth it now and they'd be better off putting that money toward something else. It was designed to screw the middle class over and piss people off in the hope it could barrel toward totally socialized healthcare.
The red-pill is what we have always know, that democrats and republicans are just participating in political theater, and it has proven and exposed it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Graham will hang along side Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer (They won't). Just realize your democracy is as bad if not worse than any other form of prior government.
you dont do it all at once idiot, you do things over time, you have a ten year, maybe twenty year plan.
Gridlock is the only thing stopping us.
There's no way the plan would even come to fruition. As soon as the opposite party gained control, it would be destroyed and restructured. Again and again. If you can't do it in 4 years, it will never get done.
>I think he just wants a complete repeal and to replace it with nothing.
And he's right.
Want to solve healthcare in America?
* Repeal Obamacare entirely.
* Repeal all restrictions on the importation and resell of drugs (aside from purity and authenticity). There are drugs that cost $10,000 in America but $400 in India and the entire supply is made in fucking India. Fuck big pharma for raping Americans and not even giving Americans jobs.
* Repeal any/all laws which restrict the number of medical schools or available seats in such schools.
* Standardize licensing for doctors / nurses across America. This is CLEARLY an issue of interstate commerce, far more so than most of the other shit where the Federal government abuses that clause. If you're a Dr. or nurse in one state, you are in all. AND...your license depends on passing Federal tests. Not on attending a specific school or taking SJW courses or any other such shit.
* If a health insurance policy is offered any where in America, it must be offered every where in America with no variation in price due to state. Nullify any/all state laws which might add extra burdens onto insurance policies.
* Make it clear that any and all laws against price collusion and monopoly practices, Federal and state, will be enforced 100% against healthcare providers. Then do it. If an auto mechanic pulled some of the shit that hospitals pull he would be in prison. Hold the medical community's feet to the fire for breaking the law to drive up prices.
* Reduce FDA red tape for new drugs, but also reduce the number of years that patents are valid.
* If an immigrant receives emergency services and cannot pay for them, bill the country of origin. Start with Mexico. Hand them a bill for all healthcare costs for immigrants in a year. If they refuse to pay, have the US Navy seize their oil wells in the Gulf.
Shit would fix itself overnight. You would need catastrophic insurance and not much else.
>Just realize your democracy is as bad if not worse than any other form of prior government.
You fucking child. If someone transported you through time and forced you to spend even one night in a Stalinish gulag, you'd be shitting your diapers and praying to be taken back to the world you left behind.
I've lived vicariously through the greeks and romans.
You don't understand anything, sweetie.
It is where we are headed though. The Dems are importing enough people so we end up in that neo european nanny/communist state. We will ban problematic things and all wealth will be equally redistributed. We are fucked. I am ready for the collapse. Healthcare is the pinnacle example of why we will inevitably collapse.
>Shit would fix itself overnight. You would need catastrophic insurance and not much else.
You might be right.
I used to be Libertarian and this shit is making me start to shift back. It's a joke. Obamacare is awful and Ryancare is just Obamacare. The only difference is that now people will hate the Republicans when it continues to collapse, they vote the Dems in, rinse and repeat, and nothing ever gets fixed or done. It makes me disgusted.
So you want to regulate it, no shit.
Good luck getting that through the house and the senate. We vote retarded, we get retarded.
yep, that's why the guillotine is an effective tool for a reset.
>I think he's just going to sign whatever comes to him first
Okay, but functioning administrations spend political capital so that shit comes up to be signed at all.
Whether or not he is actively backing something impacts the chances it has to go through. It took Obama a year to get Obamacare through with a supermajority.
He's no Ron
Yep. Fixing healthcare and fixing insurance are completely different issues. Insurance is to deal with risk, and thus, as an economic model should be able to impose regulations that prevent unnecessary costs due to user acting in dangerous or unhealthy ways. But we can't do that. So scrap insurance altogether. Focus on making healthcare more affordable, provide preventative care and reward good behavior , boost med schools and community orgs to provide support, and scale back the rampant malpractice suits that scare doctors out of practice and crank up costs.
Also, get message out to illegal immigrants about Urgent Care clinics so they don't flood and abuse ERs and ambulance rides.