Pretty simple question. Do you regard yourself as poor?
How does it affect your viewpoints on world events and politics?

>Rent apartment for 400$
>Since I moved out at 18 i've been right leaning due to money management
>I shop at Aldi
>Drive a 1997 Corolla
>P.E. Teacher 35k a year

Other urls found in this thread:

is that one of your students?

only good part of that 40 year old recently unemployed canadian tranny

$400 how often?

>not recognizing Lauren Southern's thigh gap
I'm not sure if you're too new or I've been here too long

No dude, i'm a middle school teacher and pizzagate disturbed me

pretty fucking broke desu

Probs per month. Per week is a literal suburban house, Perth month seems like a below average apartment and per year is Shitting Street tier slum.

any ass shots of her?

Married, both engineers, we pull down about 230k together. We're not rich and definitely not poor. We definitely lean to the left. Shes in her 20s I am in my 30s, we vote, we pay taxes, we donate to charities but we keep our mouths shut around our friends cause we just wanna have friends. We drive boring ass vehicles and carpool in both of them. We deliberately keep our money private cause half of people that find out what we earn want a handout. We dress like slobs around friends and act naive. We get stressed out regularly by how little impact we know how to make and want to do more for people.

Goddamn I want to smell those shorts.

I got a 94 carolla but il 21 tho. I make the same as a pe teacher wow thats sad.

What are you saying, dick

>make 100k each
>actually believe people give a shit

very self absorbed.. borderline paranoid.

Last year I made about 8k

Rented an apt for $500 so that took most of my money.

Pretty skinny these days. But now I'm working more so gonna start lifting and eating again.

>live with parent
>no money to move out
>every job ive applied to either never messages me back or says they dont need me
>no car
>live in the poorest county of my state

life is shit

And why would any wealthy people lean left? Why would you want to give your money away with no accountability as to where it goes if you are donating to charities?

>Live at home
>Dropped out of university
>Shop at Ica

Just got a comfy helpdesk job for $40k and some nice benefits. 30k savings. Still living at home but I feel good about the future

> 32
> renting
> saturn
> $12.00 per hour working for a company that's worth nearly a trillion dollars

> Just got a comfy helpdesk job for $40k

So you don't really work...

I was forced to leave(rightfully so) i was an idiot when i was young.

Nothing wrong with staying with your parents, i'd suggest trying to find a job as a teacher? they're always needed, like police officers, firefighters etc

35k poor.

>$1900 rent for 450ft apartment


I make just shy of 100k per year, so in absolute terms i would consider myaelf wealthy.

But i live in an extremely pricey area and the median wage is 72k.

>College student
>Full ride
>$2200 in bank account
Financially independent, if barely.

I live in a caravan.

In college 3000km from home. Live in residence, paid for by dead relative money. When I'm home live at my moms for free as long as I'm working towards a career. Took a year off before going back to school so I have $5k in the bank, but I'm unemployed now.

My mom's great but I hate taking money from her. Planning on paying her back after school for all the shit she's had to put up with me for the past few years, I don't know how yet.

>fail at jobs and college
>joining air force soon to become cyber security tech
>wish me luck fags

>Not going to university next semester
>Live at home
>Shop at Walmart (probably gonna have to dumpster dive soon)
>No job, but will look for one after school is over.

> 230k
> noteworthy

what sort of impoverished shithole do you live in

working poor with famalam

I wish :(

>my half of rent is $460 after utilities
>moved out at 18 as well, grew up both wealthy and poor
>watched mom work full time while growing up to support my brother and I, she was always stressed
>grew strong belief in earning what is yours
>shop at upscale grocery store but only because Target (much cheaper) is a clusterfuck in my town
>drive a 2005 F150
>military, about 30k a year, enlisted at 21

I am poor because I am 80k in student debt

whats your job in the af if you dont mind me asking?
>going to meps in a week

Try aldi, if you can

>low level management in big box store
>conservative, but think trump is a clown

21k a year

im ok

Operations intelligence. 1N0X1

Live at home
Comfy minimum wage office job for gov
Make 3000 usd per month But 40 % taxes + everything is expensive in socialist scandinavia

Going to uni in half a year
Yes im poor

lol amerifats have aldis? haha post pics please



Graduate student in chem/materials engineering
Make about 28k per year being a professional student
Left leaning

Damn you faggots really fell for this datamining thread hook line and sinker.

Im currently in that course in the Marine corps. Its hard af and 10 times worse than college because you have way less time to learn it. And if you fail 4 tests you get dropped which is the norm....have fun failing at that too.

looks almost like in germany


Yeah, they're really good for how low the prices are

500k USD isn't a wealthy couple?

Oh 230k together. Still, this is my dream right now

Living on about 100 euros a month I make online and haven't paid rent for 2 months. Contemplating suicide.

>not being considered rich by most of your friends

The only place where 230K is paltry or even standard is in NYC, Seattle, San Francisco, and LA, and cost of living makes up the entire difference in wages.

230K is considered very well off in 99% of the US.

>500k USD
That is a leaf millionaire

kindly give me sauce or more leaf?
one of the most beautiful asses I have seen

$400 a month for rent? Dam that's cheap. I pay $1100 a month.

are you retarded? Use a proxy if you're scared

Also an emu millionaire

In my dreams I own several businesses, live in a nice little house, and have multiple girlfriends.

what are you struggling with?
the main reason i did bad in school and jobs was depression and a bad home enviroment but hopefully the military will fix that

>if this doesnt work gg good bye

Join the military. Not kidding, my father grew up impoverished alongside 4 other brothers and 4 sisters. All of them attached themselves to the military or law enforcement in some way and they all got of it. Except for Tina. Abusive husbands are a hell of a thing.

lol i pay 1695$ for a 3 bedroom with back yard and front yard but I live in compton

Yes I am fucking poor

>rent to own trailer house fro 425 a month plus bills
>dad doesn't work anymore so I have to pay but >I can't find a job except for the occasional temp work so I had to ask my mom to help me out next month
>shop at local grocery store?
>I don't have a fucking car because no money and I don't even want to fucking drive anyway, fuck driving
>see #4

Im rich and I shop at Aldi. They actually are the cheapest place to get a lot of german import foods. I get my spatzel there for instance.

DO NOT fall for the military meme. If you want a job get a payed apprenticeship for an in demand trade. You will be making good money with a few years of experience, debt free.


>Rent house for $940 a month
>Work 34 hours a week as head teller at large bank
>$54k a year
>Wife studies at Uni, so we both live off my sole income
>We make it pay check to pay check, just.
>drive a 2004 Saab 9-5

Don't make as much as I should because I'm a fuckhead

Try to be frugal as I can but I have bought some high end camera and computer gear

Still comfy tho, not poor, lots of money saved

I am torn politically, on the one hand most people could and should support themselves. But I have also worked with charities and realize there are many, many people who need a lot of help just to get by.

Never voting democrat, though, fuck those commies.

well NEET living with parents so poorest here


work at a hospital, been poor most of my life but recently making a lot more money

50-60 grand a year now

single, no kids, so technically middle class. i'm pretty liberal on most things but i am gradually becoming more and more conservative as I age.

>own my own house, mortgage $1.8K per month
>starting to become right leaning due to the left falling off a cliff--used to be completely liberal
>shop wherever, i hardly pay attention to clothes except every few months i buy new dress clothes. when not at work i wear a small assortment of t-shirts, mostly black or white, and jeans. my wife goes out and replaces my jeans/shirt combo as i can't be fucked to do it.
> drive a 2014 toyota, just paid it off last month
>business owner roughly 120K last year this year we'll see

do you have LIDL too? or EDEKA?

Fuck your communist rental shopping carts. I rarely shop at Aldi because I don't carry pocket change like it's 1995. When I do shop there I just take in a few walmart bags to put my shit in.

lmao this is just a copy of Prinzenrolle

take care of her when you have a steady life, man. have her live with you.

>tattoo on arse

Rich douche, we hate you. Dont we guys?


Join up. Even if you sign a 4 year contract, it'll get you living pay for 4 years, some money in your pocket, possibly a marketable skill. At the very least, your resume will say "veteran" on it instead of "fat loser," which always helps because employers LOVE to show how many veterans they hire.

If you have no other options, go military. Don't be some worthless POS though, take it seriously, work hard and good things will come.

I was working a dead end job, living paycheck to paycheck unable to afford college when I enlisted. I've had some of the best times of my life since joining.

get a chip for the cart faggot

It's common in slobholes like California and New York. Libtards who are rich and never go outside their gated communities while thinking they can help people.

Always fun to see spouses find out they both go to 4chins

>HS grad
>live in fucking camper
>$2,000/mo after expenses into savings every month.
>Porsche for the weekends.

Yes, I live in a camper and drive a Porsche, not a low-end one either.

Living the redneck dream.

Saving for a house though.

The funny thing is here that mid size family houses cost 500k USD, and our median income for that class is ~80,000 USD... Fucking Chinese billionaires buying our country

Nah, only aldi from what I seen


If you're going military AF with a viable (civilian transferable) trade is the only way to go desu.

I have $1.34 in my bank account right now

>Mortgage $325 a month
>suddenly thinking Islam is a bad idea and not wanting HIV/AIDS in the blood supply makes me a right wing terrorist so that's that I guess
>Shop wherever
>Drive a 2010 Hyundai

>no gf
I am literally just using my disposable income to fuck hookers

>rented living room for $100-150 for 4 years in college.
>Paid cash for first home during 2008 housing bubble.
>Shop Winco, Costco/Sams and thrift stores.
>Only drive cars paid with cash -corolla, tundra, crv.
>Electrical Engineer 49k a year which is shitty pay. (fuck obama, bush and clintons)
> Conservative gun lover because I lost a 67K a year job at HP in 2010 because of NAFTA. Bill Clinton die you fucking cunt.

debt fund manager, 48
agi = about $600k in 2016
i save so much i don't really have to work anymore, i just enjoy it

eat shit poorfag, 6.75 USD here

My recommendation is USAF intel, particularly linguist or cyber intel. Both of those have super cushy stupid high paying contractor gigs available after getting out. Probably not as fun as some other jobs; in fact in the military i guarantee both of those jobs suck. Civ payout at the end is worth it IMO.


Same shit in California and New York, want to buy a house not next to Mexicans or Niggers and has a decent school system nearby. It's going to be atleast +$450,000. I'm so glad I moved to Virginia.

With an ass like that, you could stand on a street corner and get $400 a day

proxy, then neighbors wifi... Im over 60 21 million, retired and live in a basement rent free and I drive a 10 yr old car so no one knows how much money I have. Im not a nigger. I buy walmart sometimes. But i do splurge on watches. Ive got 100K in watches easy. Girls do know watches. even the older gold diggers so I tell them its a fake from TJ.