>o'leary on cbc
>trudeau btfo by o'leary
>dragon's den moments
>based kevin's story
>o'leary on cbc
>trudeau btfo by o'leary
>dragon's den moments
>based kevin's story
Other urls found in this thread:
What an ugly, globalist-licking Lebanese roach.
Fuck off O'leary shill. It's Bernier or Leitch.
What's O'Leary's agenda? Is he just a maple Trump?
Stop forcing this meme.
O'Learyberg is a globalist shill.
He thinks that because Trump won, he can do it too, but Trump actually has charisma and understands the problems our country has.
O'Leary brags on Shark Tank that he goes to secret wine tasting societies. Probably has been to a few pizza parties too.
He is definitely not on your side.
If he is the best Canada can do, you guys are beyond fucked.
Fuck off kike.
ugh another politician pushing for big oil.
Fuck man are we ever going to get someone who actually want to build infrastructure in Canada? Nope just wave after wave of twits selling whatever we can pull from the land to keep the boomers checks coming and hoarding the housing market.
this leadership race has been a real disappointment
they're all shit
OP will never make an irish bitch mcgag on superior American bwc
Fuck off, O'Leary is a globalist and a muslim sympathizer. Kys.
Leitch has no chance though. Mad Max it is.
>voting for a woman
Bernier or Trost. Get your fucking act together. Have you learnt nothing?
Women treat everyone like infants and want to mother them all, this is why we currently have SJWs and safe spaces. Adult infants who were coddled their entire lives.
The Tories are controlled opposition. Harper was removed as soon as he started appearing to mean business about dealing with the Muslim problem.
Justin will be Canada's last PM before President Trump sends troops north to drain our swamp of Muslims for good.
>Clearly Semitic
>Obsessed with finance
>Dark eyes and swarthy complexion
>Shitty genetics making him bald despite being highly intelligent
>Changed his name to something Irish to blend in better with Canadians
He's Jewish
Apathy and ignorance levels are TOO DAMN HIGH in Canada.
literally one of the worst memes i've ever seen
CHECKs out
Worse than the Hillary pepes.
>a fucking leaf
Well, no.
O'Leary = Snow Trump
Since when did Trump support globalization and muslim immigration?
that has a vagina?
>What's O'Leary's agenda?
Economic growth. That's about it.
He also running in a riding; stated he won't be in Canada for about 100+ days of the year (while PM) due to filming Shark Tank (which he won't quit if he wins).
Guy doesn't care about winning, which he won't. He's just doing this to promote himself. Doesn't care about Canada or its citizens.
*He's also NOT running in a riding
Sorry, my vote is going to Mad Max. He hits all the right dog whistles for me. I've also been looking into this thing he keeps talking about concerning the dairy/poultry farms. Anyone know more about that?
yes elect the guy who wants to move EVERYTHING to china
elect the guy who fucked over contestants on shank tank after making promises on the show (did it in Canada too with Dragons Dildo Den)
elect a complete cuck whose wife spent years away from him banging other guys
elect the guy who made his entire fortune on a business scam where he overvalued his company and screwed investors
elect the guy who was hired by those investors to manage the company for a year and they fired him early because he was an idiot and they tried to sue to get their money back.....and you can't name one business he has had success with since....everything he touches turns to dirt
Sorry, we've already endorsed Bernier.
Manlet mutt crypto kike.
Voting for Mad Max. Get fucked, cryptokike.
Sources or it isn't true.
Ugly Jew looking manlet mutt short bald whiney voice.
He will never moisten the panties of a princess and cuck the prince of the dice mouth islanders
>I've also been looking into this thing he keeps talking about concerning the dairy/poultry farms. Anyone know more about that?
Supply management. You're getting gouged every time you pay for chicken, eggs, and diary because the government only allows a certain amount of these staples to be produced. It's used to insulate these farmers from the ups and downs of the market.
>implying anyone here paid the CPC to actually vote for O'Learly
Is Canada, dare I say it, uncucked?
fuck of shill
Vote Bernier
> Frenchie shilling fake o'leary
> again
Them filipinos must be messing with your tim horton again.
Keep white Canadian farmers in business or eat Chinese food grown in nightmares and sewage.
I don't care what my milk and eggs cost . GAS motherfucker, that has to fucking come down NOW
Well shit...
It's called supply management, but farmers usually call it quota. Basically dairy and poultry farmers are given a quota to fill by the government on how much produce they'll send to market. Upside is it's safer economically for farms with no intention of expanding, but completely destroys incentives to produce more and makes farmers unable to compete with each other. Most farmers I talk to don't seem to care about it, it's so much more work than it's worth that people only do it because they enjoy the lifestyle rather than the money.
I'm sure I'm not the first to say this but:
Fuck off O'Leary isn't based
O'Leary is fucking based
I'm definitely voting for him for leader of the conservative party
He is though, he's straight to the point and gets things done
O'Leary is a crypto-liberal faggot.
>Praised carbon tax
>Wants to sell senate seats
>"There's no honor in being a warrior"
>"Nobody needs a gun like an AR-15 that shoots bullets like a fire hose"
He's a fucking retard. He's nothing like Trump other than that they're both rich. Mad Max Bernier is almost full libertarian and will be a much better choice. Derestricting scary looking firearms, getting rid of mag limit bans, ending corporate welfare, etc.
O'Leary is fucking cancer.
It's never going to be efficient to build infrastructure in Canada because we lack the population, we're cold, and we're spread out.
Since the things Sup Forums wants to do for Canada will make that problem actively worse, I.E. cutting immigration, you better get used to it.
Libertarianism is fucking retarded though cunt.
That promise is vague as shit but he wants to take immigration to 250k/year which is... better than the LPC...
It might not be as wise as Sup Forums thinks to completely shut off the tap, crash the housing market, and pop our debt bubble.
O'leary may as well as be Chong. He's a fucking liberal; his daughter works for the huff post ffs.
250K per year is still pretty bad but at least if it's reduced that much that means whites are multiplying/reproducing faster than shitskins are.
>electing A FUCKING DYKE
Yeah like that really worked out well for Ontario. Wynne couldn't run a cafeteria let alone a province.
That last line is rooted in Quebecois Nationalism. Fuck those frogs.
is this mad max donate tree fiddy guy?
>voting for a guy who doesn't have the dankest memes
Just no. Mad Max all the way.
Christy Clark completely revitalized BCs hardhat industry though.
Christy Clark isn't as obvious a dyke as Leitch. Leitch has never been married, has no kids, is as ugly as a horse's ass and has a dyke haircut.
>is this mad max donate tree fiddy guy?
Isn't she the dyke who wanted to shut down a major bridge during rush hour so people could do yoga on it?
Trost is the only candidate I totally agree on ethically, environmentally, and for energy.
Too bad a past of being against gay marriage and a lisp means he will never be PM
Also O'Leary should be forced to run as an independent due to missing all those debates and refusing to learn french (I hate everything about the language but change the laws for federal employees speaking french after you get elected).
BC is kinda fucked up. In some ways it's more liberal then Ontario and in other ways it's more conservative. I wouldn't doubt it.
He couldn't run as an independent and become PM. You have to have the most seats to become the prime minister.
>Voting for a politician based on memes
Ya'll know Bernier is part of the CPC old stock right? He's not coming in to turn the party upside down.
He just seems more electable than Leitch, less of a cuck than O'leary, can speak French worth a damn unlike the prior two, seems to be willing to push immigration moderately in the right direction, and is way ahead of the other candidates in polling.
I can maybe believe Maxime Bernier browses conservative social media but there is a difference between understanding us and being /ourguy/. He's still a dyed in the cloth Tory. He just seems like the bset option at the moment.
Fuck off globalist kike
Mad Max is /ourguy/
Bernier was chosen by kek, it's already too late for you Kevin.
O'Leary is not even a cuckservative he is below that even, he is basically a liberal trying to ride Trumps coattails.
Canada needs someone that will bring the hammer down on immigration, that is the only thing that matters. So: Leitch, Blaney or Bernier
There is no such thing as /ourguy/ in Canada. All major parties are center or center left, even the CPC.
he's a more libertarian Tory to be precise
Watch this and tell me you don't like Trost
Fuck this shill
Brad "Muh Jesus" Trost is the least electable candidate in the damn race. We do need to pay some attention to what he's saying though because he seems really in touch with the social conservatives and religious types.
I never knew Brad Trost had a Mongolian wife.
Maybe he's who we need to deal with China.
O'Leary is the definition of /ourguy/. Irish heritage name, no emotion, pure factual decision making. Will be hard on immigration. I'm almost convinced Trudeau has paid Bernier shills - he's an easy opponent.
O'leary is a globalist meme
There are a lot of good candidates in the CPC leadership race. O'leary and Lietch are probably the worst.
>Leader Tier:
Maxime Bernier
Andrew Scheer
>Meh Tier
Chris Alexander
Andrew Saxton
Erin O'Toole
Steven Blaney
>Jeb Tier:
Brad Trost
Kellie Leitch
>Literally Who Tier
Rick Peterson
Pierre Lemieux
>Liberal Tier
Michael Chong
Deepak Obhrai
Kevin O'Leary
Lisa Raitt