ITT we post proofs of whiteness

>pink nipples
>lactose tolerance

I fucking love cheese.

Small dick

>fucking my sister
>she also fucks dogs

>I fucking love cheese.
t. Tyrone Levinson
Lactose is drained during the cheese-making process.

Abstract thought and empathy

>>lactose intolerance

nice try shitskin

the ability to digest cheeses is one of the things that sets us apart from fruit eating monkeys (aka niggers)

it helped us survive the dark ages to be able to store food in the form of cheese

I have no job but was denied EBT.

he typed tolerance you fucking idiot

Found the nigger!

>*smacks lips*

I know who my father is, and he's still married to my mother.

That's white as fuck, senpai.

1 post by this id

>eternally btfo

nigger identified.

>know my dad
>lactose tolerant
>have a job
>didn't vote for Justin Trudeau
>may be the father of my cousin's baby
>enjoy having rough sex with black men

>My last name literally means, "The White."
>Sunburn very easily.

I have never once been approved for a social program. Even when I was homeless for half a year.


my dick is 13cm

>own a cabin innawoods

My dad paid for my college, and owns a log home on 140 acres in TN.

>Lactose intolerance
>Never knew my father except for a few childhood memories
>barely passed high school
>I like thick white women

Wait wait. I swear I'm white guys!
