Are americans the friendliest people?

Are americans the friendliest people?
>Be RN
>go to America
>Only place we're allowed to wear uniform without being beheaded
>yanks allow me to bunk the que
>yanks give me free food
>yankesses give me free head
Used to hate America before I went there, now I think it's the greatest place on earth.

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everybody except Californians hates Californians, same for new yorkers

otherwise yeah. the cities are shut but that's normal. we have nice small towns.

western Oregon is a treat if you don't make the mistake of hitting up portland. come visit McMinnville sometime.

New York was fantastic tbqhwy.

Duh. We the best.

You really are, even if half of you are brown at this point.

>tfw country isn't being bullied for once

Bumping for Yank good manners. They are objectively better people than Brits and I want to know why.

ya, I don't mind NYC to visit, but wouldn't want to life there

t. California Fag

I hate it here in the south bay but SF is such a shithole. I can only stand to visit every couple of months.

Americans worship military men, it's part of our culture. Wear a uniform and you will have the pick of the litter.


Stay away from the coasts

All shit

Including nyc

T. Njite

TY Bongs and other friends. We appreciate the compliments, but don't need our egos inflated any more. Be careful. :)

Unless you get stationed in bumfuck nowhere where the natives are pissed off you've annexed their country.
Flag related.

I live in NJ and NYC is pretty nice to just walk around as long as you are in the main parts of the cities. Stores are pretty good but the food there is overpriced. I usually take the bus there cause it's cheaper and no parking and waste the day there. It's even better now when I can walk to the Trump tower and just soak in all of the liberal tears form the half dozen that are always there. Plus its a better experience when you wear a MAGA cap or a Pepe hat. OC pic.

I don't want to live in the US. But as a member of the Royal Navy the American public treated me with so much respect it was almost shocking compared to Britain. We aren't even allowed to wear the uniform in Britain these day because it may cause offence.

I keep forgetting about Guam. I've heard Okinawa fucking sucks too.

wow, seriously? you can't wear your uniform in public?

Manifest Destiny and Nation of Immigrants. When most everyone has the same background of 'came here for a better life' everyone has a common ground. It's a lot easier to get along with someone when you know you have something in common. And that way of interacting with your neighbors by looking at them as similar to yourself was passed down over the years until it became ingrained in American culture.

irony being near the end of my contract in the US army (ended last year) I wasnt even allowed to wear my uniform off base because the local shitskins were targeting white military members for attack

gotta love maryland

Lived in burgerland for 3 years (2 in Wisconsin). I was treated very well, far better than in here.

Thank you, ameribros.

this is also a rule in most units within the US DoD now

shitskins love chimping out on white soldiers

the women are cunts, but they still love a uniform

No, can't wear it in England because of the muds and can't wear it in Northern Ireland because of the IRA. The only place we're encouraged to put it on is America.

>want to join the army
>have asthma
Kill me please what's the point in living if I can't serve my queen and country

i had to work on a US airforce base in the UK once doing steel erection for some building
we had an all you can buffet for free

Well that's a fucking lie, there are RAF army lads in uniform in London all the time out on the raz, and just having a walk around town.

can't wear your uniform in your own country, thats pretty sad desu

>yanks allow me to bunk the que


>yanks give me free food
>yankesses give me free head


Okinawa sucks because the marines keep plowing prostitutes and they cry rape to the police after it happens trying to shake down the US for money.
Liberty's pretty much secured, there's no drinking allowed, etc.

Now that's a fucking lie. America was the only place where I was told I should wear my uniform.

>yanks allow me to bunk the que
At the emire state building

That's interesting. I'm in an officer training program for the US military and we're not allowed to wear our uniforms when traveling due an elevated FPCON level thanks to ISIS.

Yeah, here you would have to be a total degenerate to not like someone in a military uniform. I see it alot at airports too or Guardsmen on the weekends. Never seen a British one before though, that would be cool.

it's a Well Known Fact that persians are the friendliest people

Okinawa was always fucked when it came to liberty, and Yokosuka.

Oh yeah about the free food, lots of places offer discounts or free food to people in fire/police/ems or military uniforms. And I've bought guys lunch at airports if they are military.

It's queue, sweetheart

Canada is the best in the world

America is the best place on earth and it's about to get better. We're in the middle of a fourth turning and as soon as the coming crisis is over we'll see America reach heights it's not seen yet.

I love me some Canada. Best colony, despite your shit politics.

I'm from California and I hate that place.

All the good ones moved here long ago. I think the rest of the world is starting to figure out how awesome we are. If you live here, chances are your ancestors were poor, yet optimistic.

Our government can be the most cucked in the universe, it won't stop Canadians from being the master race

We don't get to do much in the US these days. The Bandsmen may be about in the big cities. I imagine yank civs would shit themselves in joy at the sight of redcoats on parade.

Canada is cool too. I used to live there. A couple who worked at Base Borden had the parking spot right by mine.

native californians hate californians

Sup Forums would have you think differently but the gringos that vist here are very very friendly, I've only had a problem with my wife beater neighbor, fuck that guy.

Pretty much. No matter how awful the Canadian government is, you can never forget what they did in Normany and Holland. It's just a real shame our countries seemed to seperate after ww2.

The army hasn't been allowed out in uniform for ages. Soldiers have always been despised in Britain as drunken louts, quite rightly. Read Kipling's poem "Tommy".

i think that is bongspeak for "cut in line"

>Soldiers have always been despised in Britain as drunken louts, quite rightly.

That's pretty awful.

>Are americans the friendliest people?
have you tried voting for the republican party?

most white Canadians are fine if not great. you guys have go to do something about the immigrants taking over your country and the liberals welcoming your own genocide, though.

same senpai :(

I have friends in the marines who do stupid shit at bars, get arrested and start screaming ITS OKAY IM MILITARY while they are laying on the ground in handcuffs. Pretty hilarious honestly. One time I saw a drunk as shit marine guy try to help a cop detain a guy while screaming "I AM AUTHORIZED BY THE US GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT ITS DOMESTIC INTERESTS." The cop had to arrest them both because he kept punching the detainee. Love those guys.

Are you Navy lads looking forward to Goodfellas? Only a month to go.

Oh, it's great being black in a white neighborhood

>White boys wont DARE start a fight with you

"intimidates whites guy*

>You get to fuck EVERY white girl whitin a one mile radius with your beautiful black...

*cuts to interracial sex scene*

We ain't all shit Bong. Glad atleast one of yas see it.

That's why they are largely confined to garrison towns like Aldershot and Catterick, they're treated like animals because they often behave like them. They have a fearsome military police - the Redcaps - to keep them in line.

You ditched us, we're still waiting
Canadians are politically retarded, they dont pay attention to anything just "oh let's make weed legal XD"

Yeah we love and respect our military here. Even if you are foreign you still get respect because we like the idea of defending your country. We also are fairly friendly in general, at least in most states and places. If you go to cities (major ones especially) the friendliness fades pretty quickly.

That's just depressing. Our esprit de corps isn't amazing, but at least our military takes the conduct of its servicemen very seriously.

We all see ourselves as future millionaires, so we treat each other like close business partners at all times. It's great for superficial relationships, but it makes it a lot harder for us to lower our shield and reveal vulnerabilities to each other and become emotionally close. Now that feminism in in full swing, it is extremely hard to form truly emotional relationships amongst each other here. For now.

We're generally pretty happy. Also, there is (or at least there was) admiration for success rather than disdain.

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Next time come visit the south, we're much more hospitalble and friendly than our northern Counterparts

Confirmed, even Californians hate Californians.

Anywhere north of Sacramento is incredibly blood-red patriotic and country though. Nice area.


The navy was always very respected and the army was usually hated, though every so often we had a general like Wellington or Marlborough who made the army popular.

SO what you're say is that Yanks don't have genuine friendships?

Take the RAF guys out to the bars, shooting, and to the clubs, still have fun dissing each other's countries and laughing about our leaders.
Bottom of the totem pole people will always find common ground and enjoy company as long as their head isn't too far up their asses.