Vault 7

What should I know about Vault 7? I haven't had much time to read about it pleas post some of the most intresting/suprising stuff that has been found out.

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CIA hacking tools got released. They are still trying to make it seem like Assange is alive. Shills will try and say he's still alive. Don't trust em.

wait Assange is dead?! Who killed him? What happened?

He died last year during the election. No wonder you missed it since it's getting the cover up of a decade. Wikileaks is compromised and nothing decent will come from them ever again.

Then why are they releasing CIA documents? Is Wikileaks now controlled by the Chinese? Notice they never release files from China.

one of the cia guys is a brony who larps on ponychan

He's not dead. He held a press conference a couple of days ago to talk about the Vault 7 release.

Nah he didn't. Wasn't him. Got killed last year when they cut his internet and his dead mans switch triggered.

Everything they release is of no importance and will not have consequences for the CIA, NSA etc.

They've talked about this before- they're English language. So mostly anglosphere countries get leaked by them, leaving it up to others to do other languages.

Their best hacking tools got shared around so much they are on the open market.
They used stockpiled russian hacks against the US in false flag attacks to try and discredit the new President.

they used computer to simulated him

I think he's alive just gettting tortured .
Wikileaks was compromised but I think now a non-compromised sleeper cell is back in control . It was set up to be de centralized

Yeah, no. He's done multiple interviews in the last few months as well. Stop pushing this "HERP DERP, ASSANGE IS DEAD AND WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED" tinfoil hat BS.

Only shills do that. Youre not a shill, are you...?

they are spying on you right now and have your IP logged to this horrible place and will arrest you when shit hits the fan just for posting here

shut the fuck up you retard he isnt dead

Then post all of these simulated interviews with a dead man and lets see for ourselves you dirty fucking shill.

Shilling has started i'm out.
In light of CIA plans to hack car control systems an urgent study should be made of the assassination risk posed by different models #Vault7

Potentially Michael Hastings was killed by this

Are the tools or programs on the torrent? All there seems to be on the Wikileaks website is scattered comments about different programs and exploits.


Oh, good. You think he's a hologram, don't you?

you're fucking stupid

I think (you) are a fucking hologram you shilling fuck.

They releases some CIA hacking methods, but the most interesting thing was they outsourced the hacks to outside agencies giving them the tools, that meant the tools weren't in CIA control anymore.

Not a lot yet. They haven't released proof of anything relating to CIA pretending to be Russia. Just some techniques basically everyone already knew

Good comeback, Shilly McShillington.

sic semper tyrannis, shill World View

no but you watched a movie, made by hollywood

>other people saying the Vault 7 leaks mean nothing because MUH CIA PSYOP
>I'm not
>therefore, I'm a shill

Good show, lad.

Wikileaks has been compromised. Vault 7 leak was to distract from Obama phone tapping news. Zero day methods had been spent so known Comercial vulnerabilitys perceived as corporate issues. A net win for the elites.

>Vault 7 leak was to distract from Obama phone tapping news

the leaks give credence to the wiretapping because the CIA can spy on fucking everyone in the world now

you're a Mongoloid

yes it shut down the media laughing at Trump for suggesting it.

And letting the tools loose was part of the larger plan to destabilize, upon which the CIA can capitalize


also some of the code release sends information back to which redirects to mcmullen's website


Nice try, CIA.