Hi faggots. We're on Drudge Report, how does it feel

Hi faggots. We're on Drudge Report, how does it feel

Like a normal day

Feels uncomfortable. It's like if an aquaintance who thinks you're mostly a nice normie catches you watching MLP.

We only watch lewd anime around here faggot.

Mate that's the CIA, Sup Forums is majority anti-ponyfag

He should keep this secret, we have enough Reddit overspill, but whateves

Fuk eet

>watching MLP.
thats the cia faggots job apparently


What, do you have a faggot in your pocket or something

wtf is up with le styx not acknowledging that Shia is a celebrity?

Styx is for kids

I had nothing to do with it. Ron Paul wouldn't be pleased with theft.

Styx is out of touch with popular culture, that is why

he called him a B lister
Styx is confirmed retard

Yeah Shia is obviously a D lister now

>Mongolian basket weaving forum becomes most powerful entity in existence

I am okay with this

it feels like we got sloppy when we stopped blaming ebaumsworld and when faggots wanted credit for the stupid shit we pull. Attention whores just couldn't handle staying under the radar.

Being in one successful franchise a while back doesn't really make him super famous, he's now known more for getting butthurt by trolls than anything else. Therefore B lister I guess.

We have made our presence known. At last, we have revealed ourselves to the jedi.

because i cant she shia laboof ever possibly being in a good movie again

Gotta tell you I love this bored much respect to free speech & thought. I troll reddit I hate u/spez I could be his wife's boyfriend though I think that chump is a meat gazer

We are Gods. Hail Pepe

Why watch MLP when you can watch Little Witch Academia.

Feels great.
Audio monitoring the stream constantly to learn their enhanced security, have now devised ways of defeating it.
Threads pruned every 2 or so minutes

I used to think years ago that the more secret the better.

I came for YLYL threads and later on I became a Trump supporter, a holocaust denier and participated in the meme wars even though I have nothing to do with the US.

The more red pilled the people the better.

>tfw you unironically used to watch mlp

should i neck myself

>that pic

Wtf I hate white people now

Have you guys noticed that Buzzfeed News doesn't mention "Sup Forums" anymore? They call us a "secret message board". They realized that by calling us out we grow stronger.

as long as you know in your heart it is trash you're still good.


Nah, mate. I watched it hoping it could be a show akin to the old Transformers. I sticked with it for a while, until it got way too episodic for my liking. The fandom didn't help either, but at least they aren't Homestuck or SU

Go to cripplechan. The /hwndu/ board is pretty active

Don't tell people of other chans

You're not my real father don't tell me what to do

I thought it was the beginning of deep state subversion when I saw the headline but then I read the article and supreme kek followed.

based Colombian.
You probably voted for Uribe?