>racemixing is ba- oh...
Racemixing is ba- oh
Other urls found in this thread:
>brazil advocating race-mixing
Learn your lesson, mongrel.
>smarter than the black dad, but dumber than the white mom
>faster than the white mom, but slower than the black dad
You get the middle ground best case scenario, which makes you a loser in both respects.
Disingenuous. What they're not telling you is the offspring are smarter than their black ancestors due to white admixture. Not that they're smarter than ALL their ancestors.
also read as: those born to rich parents fair better than the general lot.
It was an extensive study done by geneticists.
>racemixing is ba- oh... fuck it's worse than i thought
not gonna bother looking up the article, but does even a little research get cited?
You forgot to SAGE
Link you faggot
((((I wonder who's behind that study))))
look at those dirty mongrels of South America
i don't think so
Kek, yeah if you have to get a gookwife your kid is gonna ace all the math tests
won't ace at life tho kek unless "life" is shooting sorority stacies
>breeding with whites makes you taller and smarter but also makes the white gene pool shorter and dumber
>let's race mix more, for the good of society!
>Mixed-race relationships are making us taller and smarter
Than what? These articles are essentially lying by omission. They say that race mixing makes us smarter, and that's true if you're black and mixing with white or asian genes.
However if you're white your offspring get no benefit from race-mixing with a black and in fact are worse off.
>Take nigger and white woman
>They breed
>Baby is smarter than a nigger from the white genes
>This means we should mix more
All this is doing is affirming the idea that racial differences do exist, and that some races are better than others.
sage for bait thread
iq is getting smaller in europe
you will never have an ugly chink wife that adores you
But they said intelligence wasn't based on genes
>being tall is a good thing
>less than 2% of global population taller than 6'2
>lanklets are literally the least successful at procreating by a margin of 98%
>lanklets are designed to cosplay as slender man than die
It's not lying. It's saying "us" as a society, so it's still true. Racemixing raises intelligence of the society overall, for obvious reasons.
Honestly, we're never gonna be able to get rid of minorities, realistically. Actually just letting race-mixing occur naturally as is, and hoping that over time it starts to eliminate a lot of the problems we have with minorities like crime would get less and less too.
>inb4 jew
They are right, breeding with whites make shitskins smarter, they just word it as such to enforce the left agenda to globallize/remove the whites.
>no studies or research linked
fake news also archive that shit next time
We're all members of the human race so there is no such thing as race mixing Tbh
Black men (prisoners) should be used as free labour and black women should be given to white NEETs to breed with.
Eventually the black genes will be bred out.
A lot of the time it's purely about status if they're 1st generation or 2nd even. Having a white husband is just about having a white husband for many asians.
Literally none of that is in any way true. Garbage in, garbage out.
>every comment is bashing the article
feels good man
>50% white/50% black kids are smarter than 100% black kids
Oh thats some good propaganda you're sharing goyim keep it up
>Shitskins get BLEACHED with superior genes, are superior to their ancestors.
No shit. But its terrible for whites and asians.
More intelligent than their BLACK ancestors, sure.
>mixing white and asian
>literally the best races
well of course that blend will work
>White and asian
Yea maybe
>Niggers and literally anything else
Not a fucking chance.
We also had extensive studies done to prove that telegony was wrong in the 30
Now though they say it's possibly true.
Well too late it's what allowed feminism to take place.
>Racemixing raises intelligence of the society overall, for obvious reasons.
overall for Europeans and other whites it decreases it, so no it does not benefit society in the slightest
I beg to differ.
yes, when they mix with whites ....
thats kind of what they dont say ..
Sup Forums should add that into the comments there
Well then what does it do for Asians in the west considering they're usually on the same level or ahead of whites?
good goy
>tfw too smart to not shoot up your school
it doesn't actually unless you're saying whites should breed every other race out of existence.
Unless you want us to become a failed state, then there's no benefits of race mixing at all. Brazil showed us why racemixed countries have no culture and have no success.
You, and the article, conflate race-mixing with genetic diversity. The study doesn't look at race mixed couples and compare them to normal couples, it just looks at DNA and finds that people who don't have 2 copies of the same gene tend to be taller and smarter.
You can get plenty of genetic diversity with just whites. Or blacks. Or Asians.
>if you racemix with the best race your mongoloid children will be super mongoloids
Because subhumans get quality genes at expense of the Whites. If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with 1/64 negro "White American", nigger, and Tony Blair, I would shoot "White American" twice.
>niggers who breed up have smarter children
Wow. What a revelation.
>mutt is taller and smarter than its 100% pure nigger parent
really made me think
asians are soulless retards, they also have huge amount of men in reserve
This is stupid. If race mixing is making humanity so fuking smart then why don't we start fuking other species? lets go see how smart we get if we start fuking giraffes. or what ever
What I'm reading is, mulatos are smarter than niggers, and hapas are taller than chinks
yes goyim racemixing is the best
>Mom is white, 5' 10"
>Dad is Mexican, 5' 5"
>I'm 5' 7"
I'm probably smarter than them, but I'm still a manlet
taller than their Asian counterparts maybe
smarter than their black counterparts maybe
Huh, so NOW genetics and race can be shown.
Funny, innit.
someone explain
Average white IQ = 100
Average mulatto IQ = 85
Average black IQ = 70
>130iq white
>100 iq black
>110 iq mulatto
don't worry!!!
>Mixed raced relationships
>Making people taller
With Blacks yes but makes them dumber.
>And smarter
With Asians yes but makes them shorter.
Yea no shit the niggers get smarter by the generous donation of DNA. Hard not to when you start off around 70 iq. But as a filthy mullato yourself why am I surprised expect.
Idiot. I'm mixed ethnicity. I'm tall, goodlooking, very smart. My half brother is mixed race. He's a manlet, goodlooking (lucky) and subpar IQ.
He's still my little brother and I care for him despite the fact that he's half-not-us. But there's not a day I wish for him he could have been complete like me and my dad. I find it cruel actually.
why is she shaking like that can someone explain also explain why she was hit over the head with a piece of wood
The only way to keep Humanity from the fuking idiots is to keep Humanity from fuking the Idiots.
Was that a cellphone?
then why are Scandinavian people so tall?
>American education
She's shaking like that because she got hit with a log on her head. She's going to get up just fine, then die a little later due to brain swelling
If a nigger and white mix, yes they are about 15 points smarter than your average nog, yet 15 points dumber than your average white.
Well well well. Guess I'm the smartest person in this thread.
Suck it vanilla race cucks.
jesus christ. what is wrong with you monkeys? why do you have to be such savages?
Well yes I know she was shaking because she was hit. Was just wondering what medical condition she was suffering from that was causing her to shake. Also anyone got any context?
>Racemixing raises intelligence of the society overall
Nice doublespeak there. The only thing it does is average and dilute out the intelligence.
The only "raise" your perceive is purely anecdotal after living among the dumb and worthless.
Pictures shows statistically small Asian breeding with a statistically taller white, obviously offspring will be taller. Also both generally accepted as intelligent.
Also most genetic improvement is based on increased health due to better food, better water, better everything in modern countries.
Intermix whatever you want with unhealthy scum and get unhealthy scum.
>reading shill threads
>not getting comfy, chatting, and watching redpilled shows with Sup Forumslacks
Drop by and say hello
it's not hat hard bro, if thats your dream you could probably make that dream come true pretty easy
Which ancestors?
Of course a kid with a white parent is going to be smarter than it's black ancestors
Well, this is easily proven wrong.
Tallest countries in the world are
>Denmark .
>Germany .
>Czech Republic
What do these countries have in common? They are all white countries with very little mongrels.
>racemixing is ba-
Theoretically you are combining the ancestral knowledge of two people from different regions of the world. All the knowledge from ancient europeans and and all the knowledge from the ancient asians, locked in the offspring's genetic code. Seems legit but fuck all that shit I don't want no gooky-eyed children. I can't wait until genetic manipulation becomes more advanced then I can have qt.314 asian waifu and before I procreate I can turn off her gooky-eye genes. I'd probably want to turn off the weird hair that males have as well.
My mom is white and my dad is white.
I'm 6'4. Not a single person in my family is that tall. I've never had an IQ test but I think I'm pretty intelligent. One of my brothers is a manlet at 5'7", but he's much more intelligent than I am. My sister is 5'1" and a doctor. My youngest brother is 6'3 and will probably surpass my height. I think he's smarter than all of as well.
They're just trying to promote race mixing.
damn so that means if I waste my 6'5 genes on a 5'5 gook it might make a little 5'8 manlet
damn thats progress! a mixed race person tecnically taller than his chink ancestry! wow!
are all southern spics this retarded? Did you pass high school biology?
What race is the man?
>racemixed nigger childs are smarter than their 100% nigger ancestors
Which ancestors are we talking about? Cuz yeah of course the offspring is going to be taller and more intelligent than some shit shovelling inbred poo from the Raj or some hobbit sized chink.
> Race mixing makes us smarter
I thought intelligence didn't have anything to do with races
Sounds like a legit study
p. related
I'm way smarter and taller than both my parents by miles. It's probably the autism that made me smarter.
t. halfie
what if you breed ashkenazi kikes with nips?
Would you get the perfect mind in a deformed twisted yellow body?
>white should outbreed
>asians score higher on every genetic IQ test
The bleachskins will be culled with the shitskins and the rest of the trash. Superior asian genes only.
>mother is a 5'4'' 85IQ coalburner
>father is a 5'9'' 70IQ negro
>offspring is a 5'7 80IQ halfbreed
>it's above the average of the parents!
It's a seizure caused by a concussion. If she manages to survive, she'll very likely be epileptic.
Someone has to keep Liveleak running