>My slaves have been taken away from me
Democrats up to their old tricks
>my housekeepers helper
>I hired illegals (breaking the law doing so)
>quick government, do something to help me!
Can we just nuke socal?
is chaz admitting to employing illegals?
There is nothing wrong about slavery. It just should be controlled.
>publicly admitting to employing illegals
>it's hard to find good help
you mean norcal right? they're the cucks fueling this shit
you mean norcal right? they're the cucks fueling this shit, Socal is just closer to Mexico
I hope Trump's are okay.
Jefferson did nothing wrong, you fucking bot.
>is chaz admitting to employing illegals?
Wagon gets him next, apparently.
Liberals can't vacuum their house or mow their lawn without illegal slaves. Helpless lot.
Norcal is more conservative outside of oakland. Socal is spic central.
>norcal is more conservative outside of oakland
is this a joke?
what is the bay area/san francisco
you have autism
>I'm so rich even my maids have maids
>where's my slaves LMAO
that's what legirons are for
he meant hamburger helper
chaz ate them
People don't realize that taxpayers are subsidizing the lifestyle of wealthy people like Chaz Bono, who hire illegal immigrants. She and anyone that hires illegals should be jailed, and any benefits received by illegals in their employ, clawed back.
What about her food help helper, are they okay?
fpbp AND digits
I hate Dems they're out of fucking control
How is literally just enforcing the current laws somehow a terrible thing? Also
>My housekeeper's helper
Can someone explain this? I don't understand the lives of the rich.
>even my slaves have slaves
Goddamn straight it's a she
>Don't you ever deport my housekeeper or her helper ever again
Legal help can't wash dishes without illegal slaves. Read the tweet again.
what a cuck
Does that fat dyke know that there isn't a damn thing Jewy Brown can do? Immigration is a federal gig, Brown is a thief and fag who jacks off to trains.
an upper class liberal complaining about the help being taken away on twitter, and the fucker's name is chaz. chaz fucking bono. the blatant stereotype is taking me some time to absorb.
>Full time pay
>Free to go back to Mexico whenever
>My housekeeper's helper was just arrested for the production and distribution of meth, @FuckheadGov What are you doing about this?
She was born a female, that's what she is. A beard doesn't make you a man.
>not just a housekeeper
>a HELPER for his housekeeper
Wow what an entitled prick
Don't know where the fuck you're getting that info from bud
t. Bay area nigger
>Implying he pays them above minimum wage
These immigrants are wage slaves often forced to work shitty jobs for pay below minimum wage. Cunts like this want cheap labor for shit jobs. Slavery of the spirit and mind is still slavery.
This guy comes up to your girlfriend and deports her, what do you do?
Look at this humblebragging motherfucker.
Can we meme this.
Something like:
They screamed when we took away their Slaves.
They howled when we released their indentured servants.
Now we are coming for their Undocumented Workers.
how is employing an illegal for pennies any different from indentured servitude which is considered a form of slavery?
When my housekeeper comes she usually brings an assistant and it is often a different woman every time.
It's been well over 6 years since I first seen the Mr Cool Ice photo of his backside. This is the first time I've ever seen the front side, and I've been here since '07. Neat-o
If you honestly believe that then I'm sure you support increasing the minimum wage. It's basically slavery in today's economy.
This is the real reason Hollywood and elites oppose border control. They like having their BROWN SLAVES.
Kek, Billie badass
We should have more memes like this cuz its true
Listen to the leftist argument for illegal immigration.
>Who will harvest our crops, clean our bathrooms, and be our servants?
how can we get this to become a trend?
we need more celebrities to publicly share how terrible it is that we'll no longer benefit from a slave subclass of citizen
Post proof he is paying them above minimum wage
>Protip you can't
>housekeeper's helper
>Hollywood Liberals
Cher's kid is a retard.
>You think you're the only ones who have firearms
No, but we're the only ones that know how to use them
I second this
>Democrats up to their old tricks
They need El Chamuco Roboto.
Whose husband and children were arrested? The housekeeper's or the helper's?
Watch out! Bitch with a gun.
>pls halp, Governer Jerry Brown, wat you do bout dis?
oh democrats, never change
Also what the fuck are these new captchas
im getting mixed messages here
diversity is our strength
Why is the burden of proof on me? You posted the unsupported statement. Unless you have proof, i have no reason to believe you.
>Not an argument
i-its not slavery! its indentured servitude!
I've seen so much more border patrol here since Trump was elected. Godspeed.
My wife's son's hamburger helper was stolen by DRUMPF! Governor Brown, you have failed me.
Boo Hoo rich fag, go pay someone $15hr to clean up after your fat ass and shut up
>tfw the "democrats are the real racists" meme isn't actually a meme
>I have to clean up my own house now
>Government save me
Now you're getting it
>voluntarily entering a labor agreement at a set wage based on your skills
Pick one, can you racist stop making excuses already just say you hate them for being brown and quit pretending to have the moral high ground
dat's a wehrmacht uniform tho
What part of Sup Forums is always right don't you understand?
Now fine Bonno for hiring illegals.
Kek has many followers.
>oh no, I may have to pay someone a decent wage to clean my house now
The only thing these fat, metropolitan, bourgeoisie bohemians give a shit about is cheap housekeepers, cheap nannies, cheap waiters, etc.
>hiring illegals and paying them below the minimum wage is a perfectly normal and natural thing to do for leftwingers
What's that shit coming out of his ears?
This is what happens when the Bogdanoffs tell you the truth about the universe.
Why is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room? That's Chaz Bono. Cher's DAUGHTER.
This is Bullshit!!!
If you have an illegal worker you can help him to get his docuiments, but you prefer to keep him as an illegal to pay a low salary and avoid taxes.
>fkn liberal enslavement. hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!
tweet this to him
Great stuff
Fun fact faggot Trump hired illegals so did his labor secretary nominee so did Arnold and so do all other southern right wingers with farms
>Want to bring equality and equal pay for immigrants and women
>Hire illegal immigrant women because you want cheap labor
>Get mad when they are taken away and claim everyone else is putting them down
>pretending to have the moral high ground
>Rich fag
>Hires criminals for cheap
>Takes advantage of poor family
>Bitches free ride is over