>what's her endgame
/pol's favorite girl
Other urls found in this thread:
>the white man did it to get moneys
What did they make her hold over her head?
wtf did i just watch
Somehow this is white man's fault
look like a tablet or smartphone of some sort
what's this fellow macaco?
this is why you need a wall
so uh, why did that occur
>I bet you this screen is scratch proof
>No way
>If I'm wrong you can punch me in the face
People with IQ less than 90
If it's happening in Brazil, just know it's subhumans being subhumans.
The ultimate fate of all phoneposters
Americans have bowling night.
We have whack-a-nigger night
A typical day in the life of a savage.
what's the story there
What is that, a seizure?
Why did she start BSOD'ing? Brain damage?
IF she lived she will never be the same
Is that even a question you need to ask?
this makes me think (like a lot of other execution videos) that if in the last second of my life, before murdering me on camera, my killer wanted me to do something (either hold phone on head, stand a certain way, look in to the camera) I' hope I still had enough balls to not comply
If I'm going to die anyways I would hate to think I helped my killers in getting the exact footage they wanted
Waifu threads are cancer
Come and watch tv with other Sup Forumslacks moron
This is mean. :(
Pic related is how civilized countries deal with female adultery, right?
monkey prob insulted the monkey king
Board Smack of Death
Was this a hair brained attempt to create augmented reality?
Thought she was getting raped for a second, desu.
what do they do to her
im kind of over watching Sup Forums tier webms
execução English translation
execução {f}
execution enforcement
Story is they found this bitch sexting. She's married
Lmao this was hilarious. Who said women couldn't be funny?
lmao, they'll probably torture you to death for it
My guess is that they wanted to punish her for something but being niggers they're too dumb to know that a wood to the head would be fatal
Hence why they try to help her or something on the end
At first I thought she stole the ipod but that would have made no sense. Why destroy the ipod which is worth more than some BR huehue monkey's life?
The second and most plausible scenario is that she cheated on her boyfriend.
Her brain got dilacerated
Thanks Ameribro.
There's nothing fun about this video. For fuck sake it's a person getting abused and killed. At least kill them with a bullet or something more humane.
Torture is degenerate
Now that's just sad. I wished they would smack her a few more times to make sure she doesn't have to live in that state. They shouldn't forget to all go jump off a building together afterwards.
They did not mean to kill her
I've seen many seizures and this was definitely a seizure.