What happened to the nuclear family?
Degeneracy under the guise of free love. Gradual removal of religion resulted in gradual loss of morals. Hedonism is the new religion.
it got Holocausted
Communism and Russia won.
Liberal propaganda is now a global disease.
Half life.
Destroyed by feminism
No more bullying to set kids straight
They died of radiation poisoning.
It will come back. Kek wills it, the numbers say so.
Soviets promoted a nuclear family.
Consumerism won,
Improperly handled and got mutated from the radiation.
basically niggers happened
Fucking globalists.
Read this
>religion = morals
When will this meme end?
Greed. And people who thought they were ready to be in control of their own destiny.
I'm not even religious at all and I agree with religion = morals. Normies simply can't function any other way and the decay of society in the absence of religion has proven that.
It got nuked
>thought I was watching a redpilled af movie
>when he stumbles upon another naziboo caricature
What a let down
At least 50% correct
The "nuclear family" is a modern invention as bad as single motherhood. I've no idea how so-called "conservatives" were convinced to support such a destructive and immoral position.
The jews
>What happened to the nuclear family?
It got vaporized
nothing goys
Nuclear families are still around, but you have to be really alpha to start and maintain one.
Its not a meme its true. Without religion and a solid philosophical structure which can guide morality then society quickly becomes degenerate.
An atheist individual may act morally. An atheist society will not. Most normies and low class type of people have always been kept in check by "dont do x, y or z or you will be damned to hell" and it was good enough reasoning for people to pay attention.
Without religon or any sort of spirituality what is the point of morals? There is no point to any of it anymore.
Feminism has thought girls and women to view men as competitors instead of partners.
Nuclear families are boring don'tcha know?
All the cool kids are slutting it up and finding their real selves™
Soros happened. Pic straight from the BLM website.
They exist but mostly in churches
It doesn't equate directly to morals, but for the less intelligent majority population of people, it is a moral compass. When they lose that moral compass, they do simply whatever they wish, which, for less intelligent people, automatically means degeneracy.
Haha it's been fun watching the left crash and burn but seriously we can't let the Leftists get their hands on the nuclear family.
Jew happened
>Huge immigration
>Teaching homosexuality to children
USA more and more looks like an example of failed experiment, you need to get your shit together
wow they don't even hide it anymore
feminism happened
It's scary how open about their intentions they've become.
We should make production and economic/scientific progress the new god. Morality can be built around whether or not it makes tomorrow more advanced. Then you can have all the structure of society and nuclear family justified by the need for stable human beings advancing those goals. At least then we get slightly less superstition abd to go to space later. As it stands now humans have made themselves their god and we really aren't good shepherds of ourselves. With a morality built on something else that's immutable and inflexible to our individual desires, we can work as we did when the church had power with the added benefits of secular society
The CIA. Sounds conspiratorial doesn't it? The first notable proponent of feminism, the ideology with the biggest negative impact on motherhood and families, was Gloria Stienam in the sixties. There were rumors that she was working either with, or for the CIA, and eventually she admitted it and said she was proud of her work with the CIA. It's easier to control people with few ties, few loyalties you would fight and die for. Don't take my word for it, do your due diligence and decide for yourself.
Feminism and Jews
Soviets promoted it only for them. Their subversive allies did not promote it in the west.
>‘One way philosophers might think about solving the social justice problem would be by simply abolishing the family. If the family is this source of unfairness in society then it looks plausible to think that if we abolished the family there would be a more level playing field.’
>‘Nearly everyone who has thought about this would conclude that it is a really bad idea to be raised by state institutions, unless something has gone wrong,’
>‘What we realised we needed was a way of thinking about what it was we wanted to allow parents to do for their children, and what it was that we didn’t need to allow parents to do for their children, if allowing those activities would create unfairnesses for other people’s children’.
Im seeing a pattern
My heart just sunk
The Jews. That's what happened.
looky here, what an ugly sight... for an enemy of the white race.
Its a kick to the dick, isnt it? The depravity of their minds is truly shocking sometimes; even after all we've seen.
They got nuked. Along with every other traditional value that was great in the world.
Modern society is sick. Parenting skills are dead. Little kids are literally growing up monsters and turning into teens and young adults that are even worse.
Expect some "traditional values" group with nearly unlimited resources to come along and devise away to kill off 90% of the world's population and hit the reset button on society.
It's needed.
is this a secret message from Him?
>basically niggers happened
Wrong. It was feminism all along
Jews created feminism to destroy the only people, who have continuously prosecuted them for their crimes.
>What happened to the nuclear family?
Actually the nuclear family, although
still a better solution to today's situation,
was still another step closer to serfdom
as it promoted the extinction of the
large extended family. Large, extended families
that owned land were an extremely powerful weapon
against lords and local government in the mid
centuries ~15-1700's. We need to bring back
the large land owning families.
>that banner
holy shit hahaha
It's funny that 75% of black children are born out of wedlock and they wonder why they remain poor. The level of retardation is too high. I feel bad for black kids with single moms because their lives are fucked because. Mainstream black culture keeps black people poor and then pretends white people are oppressing them.
I second this, user. Only problem is, normies just won't go for it. I'm sure half of this board hates Ayn Rand, but this is exactly what she believed in-- progress and productivity replacing the superstition of religion. It's the whole ideal of the individual being powerful, but not everyone believes in it. It was a morally powerful dream, but one that failed.
thats the whitest looking black girl i have ever seen
welfare. (aka socialism)
this is the objective answer.
under rated
Mormons now own it.
Gender equality. Alias more corporate slaves for Mr Zuckerstein, tax enslavement, and shaming of family values.
On a larger, national, consensual scale it does, though.
Kek, stuff everyone else I want my children to be the best and I'll teach them everything I know to get ahead of everyone else, why should I care about someone elses children at a disadvantage? they're not my kids or genes
I have a KANGZ I'm actually friendly with and he has two "babymamas" but he actually does try to be in their lives, not just on his weekends, but to call his daughters. He says he doesn't want them being into white guys because of an absentee black father, like his fiance's daughters who ONLY date white guys. He talks about the irresponsibility black men show to their children, but that's one thing he doesnt blame on whitey because the only thing standing in the way of his involvement with his girls is one of his babymamas being a total cunt. He's half-beaner so I tell him his paternal instinct comes from his Mexican-half, but his black father and mexican mother are still together. We have the best racist arguments, mostly to freak out bystanders because we both think its fucking hilarious.
dismantled by LGBTBBQ+ garbage
Underrated post
And thank god for that. Who wants to clean a manchilds skid marks?
My brain is having problems processing that shit.
Fucking insanity.
It's the new normal. Goy
Every sickness in humanity right now is rooted n feminism.
the microprocessor
Jews and Women
falling down is such a strange movie. it shows that asian and hispanics are leeches yet it shows that we need to respect blacks and jews. Wonder what the director's politics was
Joel Schumacher(director) is a gay, for what it's worth.
They poision white societies.
>Degeneracy under the guise of free love. Gradual removal of religion resulted in gradual loss of morals. Hedonism is the new religion.
>Degeneracy under the guise of free love.
very well said, especially the first bit
He's right. All that God fearing shit for normies is true. My father grew up in a VERY large and traditional Catholic family. You never heard of a divorce, an abortion, a gay kid, it was all considered incredibly taboo and if it did happen the family was ashamed and kept it secret.
Today its
>marriages last for 2-3 years
>abortions are commonplace for sexfiending women
>gays and trannies running wild
>young adults don't even want to think about having kids
All of this shit went extra hard around mid 2000's when atheism was a huge meme and it was cool to hate on Conservative Biblethumpers, since then the internet has spread the degeneracy plague like a wildfire because traditional nuclear families don't exist anymore and retards are going to the internet for validation for their fetishes and degeneracy.
not women. you can't say that stability seeking results in instability. it's degenerate men who hop from one to the next that bring this about.