Anyone depressed from all this shit?

This whole war against left and right makes me depressed as fuck.
Not just this, but overall the redpill meme.

Through Sup Forums i legitimately got mentally ill.

Once you stop being a deluded normie that didn't even know about any form of politics and didn't care and just did his job, you can't go back.

Finding out about all that sick shit going on in our governments and behind the scenes made my little boy mind crumble into thousands of pieces, even now, 22, i can't find to cure myself of that depression, everything seems to get more unreal everyday, it's like i'm trapped in an downward spiral down the deepest hole of maddes called humanity.

My mind is broken and i imagine about killing people, especially my father, which after all got me into this situation of being a neet right now.

There is just too much information coming to me, like an endless stream of madness it penetrates my mind, everyday, everynight.

This current society creates sick people, very very very sick people.

I don't even know what i want anymore, i want so many people dead.

But on the other hand i developed agora phobia, and can't even go out, this all drives me mad, you can't understand that, madness, real madness is the worst thing you can experience.

It's like thousands of people talking at the same moment in your head, but it's all you, calculating everything around every corner in the future and past, trying to make a sense out of all this shit.

Kill me give back the old times

Other urls found in this thread:

Red pill indigestion. Very common.

Just as you beat your heart and grow your hair, you shine the sun and wet the oceans. By virtue of being able to do these things you are omnipotent.

You are not your name or your role or your relationship to others. You cannot be described with words. You are beyond language. You are reality itself.

You are the universe expressing itself at a location in time and space. Your location is everywhere, your position is absolute. You are omnipresent.

You are the one universal process. Your body is the world. When you see this, you see that you can never die. You are immortal.

You change from one vehicle of consciousness to another in a wave pattern. The trough is what we call death. The crest is what we call life.

You are God. We all are.

>tfw to intelligent to not be able to process all of this information

Many such cases! Sad!

You'll be an articulated solider in no time, don't worry

Copy pasta shill thread


never been more hopeful for the future of humanity, desu. sucks to be in your clown shoes, bucko; buy new ones

stop browsing Sup Forums, pol, alt right stuff and the internet in general. Information overload.

Watch Jordan B Peterson's lectures

>i can't find to cure myself of that depression, everything seems to get more unreal everyday, it's like i'm trapped in an downward spiral down the deepest hole of maddes called humanity.

The cure is embracing the truth, embracing yourself and your people, embracing love for your community and country, the love for your brethren all around the world. You're not alone.

I feel the same way except I am not depressed at all. Let it inspire you to have a goal. Together we can defeat this. If you get in a fight do you just run away or fight back and win?

gtfo rookie u can't bitch to me until you've been locked up by police 3 times as "insane" for speaking the truth.

you took the fucking redpill ok dumbass. that meant you were going to receive the truth. you can't put the cat back in the bag and go back in time and take the blue pill. now can u handle the truth? cause all you're telling me is you can't handle the truth. what are you a pussy? don't you love your people? don't you love your country? sort yourself out for them. tune in to your commanding officer dr. steve pieczenik (leader of the resistance and the real life jack ryan) for reassurance. you're not alone in all this.

What you need to do is to find out ways to converse with people in a way that redpills them while conforming to their biases.

Rd. Someone thinks that Trump is a blowhard and is always in controversies. So simply just tell that he is causing a scene so that he can do stuff behind the scenes, and also tell them of times when other presidents either made noise or allowed controversies to manifest so that they could deflate a big bubble instead of a small one.

Some times I feel like this but then I see shit like the HWNDU flag getting stolen and it's all worth it

What said, every single point. JBP is great, will mentally tickle you without making you go manic.

And a reminder that we were never meant to ingest this much info this fast.. Molymeme addressed it in a recent video, how not long ago it would take weeks for just one letter to reach someone.

The rate at which information has become readily available has completely surpassed our ability to keep up.

So just chill out for a bit, otherwise you'll start seeing lizard people everywhere like Alex Jones.

Who invited the emotional fags ? What is up with today? Is there a mass suicide event on Sup Forums?

Don't worry OP there are treatment methods, you can get your life back on track. Visit /fit and /k get your life together and build a secure lifestyle to combat the madness of the world. That is doing your part. That and shitposting

Not OP but:

I can't bring myself to just
>stop browsing Sup Forums, pol, alt right stuff and the internet in general.

It feels like willingly closing my eyes to the greater picture, to all the troubles.
I fear that I will one day open them again to find myself surprised by all the shit that has happened, thinking
>How and when did this happen? Why didn't I do my best to stop it?

I even find myself positively thrilled at the thought that something big might happen.

Two days ago I dreamed about
>pic related
and it was a good dream.

Idiot. /fit/ on a good day is faggots. Most days it's SIPs, manlet, rate my routine and tinder threads filled with the same whiney fucks from /r9k/

Last time i was on /k/ it was weheraboo threads and rate my everyday carry.

We need to rest and recover from everything, and that includes swallowing redpills. Taking a break won't make you bluepilled. So like I said to op, forget about politics for a bit and just do you. You can redpill normies once you're ready again.

>You are God. We all are.

then a lot of me's are stupid,cucking assholes

user, you need to GO FOR THE HIGH SCORE!

agora phobia lol

i wouldn't know I do all that shit on my own. Just trying to get this pathetic i mean poor faggot over this shit and on to fighting the real fight

how about you revel in the fact that you are faced with less than optimistic odds, and you have the possibility to be an amazing human being

men grow to their circumstance

gave me some good feels, thanks
real oc meme advice
but all this information is all i have in my life, everything else is dull and boring
i just need a way to cope with all this

politics is distraction. the whole system is designed to keep you occupied and in fear. the redpill is another lie. you should seek true liberation, not another illusion

OP, here is a fact:
Everyday is an adventure. Redpilling can ONLY tell you what happened; not what the future is. The future lies in your hands, with the actions you take now. Redpills give you the wisdom to make the future happen.

You're depressed because you know enough information to know that actions lead to reactions, and you aren't taking the right actions.
Trust me, if you were doing the right things right now, you wouldn't be depressed.
Invest your time and life into something meaningful, that fills you with a accomplishment and that special feeling. Nobody knows what that feeling is, and nobody discovers that feeling the same way. Some people call it spirituality, others call it "the right thing to do," but just do it.
All good men have a mission on this planet.. In this universe.
If the universe didn't need you, you wouldn't be here. You were put here for a reason. Make it count, OP.
We're counting on you.

nowadays everything feels like an illusion, there seems to be no real truth about anything.

Everything can be twisted and turned, so about everything that exists a million theories exists

maybe i'm just really sick and i need to get help

>war is peace
>freedom is slavery

I've been thinking about just getting away from quite literally everything for a while, a month or two.
Pack a bag, grab my walking stick and go. I have nearly no money at all, so I'd probably start starving after three days.

I'm not a religious man but I have thought about making my way to one of the few monasteries (Christian or some eastern stuff, buddhism maybe), ask them to 'help me find my centre'.
That's what reclusive living religious people are good at, right?

>German lad blames father for him being a NEET after blaming Sup Forums for his mental state.

Many such cases. Sad!

Highscore on Roy?

I'd probably get called a heathen by some here, but your local protestant church would be a good place to check out. They'll take anyone, and hopefully won't be too pushy about their views. If you want to just nope.gif out of there at anytime, you can.

OP: I know how you feel. This is certainly a trying time and I'd give my left nut to live in 1950s America instead. BUT, take heart in knowing that we've got a decent shot at this and imagine the glory of victory. We are literally forging a new future and probably a new state.

well that's the problem, what are the right things?
What is my mission?

>there are people on Sup Forums that don't get the reference

I've been here far too long.

Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Kek?

Lord of chaos and bringer of the light. In order to create you must first destroy. Praise him and revel in the chaos. Have faith that bright futures are over the horizon as Kek is the herald of new times.

kill count i get it

cant make a god damn joke even here these days

My local protestant church is 5 minutes walking distance from here.

That's not far enough.
I know myself well enough to know that I'm a weak man.

I might go there and ask for advice but I'd just go back home and within a day or two I'd be back to my old ways.

If I wish to change my way of life, I'd have to get away from the temptation of all this. Cut myself off from constant internet access and news.
Constant access to video games and books that tell stories I'd much rather lose myself in than live my own boring life...

Do you think such a thing is still possible today?
To get away from what has become civilisation for long enough to change who I am?
To become a self-sufficient adult?

I am going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but here is the truth:
Follow your heart.

3 simple words for an endlessly difficult statement. But it's the truth.

Follow your heart.

Nope, shit doesn't worth it.


You really need to take a break and regain your normie life, m8. All the redpills in the world won't help you if all you do is shitpost on the internet all day and fap.

I've been here 7 years and have no clue what you're talking about

Don't you think OP would feel bad for dethroning Anders while he still lives?

Sad thing is, that is a pretty good description of my current life.

I also play vidya, with friends even, and write job applications, but there are always people who are better suited for the job, mostly on the social side. I don't much like to have human contact but sadly that's 97% of all available jobs by now.

Kek, if i knew how that works i would.
My heart tells me a thousand things, or is it my mind? Idk anymore

>My mind is broken and i imagine about killing people, especially my father, which after all got me into this situation of being a neet right now.

You're 22 faggot. It's your choice to be a NEET, not your daddy's.

Get off this forum right now if you value sanity. You can still change, but once your brain stops developing (~25 yo) it's probably too late.

Your post has moved me op, I'm a bit surprised at how much are suffering is the same, almost exactly the same, I wonder I'll ever be happy agian, probably never, it seems the void just keeps sucking me in further and further.

Disregard, I was talking about "Roy"

>brain stops developing (~25 yo)
I always thought it was at 30.

You should not get depressed

You should start fighting back

You can be subtle about it if you aren't ready for open meme warfare

Ok austrailia, harbinger of truth

I know how you feel. I'm STEM and I've been unemployed embarrassingly often since I graduated college because I have a depressive personality and because I obsess about Sup Forums things, which I have to keep hidden from everyone outside my family.

But you have to break out and take control of your life otherwise everything you've learned here is for naught. Even a simple job is better than nothing m8 and you need a hobby other than just vidya, something social.

What about
>Mens sana in corpore sano
>Healthy soul in healthy body

Looking at /fit/ it seems like just getting /fit/ doesn't solve any problems.

(((OP))) is just a fucking shill, btfo.

>nowadays everything feels like an illusion

because it is

you swallowed the "redpill" and you know lots of things about the world. you know lots of things about other stuff, some you deem trivial some important. you have lots of worries, fears, expectations, desires and all these feelings are based on the state of the world you live in

now think about this, what do you know about yourself? how well do you know yourself? are you even in charge of yourself, consciously deciding how to live? or are you a leaf (not c*nadian) scattering around with the wind, living with instincts? you experience reality through yourself, everyone sees the world differently so their reception and experiences of it differ

yet you neglect the most important thing, yourself, and waste all our energy to other trivial bullshit. you get distracted and life passes you by

I know what you mean, user. But this feeling is not the final stage, it's one stage in the middle of a sequence. It's transformative but it's also dangerous so you need to get out of it as quickly as physically and mentally possible.

If you're not doing any of these things, do them. All of them:

>Drink adequate water.
>Go to sleep and wake up at the same, regular time every day you can.
>Get extra sleep if you've been running on anything below 7hrs a night.
>Get, at the very least, 10 mins of sun per day.
>You absolutely must take a break from the internet for a couple days, a week, two weeks, etc. You will feel somewhat better.

When I was first redpilled I got horribly sleep deprived and isolated, and I felt exactly as you described (minus the agoraphobia). Not taking care of yourself makes the pill go down sideways.

Treat yourself kindly.

It's not just being unemployed.
Some days I just fail to see a reason to even find a job.

My lovely government will provide for me and in 20 years or so we will have reached a point where automation fucks everything up anyway.
Either that or WW3.

I just want to move to Alaska or Iceland, maybe northern Finland and live my days far far away from responsibilities and other people.
And then there are days where I realise that that would just be running away, abandoning the rest, my friends and family, leaving my home to slowly decay and die.

I wish I could just go through life without thinking about Erdogan fucking up, Mutti Merkel giving away our future to moon-worshipping pedophiles, and political correctness spreading it's madness.

>Looking at /fit/ it seems like just getting /fit/ doesn't solve any problems.
It helps you come to terms with your homosexuality.

Jokes on you, I did that 11 years ago.

It's either the one good thing in my life or the reason for all this shit.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Niebuhr, right?

I had forgotten about that. It's rather inspiring, but still in a vague way.

It's not a clear answer.

I believe that OP, I and many others here need a guiding hand. Someone who shows us the path away from this madness.
Someone who teaches us how to live with and by ourselves, not through what we read and learn here or elsewhere.
Because I certainly never learned how to live.
I got taught how to count, how to speak three different languages, how to research scientifically.
But never how to let go or how to just DO something. Only to ask questions, not to answer them.

kys then

jk, but srsly get a life

I dunno man, I'm sorry.

I'm almost 30 now. I've always been of this disposition, but I was able to grow into this reality as it was happening, it wasnt sprung on me.

The only way to deal with what you're feeling is to fight.

you must fight

>jk, but srsly get a life
This is the point where you explain HOW to get a life.

and where you explain HOW to fight. And who.

Pursue a carrier that u feel satisfies you.

Also get laid, getting laid helps a lot too.


u stop making new neurons at 16. Anything after that is rewiring, doesnt mean u cant learn tho


Aren't you supposed to be shitposting under your trip on /his/?

I remember doing a thread quite similar to yours. Except for the dead people.

it's a rather common redpill side effect. Just focus your mind on something else for a while and eventually it'll soften.
It's important that you know it'll never go away, you'll always know. Your soul is forever darkened by the bitterness, but you can live with it.

Don't be such a whimp.
Pray and toughen up.

bro its some psychosis. get some sleep, eat better, try to improve your life, do activities every day even if its just simple shit. disconnect your internet access for a few months and just read lots of books, that will help your sanity more than anything else. break your current patterns/habits and introduce more positive ones.

lol fag

>and where you explain HOW to fight. And who.

what do you believe. I can give you the Liberal / Libertarian roots, I can point you towards Nietzsche if you want the natsoc roots (but I'm no expert there).

I dont know if you really need or want to get heavy into philosophy at this point in the game. We won that, lefties are totally butt devastated atm. This is however required for any kind of serious punditry.

Art is the easy answer.
Fashwave / Trumpwave is a thing, it needs to keep becoming a thing.
If you have technical expertise, we need more digital infrastructure.

Sounds familiar

Just don't give a fuck, play the life game, make your own way in life, you can't be a little bitch or you can make reality your bitch, you choose. Stop thinking that much and start making actions, be selfish, stop thinking about the outside world and be a greedy cunt, AKA think about your own happiness, just enjoy this ride because the destination is death.

that's why he's fucked in the head


please excuse my anglocentric view. Its just ignorance about any details in german politics.

You're not alone OP



Don't worry user. Religion will be our saving grace. The degenerates will die off while devote Christians and Muslims will be left in their wake. Hopefully whites (and Christianity) will not die off in the process. As long as Islam learns to chill everything will be fine.

wanting to live in the 50's is akin to wanting to bury one's head in the sand.

your grandfather is alive to see his legacy crumble at the clawed hand of der juden

you are in your prime at the time of conquest with the ability to do something.

do you want to live before the world crumbles or at the time of the collapse to make an effort to change it.

instead of being defeated we should be heartened.

instead of relegating ourselves to encroaching dread we should be hearted.

>This whole war against left and right makes me depressed as fuck.
Damn you sound like a tumblerette who got PTSD for being "harassed" online.

Log off and go outside stupid ass fritz.

Sex with random guys isn't satisfying anymore. It was nice when I turned 18 and 19 but it lost it's charm.
A hook-up without any attachment leaves me feeling... empty.
But I wouldn't want to look for an actual partner because right now, I'm not in a good place and wouldn't be good at that stuff.

>Pursue a carrier that u feel satisfies you.
I wanted to be a pilot. I love flying. It's the greatest thing in the world.
I have the smarts and the reaction speed. But, alas, my sight is bad and I'm colour-blind.

I enjoy writing, consider myself at least somewhat decent. But that's not a very valid career.
I would love to study archeology or ancient history, but positions in these fields are rarely well paying and it's hard to even get a job.

Nothing that would be achievable and valid in this society would be a 'satisfying' career.


In the mouth, usually.

German politics is a sham.
Nepotism and pseudo-democracy.
I'd probably be good at it because I'm good at speeches and manipulation if I wouldn't want to hang myself for even considering being a politician.


It is not easy to carry the burden, but it is part of being a man. Refocus your energy into something positive and never forget that the people around you are sheep and you are a tiger. You must protect them even though they will never understand what is in your mind.


Makes me grateful that what I'm passionate about (AI) makes a lot of money.

Sex never had any charm for me in the first place. I only had guilt the next morning, so I avoid it like the plague :(

Oh to get some pleasure out of that would be a life-changer.

I found that ready books that gave you something to chew on helps. If anything resembles the red pill to you in a book, it's better to disregard it and enjoy the book simply for what it is. Another option is to focus on learning something that can be useful in the future, learn about different kinds of surgeries or do something that has always interested you. Stoicism and self actualization are your friend.

>he didnt go through Sup Forumsootcamp.
too much to fast, bro.

No. love the struggle.

We are lucky, to live in such interesting times.

german posters are quickly becoming the worst

*reading books

>Refocus your energy into something positive and never forget that the people around you are sheep and you are a tiger.
You mean to tell us that we should Ride The Tiger?


don't get full of yourself