Anyone else cashing in on Pizzagate?

This little creep does zero research then makes videos begging for donations

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just stop
D-Splooge is hero

He is a cocky little shit head


he should be
he has more balls than any of you with this character assassination will ever have
and he is a jew

PIZZAGATE & PEDOGATE are 100% real faggot

Say what you want
Davey Jizz woke up more ppl than anyone to this shit
and it's 100% real
Fucking shill

He's being destroyed by ctr, so feel bad, but he deserves it sort of for being so creepy for riding pizzagate fame


you don't know shit, shill.

I don't think it's ctr. I really think people can see he is shady

Trying not to get Assange'd, thanks

ctr (((sareblue))) never destroyed anything

they galvanize those who are near to the truth to go all the way

they helped make Sup Forums what it is because of their lack of understanding of the meme

inb4 shills raid this thread about how fake pizzagate is.

What a bunch of wonder you blow this lazy, little con artist


he's mentally unwell


I saw a couple of his videos and I thought he was unhinged. Not because of his obsession but because he seemed so manic and unstable. Her seemed like he was melting down. Frankly, I'd rather believe he was a phony than a guy fit for a straight jacket. I was worried for him.

that or he is faking it to get more donations
He does have superpowers ya know

bombard body language has good video on him

he's a fake bitch. he has the same fake reaction on everything with his head bob

Anyone over 90 IQ can see that Pizzagate is real. I just hate this angry little twerp thinking he is fucking Nostradamas

To be fair, he's risking libel/defamation lawsuits.

>This little creep does zero research

He dose Research, he Researches /Pol everyday to get his talking points...


yeah, I wouldn't want anyone to take his stash of bitcoin that he is always bragging about

All youtubers do fuck all research and produce hours of shit. You tube is hours of shit. It is like the vloggers who down a local supermarket and make 30 minutes on a chocolate bar.

Fuck off shill. He's a reporter in that he shines an investigative light on pizzagate; which is more than you or the MSM get done.

Hi David!

shouldn't you be out at a Denver gay bar or something?
