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European Risk - 2
Other urls found in this thread:
get my land back
fill france up to Lyon and bordaux> reinforce the northern border
New role to fill Turkey, Cyprus, and Georgia.
Take Kiev, Ukrainian wheat and all things Ukrainian.
can you help me take out city of god from the north?
Defend. Spill to taking over Algiers. Spill more to take more Carthaginian Algeria
Go to Ukraine
Attack Amsterdam, then england. Retake London if it's taken by England first priority.
i will help you asap
That's mine.
thanks. we'll split italy
sail from denmark and attack netherlands in amsterdam (if the brits dont have it), spill into the netherlands clay and assets (basically help the bongs)
You want Kiev and the wheat, could we divide it so that I recieve the Eastern portion and Crimea, while you have the wheat and Kiev?
Attack London
I don't know why you want Ukraine as much but I will concede to letting the Eastern half and Crimea be yours. Let me make a map.
You're much stronger than Russia. You don't need to capitulate.
Sounds good.
That will do
I GTG now. ceding my land
Really makes me regret playing this game.
I don't want to get into any fights right now. I can see an alliance in the north being made against me quite easily and I don't want that. Italy wouldn't be able to really help as they fighting Carthage and you are in the south.
new risk game when
You just missed my roll again!
never host again faggot
Fuck. I was going to try and obliterate you with the Jews in a few turns to.
Pretty unsatisfying game desu, but you did and ok job.
still thanks
Oh. You're ceding land.
I regret my compliment.
Ur pretty gay OP desu.
I'll agree he is a faggot, though.
>How to waste everyone's time in one easy step
Well shit. Will anybody rehost or start anew?
should i continue?
Way to waste all our time faggot
What do you mean? The only one wasting time is OP.
if you have the time, sure
No, because the most powerful empire is quitting.
Someone take over
Please do....
Also join the Discord goyim:
Make a new thread with this map:
all day long
I've got to gtg anyway fellas. Good game apart from the niggery and the lack of any mid game happenings.
If you're going to continue and allow quit ceding, I want to cede to Hungary, or at least make my land available to him.
That post was meant for OP.
okay who's doing a different map
Cheers, man. You were a cool guy. Unfortunately, OP ruined it for us all.
Sheeit I'm too late. Will OP host another one after this
who is for continuing (1) and who is for a the new map (2)
I could host, I'm not sure for how long though. maybe 4 hours
The current map is boring as shit and it's only feature is bonuses.
if you want, but will still need to figuar out if we continue ore restart
I'm thinking we should use a new map. I'll see what I have.
I found the better version:
Replace (2) with this.
what is with the one Hungary posted?
I guess it's between you guys to decide between and this
I definetly chose: .
No offence but that map is completely blank and doesn't look fun because for it.
Voting for Global map
what rules for that one
would prefer that one
I don't have a preference so waiting for other anons to choose
Both are good but I'd vote for the Europe risk
I'll host the europe one and send it to you guys
thanks for hosting
new thread
no problem