Fuck the Spanish and fuck it's all your fault for the mestizo beans in my country it's your fault we have fat fucks roaming the streets screaming for welfare, why the fuck didn't you conquer Mexico if you'd had only still had control over Mexico maybe people wouldn't be crossing our border apologize for this you cucks.
Spain hate thread
Never, we are Spanish, not french
STFU jew
It's all your fault for this outcome your taco language is in my country and i hear Mexicans always going on about how their actually white because they think their from Spain explain this you bean.
Why did you have to rape the natives?!
Why didnt you genocide them?!
Your one to talk Poland
When are you going to kick all the jews from (((your))) country?
Hey, FUCK you man. Not all Jews are that bad.
You put niggers into your cities and neighborhoods and saw them be destroyed for no reason. At least we got a fuck.
Argies (southern cone mainly) exterminated them in patagonia when they got independence.
Obviouly we didnt exterminate them in the rest of south america because catholic mentality
>Not all Jews are that bad.
>I'm incapable of keeping my borders at check
>fucking spaniards
are you retarded?
Don't blame us, blame indigenous pussy
plus ultra, maricon
Amazing butthurt.
You all need to apologize right now for your ancestors mess you flase whites
Real pic of OP
Spain is lovely. Love you guys.
Why?I am ok with them, they are like our mestizo Sons
I wonder who's behind this post...
Also, fuck you, Spain is cool
Do you want reparations?
So your ancestors couldn't control their dicks from fucking tight Indian pussy huh also calling them your sons is the equivalent of saying my wife's son so when are you paying the child support you cuck
ye man no hating, also latinas look fine
I prefer a jynz maze or an abella anderson than those plastic burgerinas
You self-hating Chicanos are a riot.
Is plvs vltra, v=victory
Yea I want to you apologize right now fuck you and all of Spain.
>Latinas look fine
It was shit, yes, panchos still call us genociders even when we didn't do it.
Mistake indeed.
You can get something positive tho, look at the legacy of the british empire and the legacy of spanish empire.
You let the savages alive = you get Mexico and Venezuela.
Populate it with your own = USA and Canada.
Muh culture is all that matters.
So we are taking over, you say? Thought you were master race, Cletus.
you just limiting the amout of reproductive material becasue of muuu skin color
>paying life support
never, they squandered all the riches the found here and ended up becoming a shithole and at the mercy of momma merkel and her communist pals.
Although frogs fucking their shit up contributed a lot to the destabilization of the spanish empire, things might have gone differently if they hadn't come up with the bourbon reforms and tha their retarded king had kept his mouth shut and think things through.
>*child support
Skin color has fuck all to do with it.
Try looking at the actual physical internal differences.
shut up!
What's with all the madre patria hate threads lately?
you are probably a spic yourself lol
Spain is cool but they got a lousy future ahead of them, they need to stop being so nihilistic
Anyone with a Spanish flag stayed in Spain, and had next to nothing to do with the colonization and conquest of the Americas. If anything it's our fault.
The part of florida I live in is called the "treasure coast" because an entire spanish armada was wiped out by a storm while bringing back gold they stole from mexico. Legend has it the ancient aztecs put a curse on those spaniards. Point I'm trying to make is spain today is eating a heavy dose of karma.
We don't do that in Spain. Deal with it.
>colonial Spain is the reason I can't get a gf
You americans are just jealous of our free healthcare. Fuck off you obese cunts.
Make Mexico Spain Again
Spain are not the real Spanish technical it's Mexico fuck all of South America and especially Brazil fuck Colombia fuck Argentina fuck all of you faggots and especially Spain it's still all you'r fault for this monstrosity APOLOGIZE NOW YO FUCKERS
ayyyyy kek
>blaming someone for your misfortune
i thought that was the kikes' purpose, lad.
Those illegals are coming from Ecuador and and South America OP. Don't talk about my spanish brothers biatch.
You havea funny president
When is he going to notice the shithole he created by following marxist doctrine?
Theirs no such thing as free in this world in dunderhead
Again, protect your border.
Also, probably you are a nigger, pic related
dude, you protect and worship kikes, who are responsile for many of the degenracy and shit going on in many parts of the world, you should be the ones apologizing for all the shit your hook-nosed overlords do just for fun.
Make Spain Visigoth again.
Nobody is talking about illegals hombre
>Fuck our last colonies up
>Get fucked up by some of our former colonies
Pure poetry.
You have to understand that at least 40% of spaniards have jewish roots
senor martinez, please have mercy on that indigenous panocha. we accept your gringo seed por favor.
how about never? he guys seems convinced his ""administration"" will overcome this little predicament they have on their hands: famine, shortages of everything neessary to survive.
>Chavez: ¡Socialismo o muerte!
>tfw There has never been a difference between those two.
It's not America you should be blaming it's Spain who's at fault here your probably a spic with ancestry from Spain, in the first place i was talking about how much Spain has ruined the United States due to their ancestors dicks don't tell me what i should do you mud shack cuck.
Every time I hear people speak Spanish I want to throw something
No nigga.
We are talking about the current state of MEXICO, NOT USA.
Delete this
Como qué, pon un ejemplo amigo
Since you seem to hate Spain as well could you on the behalf of your shit country apologize right now
We left from Mexico in 1800, but you send tons of guns to Mexico, blame yourself and your CIA agents
No, Best Spanish creation ever, would do it again. And they are far better to what was there before the spaniards arrived there, savages 2.0
>your shit country
fuck off burger, you're worse than castilians
Pinche guerros! Callate ya!
Y a dormir todo el mundo ya cojones
Apologize? But Why? Explain amerifat
I can confirm that
No it's still your fault that all these shitty mestizo exist in my country having pride for a shitty country like Mexico that can't even help itself so fuck Spain and fuck Mexico apologize for these mistakes i demanded it.
Oblígame Flanders
How about you get the fuck out then?
I'm fucking done with self-hating fuckers who only post "MUH SPAIN IS RUINED XDDDDD"
Don't blame the whole country for your ineptitude, you cuck.
If we break a leg we don't need to pay thousands of dollars like you retards.
Apologize for creating modern mexicans.
All part of the plan.
Which Hispanic accent is the best user?
Which one is the least horrible? Cuba, Argie?
I'll take the beaners over the niggers in a heartbeat - and we can thanks the fucking British and Dutch slavers who brought them here.
Alright if that's how you wanna play it then I'll just come to your country fuck all your women and culturally enrich Spain, then you can see how multiculturalism doesn't work in any country and your country will be sucking my cock APOLOGIZE NOW!
Are there Argies in USA?
All the hispanic accents are fucking shit.
Castillian since it is the most European one.
Te quedas sin colacao
okay, let's see
>Mexico shares borders with US
>(((((some people)))) come up with the NAFTA/TLCAN and manage to get the leaders of the three countries to sign it without questioning
>aforementioned agreement screw over burgers and mexicans (cucknadians don't count as they are getting culturally enriched by themselves) by destroying the farming and national industry of the latter, as well as forcing the desperate people to work their asses off for ridiculous wages, and the former are fired and unemployment rates increase over time, something that coupled with the love americans have for drugs, give rise to the drug issue many people talk about (the degeneracy promoted by ((((them)))) also plays into this, but that's a story for another day OY VEY).
>US elite rejoice for the flow of illegal guns into Mexico increases immigration, burgers get fucked because of it
>the truth is many of the things happening today is because of the US and mex political elite's greed
so many of these problems could have been prevented if you had stopped your """""good"""" leaders and get them to forget baout NAFTA back then.
>hey, you sound like you dindu nuffin
no, we certainly did, but you have to understand that Mexico is within the sphere of influence of burgerland, and the psychos like Hillary epxloited that advantage and get our own greedy ""representatives"" to do what they wanted or ELSE...
Is your grandpa rooting in a mass grave over there Juanjo?
Actually the US created modern mexicans
Since 1820's spain did not take an important role in our politics
Unlike you
-Weapon selling
-Commercial treaty
-Use of natural resources
-Cultural depravation via TV and Internet
So blame your past and present government
Hola guiri, si quieres te enseño un poco el españolito que tengo aquí colgando.
Without the Spanish they'd just be Aztecs. I'm pretty fucking happy they bleached them into something at least halfway acceptable. I mean, the narcos behead people, but it's better than everyone in the name of some sun god, which is what it used to be before the based Spaniards cleaned that shit up
Very few.
Thanks for nothing gillipollas. (idk if I spelled it right)
Argie accent is top tier.