Chicanos are the one true master race. We are brown. We are bilingual. And we are American citizens. Your wives and daughters cannot resist our big brown cocks. While you are worrying about Jamal cucking you, we are creating a new generation of brown Americans with your white women. We will be the majority within your lifetime. Prepare for a brown America, amigos.
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No, not even your own women want you, and you don't have jews trying to encourage women to use you for bestiality.
Will you help us fight against the jews?
go build a wall paco
Not enough gray in there. Disappointed.
>American and American Indian are different categories
So what's American suppose to mean?
Send me the money first juan
most are cathlic so yeah probs
You guys are the lowest of the low, cowards who can't do any real work but mow lawns and pick fruit all day.
Real Mexicans stay in their country, we suffer together and we laugh at you, you pseudo-niggers.
>tfw chicano master race reporting in
Trump can deport all the illegals, but they already had their 4+ anchor babies
it's fukcing over drumpfkins before it even began
When your family has been in america for so long that you don't identify as british. Of course i wouldnt know this feel
I gotta a white man, I'd be more than happy to indulge in some fine Latina poontang. I've already done so before. So before you go talking about how the brown race will eliminate the white race...don't forget that a lot of us white guys love latinas and would equally or moreso eliminate the brown race as a whole if it came to outbreeding the others.
Don't waste your time with shill threads
Come watch tv with Sup Forumslacks and get comfy
Also you have to go back
>can't do any real work
>do some of the hardest, menial jobs available
You should thank us for reclaiming aztlan
>You guys are the lowest of the low, cowards who can't do any r
have fun working for pesos
Isn't the opossite way?
You don't have the muscles to build a wall, let that to us. Better focus on lawn mowing or protesting against racism and priviledge that you already have, by being racist against white people and violent against everyone who doesn't supports your opinion.
You are in a cultural limbo, you are the descendants of the scum of this shithole and others shitholes. Your names sound pretty retarded, Juan Hernández sounds better than Mike Pérez or ''Anthony Gomez''
Between a diarrhea inducing taco and a obesity inducing burger you are both...
That's an impressive fuck up. Also, i get paid in dollars in my own country.
People here do those same jobs for way less pay and without sucking nigger cock.
>implying we protest against racism
>implying we're racist against white people
White people here do all the protesting for us and black people do all the "kill whitey" stuff for us. But yes our names do sound retarded.
>i hate you because you have better opportunities than me
I'm not gonna willingly put myself in a worse situation just because of muh heritage.
Our sons and husbands can't resist the uncut papi cocks, that's for sure.
Yes, correct
Not gonna lie, former spic here. It's hilarious watching illegals crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let beaners get access to our country.
Geez, I guess you got bored waiting for the Trump ICE agents. Have you got your bags packed? It's only been 50 days and thousands of you have packed up and went home.
I'm the product of a white af mom (ginger) and a dark brown hispanic dad (er, brown). His genes won out for my bodily features and height (short), but I got my mother's initial skin color.
I can get a rad tan, though, that makes me a light brown.
Anyways, what I was saying, us hispanics will conquer your women. And our women will conquer you, for you can never bleach out the heart of the Aztecs!
I'm just as much of a citizen as you are, get fucked
You're right OP. I can't resist my Papi's uncut big brown cock. It was enough to make me betray the white race and marry him.
TY mestizo father for marrying a white woman. I love being born castizo.
fuck u white spics being all swarthy and good looking, making the white women whores... Half latina women, tho, are fuckin hot and i am a fag for not having one.
Have you ever heard of a beta hispanic?
Nope. We are the warrior race. Unlike effeminate white males, we actually keep our women in check. We dont put up with bullshit from anyone. We are intelligent yet powerful and alpha. We are a mix of all the great things each race has to offer.
Hispanic countries have beautiful women and strong hard men. You will never see the warrior race be overtaken by self loathing limp wristed beta males and their feminist sidekicks. Nooooo. Thats not what our warriror race is about.
Unlike white weak little white bois getting cucked by jamal and checking their privilege.
Funny thing is, all the conservative white women are fat trailer park god fearing meth heads. So whst ilI do, as a hispanic, I get grt on twitter and pretend to be a liberal. All my tweets get tons of likes from fine ass young beautiful women. From there is a few DMs and then im over fucking her. She loves diversity so much. What way shows that more then to take big brown dick.
White girls love it. No lie, fucking white women is easy and i do it on the regular.
not all chicanos are bilingual (the smart and powerful ones are). wetbacks hate chicanos that don't speak spanish, regard them as the ultimate race traitors.
Nice trips
I agree with this
Well, fortunately for myself, I'm Colombian and hung.
Feels good having white skin but still a spic so I can always pull the minority card when I need to
You have to go back.
White women care more about the size of your bank account than the size of your penis when it comes to marriage. So you might get to fuck our women in the short-run, but eventually they'll come back to us for our money.
Look here, user. I know you're trying to contort the facts to fit your own distorted perception of reality, but I have the best of both worlds. High IQ and big pp
you faggots need to kys, fucking traitors pieces of shit!!!!!
american ancestry=barbarian aboriginals
you really want that?
Castizo here. Feels good having the high IQ of the European race combined with the warrior gene of the Aztecs. Who else here castizo master race?
alpha fucks
beta bux
thank you for providing for my children white beta cuck
here nigga
Jew pretending he's brown. Stop race baiting fagget
Yeah white bois are big cucks when it comes to defending themselves against the black race
Fuck the Jews my pail brother, we will eradicate that race, and find peace on earth as god intended
>Fuck the Jews my pail brother
and you wonder why the Jews beat you?
>implying jews don't make spelling mistakes
Hispanic isn't a race you stupid fuck
If you're brown, your race is mestzio
Hispanic will never be a race you filthy mestizo mexicans own
As long as Spaniards are listed under "white hispanics" then it will never be a race
Fuck off mestizo
real mexicans stay in mexico yet cant stop cartels, cant stop citizens from fleeing country, suck american cock, and cant raise their country out of being a third world shithole. Get fuck
T. Chicano
>the group with the highest average verbal iq makes spelling errors
They are fucking jews, and they are part of the greater human race, therefore I believe they make mistakes like the rest of us.
Stop threating Jews like they are some kind of fucking superhumans, knowing Jews they probably rigged their Iq results in the first place.
Checkin in from glorious chicano occupied north Texas!
United States is passing dark times indeed, but I wonder if wetbacks are nothing but a nuisance.... It doesn't matter where you are, Mexico is a great place to live, wetbacks tend to blame it on the state, whether it's Mexico or USA... Just drown them already