Can someone red pill me on Aliens?

Can someone red pill me on Aliens?

Are they real or just a government front?

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They aren't real.
Watch this to redpill you:

Literally 8th Dimensional Demons.

Aliens are demons

how do you know they're from the 8th dimension? why not the 4th or 5th?

The "bodies" are empty vessels or flesh suits for their higher-dimension consciousnesses.


so what you're trying to tell me is ... WE are the ayy lmaos channeling fleshy bodies?

What is planet X, you ask?

There have been many cataclysms and people have gone underground to rectify their mistakes.

Would be quite surprised if the ayys are not trill AF senpais

Aliens are real, pop culture aliens aren't. If aliens do exist they're probably going to be very similar to us due to convergent evolution. None of this bulbous grey heads shit.

This cycle will be ending soon. Better get right with the Lion. Jesus will be coming soon, when the world isnt looking. Sound familiar?

stupid gnostic poopoo

Trump is very likely the first president for alien contact. Kek confirms higher digits means more likely.

The only alien I know is the guy who checked my prostate.


Greys are real and they walk amongst us. They probed my arsehole 2 years ago on a farm.

What the fuck is going on in that video?

>Probably no actual ET space aliens.
>Plenty of chance another planet has evolved sentient life, maybe even intelligent life
>Unlikely we will we ever have compatible communication technologies at the same time
>Aliens are all more psy-op stuff to distract from hidden technologies/histories/government scandals
>Wondering how NASA processes their photos? Oh look, UFOS!!!
>Researching free energy or secret technology programs? PLEIDIANS!!
>Suspicious about why the hell all the elites are hanging out in Antarctica? ANCIENT ALIENS!!
>In either case, they turn all curious and questioning minds into crazies who discredit themselves and thus any threat they posed is neutralized
>Remember, the real enemies are flesh and blood humans who can be brought down with memes and leaked emails.
Don’t fall for the alien psy op.


This should help:

I'm not even trolling.

You seriously believe this?


Antarctica findings were a part of the Central Race. The Central Race landed in what is now Central Africa a long, long time ago. That vortex has since been cleared up.

Atlantis is separate from Antarctica.

Aliens are probably real. They're watching us like watch over animals in Zoos.

Says... who?
On what basis do you have to be pulling statistics?

What is all this talk about Antarctica lately?
Can someone give me a quick rundown?

"Serrano's anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryan race, image-bearers of the Godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: The Demiurge, worshipped by the Jewish people, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality. Serrano foremostly synthesized the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic-Germanic religious traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance, in addition to particularly esoteric and racialist interpretations of Buddhism, Christianity (or "Kristianism"), Luciferianism (not to be confused with Satanism), and Gnosticism. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, borrowed heavily from Julius Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race, as opposed to a solely biological one, and followed Savitri Devi in regarding Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incarnation) who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga."