who is your favorite JEW of all time?
Favorite JEW
Miller thus far
Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef. True mensch.
The one inside a grave.
Bobby Fischer or Michael Savage
literal bond villian
Ivanka Trump
This guy was alright.
I have two:
Woody Allen and J.D. Salinger.
Dunno if favorite, but
Spinoza, Walter Benjamin, Pasternak, Von Neumann, Husserl, Bohr, Max Born, Feynman, Carl Sagan (his parents were), Marcel Proust, Isaac Asimov, Kubrick, Woody Allen, George Gershwin, Lou Reed, Schönberg, Benny Goodman, Mahler, Leonard Cohen
Damn, now that i think about it, a lot of cool people are jewish.
not a jew, a mischling
I came here to post this
>favorite kike
>actually reading shill threads
Come watch classic shows other Sup Forumslacks instead
hands down.
Kafka's decent too
Bobby Fischer ??? He called out the Jew
ben shapiro is ok
> Bobby Fischer ??? He called out the Jew
And? He was Jewish too, you know, he just called it like he saw it.
>Even jews hate jews
Kander and Ebb
John Zorn
Only Jesus because he stood against them
>the more you know
huh, guess he was a decent Jew then
>Bobby Fischer ??? He called out the Jew
>And? He was Jewish too, you know, he just called it like he saw it.
They tend to hate themselves or be pretty self-hating as a group in general from my experience. It must be the extreme neuroticism.
My last serious gf. She gave outta-this-world BJs and swallowed every last drop.
My doctor.
He knew.
Roy Cohn. Helped prosecute a couple commie spies and have them executed. He also loved green frogs and was friends with trump
Oh wow they disabled the comments. Guess people were calling out the Jews too much.