This whole war against left and right makes me depressed as fuck.
Not just this, but overall the redpill meme.
Through Sup Forums i legitimately got mentally ill.
Once you stop being a deluded normie that didn't even know about any form of politics and didn't care and just did his job, you can't go back.
Finding out about all that sick shit going on in our governments and behind the scenes made my little boy mind crumble into thousands of pieces, even now, 22, i can't find to cure myself of that depression, everything seems to get more unreal everyday, it's like i'm trapped in an downward spiral down the deepest hole of maddes called humanity.
My mind is broken and i imagine about killing people, especially my father, which after all got me into this situation of being a neet right now.
There is just too much information coming to me, like an endless stream of madness it penetrates my mind, everyday, everynight.
This current society creates sick people, very very very sick people.
I don't even know what i want anymore, i want so many people dead.
But on the other hand i developed agora phobia, and can't even go out, this all drives me mad, you can't understand that, madness, real madness is the worst thing you can experience.
It's like thousands of people talking at the same moment in your head, but it's all you, calculating everything around every corner in the future and past, trying to make a sense out of all this shit.
Kill me give back the old times