>Man giving hot takes on Korea for BBC using male privilege
> Korean mother has to round up her half-korean children while man is working
Why is this allowed? Its 2017.
>Man giving hot takes on Korea for BBC using male privilege
> Korean mother has to round up her half-korean children while man is working
Why is this allowed? Its 2017.
>literally who rants about nonsensical issue.
Checked, but saged.
>this is hilarious!
*4 hours later*
>wait, no. This is an outrage!
I saw that non-story on the news too for some reason. The only thing NOT FUNNY is how shit the mother is. It's understandable that she'd lose track of the kid for a minute and they wonder into the room, but the way she handles it was fucking retarded. Instead of just walking in, picking the kid up and taking both of them out she crawls in, yanks the kid down and spends a good minute trying to pull them both out on the floor. The poor oppressed wife made a spectacle out of nothing.
I don't get why it is supposed to be so offensive.
probably because you're a white male...
that lterally was the funny bit you fucking autist
whats not funny is that it was planned to divert attention away from what he was talking about
But I'm not a white male.
Internalised racism then.
Or just an uncle tom
Clearly, as a minority, you can,t have your own opinion if it differs from ours
I need this video
what is going on?
well fuck off you paki
Is she the confirmed mother? Looks like the help to me.
It was like attack of the babies. That second baby coming in using its walking device was hilarious. A lot of the rich liberals that commented on the video assumed the asian lady was his house maid.
A woman is taking care of a child. Feminists hate that.
They won't admit that women are carers and instead think they can all be rocket scientists and army commandos.
It's the fucking nanny you dumbass. Does that little girl look like she traded her chin for rice? No.
This guy is a professor at my university lol
>people get offended by this
the fuck, that is some fine comedy, no writers could do that better
had a good laugh
All he had to do was turn around, say hi, then ask his wife to come pick them up
here's the video in case anyone hasnt seen it.
Now that you've seen it tell me what feminist's problem is with this?
>guy is talking about korea
>daughter 1 walks in
>he doesnt even turn and pushes her away
>daughter 2 hops in
>a second later, a korean lady barges in and yanks the kids out
big story indeed
> someone else looks after the children while you work
This literally implies that a man having a job is a bad thing
can someone redpill me on comfort women? I have heard that they have a history of offering their women to foreign invaders, is this the case or is it just Jap propaganda?
is he smart tho?
I dunno, he only does one class for my department and I haven't taken it yet. People seem to like him tho
i thought it was his house servant.
Its the mother
Nannies in Korea are usually brown immigrants from the phillipines
There were those who were just prostitutes doing their thing, but others were forced into it. Each side denies the existence of one of those groups.
The little girl says 엄마 왜그래?!
"Mom why?!"
It was cute and a little embarassing for the guy and the mother. Everyone can go crazy, he will just chill in Busan and eat some 밀면
there's a park by my house that has a monument to japanese comfort women. you can get some good pokemon there if you're fast.
They're playing you
They only write this shit to draw in the autists who get mad easily. It's all facetious bullshit
The funny bit was the way the first kid walked into the room.
>clickbait manufactured outrage/controversy for shekels